Emotional Intelligence Assignment: Role of Cultural Intelligence in Workplace
Task: Students are to create an infographic in this emotional intelligence assignment using, as a starting point, what the speaker had to say about emotional and cultural intelligence (EI/CI). This information is to be augmented by further research with the final infographic explicitly indicating what EI/CI strategies and approaches mean for the:
- Emotionally Intelligent Leaders
- Emotionally Intelligent Teams
- Speaker’s Examples of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
The report discussed the role, responsibilities and place of the emotional intelligent team in modern organisations. It also discussed emotional intelligent leaders’ role and placed in the modern organisation. Moreover, it discussed the enablers and blockers of the Emotional intelligent teams, Emotional intelligent leaders, and growth of emotional intelligent activities in the modern organisation and the appropriate example in the workplace. Emotional intelligence is the important ability of a person to use, understand, and manage their own emotions positively to retrieve the stress, empathise and effectively communicate with others, defuse conflicts and overcome the challenges in organisations.
Application of Ideas and Examples
Role and place of the emotional intelligent teams in the modern organisations
Emotional intelligent teams play an important role in the modern organisation. Main roles of the emotional intelligent teams are:
- Regulate emotions effectively during the pressure, conflict, stress, conflict and deadlines in the organisation.
- Facilitates smooth progress in the workplace and promotes the workplace's positive environment is the necessary role of the emotional intelligent teams.
- Maintaining positive and effective relationships with clients and other team members within the organisation.
Emotional intelligence is a combination of the ability of 1. self-regulation, 2. self-awareness, 3. empathy, 4. motivation, and 5. social skills. The place of emotional intelligence is always high in the modern organisation. It helps avoid mediocrity in the workplace relationships and develops a positive and effective interpersonal relationship between the team members to create a profound effect on the appropriate produced work. It brings overall success in the workplace (Mayer, Caruso & Salovey, 2016). The effective emotional intelligent teams have an ability to maintain a positive professional relationship and interpersonal relationship with higher authorities and other team members to achieve the business goal more effectively (Kaufmann & Wagner, 2017). The emotional intelligent teams have the ability to control the emotions and understand the impact of the particular emotions on the team that helps them to promote self-confidence, and self-esteem level within the team members.
Role and place of the emotional intelligent leaders in the modern organisations
Emotional intelligent leaders also play an important role in modern organisations to embrace the nuances of team members' emotion in the workplace. Main roles of the emotional intelligent leaders are:
- Maintaining better collaboration among the team members and facilitate a happier environment in the workplace.
- Maintain more connection and motivation among the team members.
- Inspire other team members, strengthen the relations within team members, maintain personal integrity, increase productivity, morale, and responsibility among team members to prevent employee turnover.
The emotional intelligent leaders also take a high place in the modern organisation because the emotional intelligent leaders have the capability to create a supportive, comfortable, informal and non-judgemental team culture within the workplace. They have the ability to develop an effective and positive relationship with their colleagues by fostering the commitment, trust and confidence. They have the capability to maintain effective social skills to find common ground for developing an effective network and rapport with clients and other colleagues (Maamari & Majdalani, 2017). EI leaders focus on maintaining the team's openness and flexibility and motivating their colleagues and team members to enhance the innovation, creativity, and collaboration among the team members while problem-solving. They inspire their team members to be self-aware of their own emotion to enable the self-regulation that helps them to handle their own emotion and use the emotion for facilitating the progress of the project.
Enablers or blockers of the emotional intelligence
According to Goleman’s Emotional intelligence theory, Emotional intelligence is the cluster of competencies and skills. The main enablers of the Emotional intelligence are
- self-awareness,
- self-management,
- social awareness and
- Relationship management.
These four enablers of EI are also the combination of 12 subscales of EI (Livesey, 2017). These are
- adaptability,
- emotional self-awareness,
- achievement orientation,
- emotional self-control,
- positive outlook,
- coaching and mentoring,
- influence,
- conflict management,
- empathy,
- teamwork,
- inspirational leadership
- Organisational awareness etc (Petrides et al., 2016).
According to the competency model of the Bar-on’s emotional intelligence, the main enablers of the EI are self-expression, self-perception, decision-making, interpersonal and stress management. Other sub-scales of EI are as follows
- self-regard,
- assertiveness,
- self-actualisation,
- emotional expression,
- emotional self-awareness,
- independence,
- interpersonal relationships,
- reality testing,
- problem-solving,
- empathy,
- social responsibility,
- flexibility,
- impulse control,
- optimism,
- Stress tolerance, etc.
On the other hand, the emotional intelligence works as a blocker for handling the job-related stress, job pressures etc (Razzaq, Zadeh, & Aftab, 2016). It plays as a blocker to cope up with the job-related stress, job pressure, stress due to deadline etc.
As a conclusive statement, it defines that emotional intelligence plays a significant role in bringing success in life. Emotional intelligence plays an important role in handling their own feelings and understanding other team members' feelings. It helps assess the accurate strengths and weaknesses of other team members and its effect on the workplace. In the modern organisation, it plays an important role in enhancing the innovativeness, creativity, and collaborative working activity for business growth and effectively achieving the business goals and objectives. It is important for maintaining the mental well-being of employees in the modern organisation that helps employees to manage their negative emotions.
Kaufmann, L., & Wagner, C. M. (2017). Affective diversity and emotional intelligence in cross-functional sourcing teams. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 23(1), 5-16. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1478409216300358
Livesey, P. V. (2017). Goleman-Boyatzis model of emotional intelligence for dealing with problems in project management. Construction Economics and Building, 17(1), 20. https://search.informit.com.au/documentSummary;dn=763689403748521;res=IELBUS
Maamari, B. E., & Majdalani, J. F. (2017). Emotional intelligence, leadership style and organizational climate. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJOA-04-2016-1010/full/html
Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R., & Salovey, P. (2016). The ability model of emotional intelligence: Principles and updates. Emotion review, 8(4), 290-300. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1754073916639667
Petrides, K. V., Mikolajczak, M., Mavroveli, S., Sanchez-Ruiz, M. J., Furnham, A., & Pérez-González, J. C. (2016). Developments in trait emotional intelligence research. Emotion Review, 8(4), 335-341. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1754073916650493