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Management Assignment: Essays on Human Relations Management & Sexism at Workplace


Task: Students need to answer two of the three questions through this management assignment. Each mini-essay should be 1,000 words long and students should write a total of 2,000 words.
1. Discuss the impact of human relations management and scientific management on employees. Your answer needs to reference labour process theory.
2. Discuss mechanisms trade unions use to challenge management practice. Evaluate whether trade unions are successful in improving the welfare of employees.
3. Describe ways in which women encounter sexism in the workplace. Critically discuss how to overcome such inequality.


1. Discuss the impact of human relations management and scientific management on employees within this management assignment. Your answer needs to reference labour process theory.

Human relations management tends to downplay an effect of pursuing the human interaction. The effective measures implicated in the development are effective in building scientific management as it is acknowledging the attitude of the people, their perception, as well as the desire to play an effective role in the workplace performance. The implication of effective and scientific human resource management ishelpful in developing the best combination and thus ensures that positive outcomes are gained within the work environment. As the competition is rising, the business is tending to put more emphasison their human resourcesand therefore utilizing the methods of scientific management in ensuring stability in the working environment. The essay argues the labour process theory fetching light on the utility of effective human resource management and scientific management on the employees in a well-organized manner.

Ozkeser (2019) was of the opinion that human resources are the asset that a company inherits. The implication of effective management in a systemic way is needed so that the company can use their employees as their resource and ensure that they have the ability to develop their capabilities. Gallo et al. (2019) mentioned that the strategic approaches of human resources management are effective in gaining the competitive advantages of the business with the measures in developing maximization of the skills of the employees. Lima and Galleli (2021) argued that the scientific management of the employees seeks to identify the actual needs of the staff and thus provide them with the guidance’s that has the ability to enhance their service efficiency.

As per the views of Gandini (2019), the labour process theory proposed by Marx emphasis that the organization that work under capitalism, it is effective in outlying the fact that the raw material is defined as the object of the labour that they need to alter in order to derive profit. The theory is effective in stating that the economic value is created by labour. Garegnani (2018) critically presented the fact that Marx distinguished between the work of the labour and the capacity of executing the work. In the setting of capitalism, the measures are taken to convert the labour’s power in the labour performance in the process of maximizing the surpluses value. Boyer (2018) was in the view that the skills of the employers are defined as the power of the employers. On the other hand, the services executed by the employers are considered to be the performance of the staff, which is effective in reducing the conflicts and enhancing the review generation. Budd and Bhave (2019) were in the opinion that the implication of scientific employees management are working as the key to developing a coherent environment that allows the employees to effectively utilize their skills so that the enhancing in the employer'sperformance is gained. The HRM plays a vital hold in boosting the skills of the employees and therefore ensuring that the company is able to motivate their staff in an effective way and thus they are able to contribute their best in the development of their ability to handle the working process and therefore ensuring positive revenue isgenerated. Donnelly and Johns (2021) viewed that strategies like employee training are helpful in enhancingthe working ability of the employees, and they are able to ensure that the customer’s satisfaction is gained by the businesses. As emphasized in the labour process theory, the use of strategic management allows the employees to get proper guidance on how to effectively utilizetheir power and develop their skills in the case of creating workplaces emphasis.

Fahim (2018) was of the opinion that strategic HRM, include the reward strategy, is determined to be productive in concerting the proper of the employer's ineffective performances. It has been thus evident that the strategies are must to develop human resources emphasis under the capitalistic business environment. It has been evident that the workplace with employees with skills is acting as the competitive advantage of the business. The question services are acting infavour of the business, and thus they are able to derive the sales maximization.Hosain (2019) was of the opinion that the HRM and their systemic management are having a positive impact on the employer’sperformances. The effective monitoring of the methods used and the implication of the strategies like regular feedback is helpful for the employees. It allows the staff to have a vivid idea about the correct method of executing the services in the process of enhancingtheir performances. It has been, therefore, evident that the employers under the management of expert HRM are able to develop their experience and thus act as the important asset to the business that tends to increase the market position of the business in a coherent manner.

In the current work scenario, the Marx view of the labourprocess theory is effecting in executingthe importance of HRM and strategic management in the context of building workplace efficiency. The measures are adopted in such a manner that the employees are able to know their areas of strength and weakness and thus take up action under strategic HRM to achieve efficiency. As the labour process theory evident that the strategies to convert power to performance are needed, the impact of the HRM is contributing its best to develop positive results. The argument has been productive in developing the fact that the role of HRM is in developing employees skills. Themeasures like proper training as well as rewards measures are strategiesadopted by HRM to ensure that the ability to serve the business increases, and therefore, measures are adopted in fetching provided results validating the labour process theory.

