Getting part time jobs near Torrens University especially for the students studying in Torrens University has become a must nowadays. As tons of education loans and other responsibilities are thwarted on the shoulder of most of the students, part time jobs become a form of monetary relief for many. This article will be aimed at discussing the top 10 part time jobs students can aim for and will also discuss the various nuances associated with each of these types of jobs. This will help students to get an overall picture to help them which is a better fit for their situation.
Starting as a car washer does not require much skill and can be done by anyone. Car wash part time jobs are quite easy to find and most cities around Australia have major transportation operators and car wash outlets. Look on the internet or visit in person to apply for a vacancy.
The compensation for a part-time car wash worker in the Australia generally varies between 20AUD to 35AUD per hour. Most of the prominent employers also offer additional benefits like insurance, conveyance charges etc.
To get a job as a part time car wash worker, students will need to have a valid licence with a clean background report. It should also be noted, this type of job requires physical activities for extended periods.
If you are working on part-time shifts, the work hours can be flexible. Students can opt for anywhere between 3 to 5 hour shifts. You might also need to work on weekends if required. Shifts can start in the afternoon, evenings or even in the morning in some cases.
There are plenty of malls and shopping complexes across Australia where you can get a job as a security guard. Though this requires some form of training, most employers would be willing to train workers for such part time jobs near Torrens University.
Plenty of establishments require cleaning and housekeeping services in Australia. Cleaning jobs does not require many skills and can offer you flexible earning options. Students with no prior job experience can also apply for a cleaner job.
The average hourly wage of a part time cleaner can range from anywhere between 25AUD to 30AUD. Overtime and weekend compensations are also provided in case you need to work extra.
To start as a cleaner, you do not need any specific degree or experience to apply. Though having a high school degree is preferred by most employers. You will also need to have reliable transportation to help you to commute to and from the job. Some positions might also require you to have a valid driver’s licence.
Work shifts can range from 3 to 5 hours. Shifts generally begin before or after general work hours, so make sure you keep that in mind when applying as it might require you to work during odd hours.
Front office part time jobs near Torrens University in restaurants can include receptionists, front desk agents, attendants etc. Carefully inspect the position before applying.
With plenty of restaurants and fast food chains in major Australian cities, you can also apply as a kitchen hand. If you love to cook and want to continue working as a chef, this becomes a valuable experience for you as well.
Expect to earn around 25AUD to 40AUD per hour while working as a restaurant kitchen hand. Fast food chains like McDonald’s offer tuition fees compensations, free meals, paid leaves etc as well to the employees.
Students will need to work in hot kitchen environments and will also need a high school diploma to apply for a position. Students should possess the basic knowledge of health, sanitation, and safety regulations as well. Also the candidate must have working rights in Australia.
Work shifts can be chosen between 3 to 5 hour slots during the operating hours of the establishment. For fast-food outlets operating 24 hours, you can expect to work in rotational shifts as well.
Joining a retail store as a customer service executive is a great option for many students. If you are a people person and love to help others, this is a great option for you.
With online shopping gaining massive popularity, there is a massive need for courier delivery jobs across Australia. There are many part time opportunities with big brands like Amazon, UPS etc that you can choose from that offer lucrative compensations.
Expect to earn anywhere from around 20AUD to 30AUD per hour. Some organisations offer attendance bonuses as well.
Candidates will need to have a valid driving licence before applying for the position. Though a high school diploma is preferred, it is not mandatory in most cases.
You can choose flexible shifts while working as a courier delivery person. Although, you might be needed to work during odd hours as well.
Uber Eats has become a standard for food delivery across Australia. With fast and efficient food deliveries, the platform has become quite popular with customers. Also, with flexible work hours and attractive payments, many students consider starting as an Uber Eats delivery executive.
You can apply to work in several warehouses spread across Australia. Many big organisations like Amazon, Walmartetc have warehouses that require a constant workforce to operate. Search the web if you are looking for such part time jobs near Torrens University.
Students can expect to earn around 20AUD to 40 AUD per hour working at a warehouse. Other bonuses can also be earned.
Candidates will need a proper work permit to apply for the position. Prior work experience is also preferred by many employers. Students will need to keep in mind that they will need to perform physical activities while on the job as well.
Shift hours vary from between 3 to5 hours. Shifts either start from the early morning or the afternoon hours.
Working as a packaging associate is one of the best part time jobs near Torrens University which can be considered as a great way of making some extra cash on the side. From good payments to flexible shifts, this becomes a great choice for students in universities or colleges.
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