2. Describe ways in which women encounter sexism in the workplace. Critically discuss how to overcome such inequality.

Gender stereotypes are linked to the value of the work that is partly to blame with the salaries in a profession going down when the women enter and the rising with the entry of the men. The workplace issues such as mental harassment, sexual harassment, decimation at the workplace and many more are determined to be barriers to the worm staff to develop their position in the working environment. The female staffsarefacing issues of job security and the existing pay gap in their workplaces. The situation gets worse when the employers deselect an employer over a female as they are not flexible for the job profiles. In this essay, a coherent argument is done on the basis of the sexism that female has to encounter in their work, focusing on the measures which can overcome such inequality.

The work environment is biased when it comes to giving the same values and respect to the male and the female employees. Females have to face sexism in their work places, which is increasing their level of their struggle. Ellemers (2018) was in the view that females have a huge family responsibility; this is making them less flexible at work. The females who are married and have the responsibility of the children seem to be less flexible to their work and thus are not the first propriety for the employers. It is believed that the availability of the female staff is less than that of the male, and thus, the biased behaviour is evident while selecting the employee. It is the belief that the contribution of the male employees is more than that of the female employees as the male employees are even willing to work at odd hours. Bennedsen et al. (2019) were in the opinion that the gender pay gap is also an outcome of the sexism that females have to encounter at their workplace. It has been evident that the biased payment is affecting the morale of the staff. The females are paid less despite the same amount of work and being in the same position. It is evident that the women are less likely to practice labour-based works and the position that they are holding are informal. This is developing the measures of reducing the gap in the pay scale. However, such an unequal working environment for female staff is reducing theirmotivation to execute their effectiveskills for the betterment of the businesses. Pacilli et al. (2019) argued that the benefits like increment and promotions are biased in the case of females. Females are not promoted to a higher position as men do not like to be controlled by females. At the same time, the women are always categorized under certainpositions like receptionist and secretary.Sühr et al. (2021) critically mentioned that those female employees are more likely recruited to add beauty to the workplaces and are not appointed for theresponsible position to make the essential decision.

Triana et al. (2019) were in the opinion that removing the existing sexism from the workplace is not an easy task. It is argued that employers need to support the female staff and appreciate their talent as the women's are very sensible in nature, so the decision made by them can be effective in developing the working efficacy. Mosier (2019) was in the views that the development of transparency and building of clear policy on curriculum is must do that the female staffs are getting proper wormingenvironment without any sexism. The approaches like offering equal pay to the employers irrespective of their gender are helpful in creating encouragement among the females, strict action toward the companypractisingsexism is the workplaces need to adopt. It is thus effective that in the processof providing a prestigious position to females, the emphasis needs to be developed. Bennedsen et al. (2019) mentioned that the talent of the female staff needs to be identified by the seamlessemployment, andthey needs to encourageandmotivate the female staff to excel in the working domain and thus fetch positive results outcomes. The work culture plays a vital role in encouragingethical work practices. It is thus essential for the management to maintain a working environment that values all its employers irrespective of their sex.Grosz and Conde-Cespedes (2020) were in the view that the corporative work environment that is appraising the hard work of the employers are contributing towards curving the evil practices of sexism. The reduction in the measures of sexism in the workplaces would act as a positive approachtowards providing a better working opportunity for female employees. The business environment the supports equality is enabling female employees to develop their skills and thus ensure that positive outcomes are fetches. Krishna et al. (2021) it is essential for the business to monitor the activities within the business so that the female employees are able to get a secure work environment where their abilities are not degraded, and they can serve the business with the best capabilities.

The arguments have been effective in reflecting the fact that the practices of sexism are very common in workplaces. The biased behaviours in recruiting and rewarding the staff are hampering the self-esteem and dignity of the female staff. They are considered inferior to handling the complex posting and those decisions. The poor working environment is not allowing females to active the positions that they are capable of. It has been at the same time argued that effective measures need to be taken so that the practice of sexism is reduced in the workplaces and the females get equal opportunities to show their talents. The biased behaviourtowardsphysicallyweaker sections is acting as a constraint to develop a coherent working environment. It is restricting the business from providing equal opportunities to its staff leading to an unethical working space. Thus, in the process of maintaining employment equality, it is must to remove the unethical practices of sexism. The role of the effective polices and the value of the work place plays a vital role in reduce the acts of sexism within the work place.

Reference List
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