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Assessing and Analyzing Your Personality with the Indigo/Trimatrix DNA DISC style Assessment


Task: How can the DISC style Indigo/Trimatrix DNA Assessment help in understanding and improving one's personality traits, skills, and career performance?



This in-depth information examines the person's DISC personality style, top abilities, motivators, and guiding principles. The study reveals their strengths, suitable career trajectories, and opportunities for development by illuminating how these factors affect their career and job success. The action plan is customised for their position as a mechanical engineer and places a strong emphasis on flexibility, assertiveness, networking, and ongoing education. This strategy links their natural abilities to success and professional progress by highlighting the value of embracing change, effective communication, growing their network, and ongoing learning.

Part One: DISC Style and Top Skills, Driving Forces, and Motivators:

My personality test findings provide insightful information about my DISC style, best abilities, and main motivators (Öztemel & Akyol, 2021). My awareness of my strengths and places for improvement has increased as a result of my increased understanding of these factors.

DISC Style:

Steadiness (S) on the DISC is my dominant style. This mannerism is distinguished by being steady, patient, and dependable. High Steadiness people often have a reliable and consistent attitude to their job and relationships. We favour a steady, peaceful environment and are frequently seen as kind and patient people. We take on the character of trustworthy team members who act as a soothing force in a group setting.

Top Skills:

The evaluation has shown the following important abilities I possess:

Planning and Organizing:

This ability is essential for organising activities and projects effectively. Strong planners and organisers can simplify complicated tasks into simple parts and design efficient execution schedules.


I have the capacity to successfully lead and assist others. I can help coworkers or subordinates develop and enhance their talents thanks to my coaching abilities.

Time and Priority Management:

In today's hectic environment, the ability to manage your time effectively is crucial. I can efficiently use my time and resources by concentrating on what really important thanks to my skill in time and priority management.

These abilities show that I can succeed in positions that call for organised planning, strong leadership, and efficient time management. These abilities are enhanced by the steadiness and patience that my Steadiness (S) style brings to these tasks.

Primary Driving Characteristics:

The reasons that guide my behaviour and decisions are reflected in my driving characteristics:


My motivation comes from getting tangible results, and I work to get the most out of my time, skill, energy, and resources. This trait says that I am determined to achieve measurable results and that I approach problem-solving and decision-making creatively.


I don't just want to be helpful or supportive; there is a reason why I want to help people. This intentionality shows that my aid is goal-oriented, and I could give priority to helping others when doing so would help me accomplish my goals.


I am motivated by the objectivity and functionality of my surroundings, which demonstrates a penchant for logical and effective procedures. This trait emphasises the value of a peaceful and steady workplace, which fits with my Steadiness (S) approach.


Opportunities to study, get information, and uncover the truth are what motivate me. This demonstrates my curiosity and passion in lifelong learning and development.

Overall, these motivating factors paint a picture of myself as a very efficient and goal-oriented person. In making decisions, I place a high importance on objectivity and pragmatic outcomes. I'm also eager to provide a hand if doing so helps further a certain cause. My intellectual drive demonstrates my propensity for information acquisition.

I may utilise this knowledge about my DISC type, abilities, and motivators in the context of the assignment's requirements to pinpoint my areas for professional and personal growth as well as to create an action plan for progress (Goldsby, Goldsby, Neck, Neck, & Mathews, 2021). While focusing on areas that may need growth or adaptation, it is crucial for me to match my job choices with my natural preferences.

Part Two: Impact on Career and Work Performance:

My key driving factors and my personality traits, especially my Steadiness (S) in the DISC style, have a big influence on my job and work success. Knowing these consequences enables me to make wise professional decisions and adjust to diverse employment situations (Niati, Siregar, & Prayoga, The effect of training on work performance and career development: the role of motivation as intervening variable, 2021).

Strengths in a Work Environment:

I have a number of advantages thanks to my steadiness (S) and drive traits that advance my career:

Consistency and Reliability:

I am a trustworthy team member who is respected for my dependability and consistency. My coworkers and managers can count on me to complete tasks on time and with a commitment to excellence.

Emotional Stability:

My ability to convey information objectively is a plus, especially in positions involving data analysis or in circumstances where objectivity is essential. This trait helps people make educated, logical judgements.

Patience and Empathy:

I am a great fit for positions requiring customer service or teamwork because of my patience and understanding. I am able to maintain composure under pressure and provide others with sympathy and support.

Mentoring and Coaching:

My experience in coaching and mentoring might be useful in leadership positions. I can mentor and coach team members so they may realise their full potential.

Ideal Career Paths:

Numerous employment possibilities fit my personality well given my abilities and traits:

Project Management:

I'm a great candidate for project management positions because of my capacity for organisation, planning, and consistency. I can make sure that tasks are completed effectively and on schedule.

Data Analysis and Research:

I'm a good fit for research and data analysis tasks since I have a talent for objectively presenting facts. I can do effectively in settings where analysing data and producing organised reports are necessary.

Customer Service:

I am an excellent candidate for customer service professions due to my patience and sensitivity. I am able to respond professionally and sympathetically to consumer questions and concerns.

Mentoring and Training:

In positions requiring training and development, I can make effective use of my mentoring and coaching abilities. I can support people as they develop inside the company and pick up new abilities.

Challenges and Areas for Improvement:

Despite the fact that I have a lot going for me, some aspects of my personality might be problematic. I must be conscious of these potential opportunities for development:


My capacity to swiftly adjust to situations that change quickly might be hampered by my steadiness (S). I might need to intentionally focus on accepting change and being adaptable in challenging work circumstances.


On occasion, I can hesitate to voice my ideas or make hasty judgements due to my patience and methodical approach. To be successful in circumstances that call for a more forceful attitude, I might need to improve assertiveness abilities.

Action Plan:

I can take the following steps to overcome these obstacles and improve my career and job performance:

Adaptability Training:

Participate in experiences or training that exposes me to situations that are dynamic and changing. I could feel more at ease with flexibility as a result of this.

Communication and Assertiveness Workshops:

Take part in coaching or courses to improve your assertiveness and communication skills. It's important for me to have the ability to voice my ideas while retaining my composure.

I am a tremendous asset in professions that call for consistency, tolerance, and efficiency because to my Steadiness (S) personality and driving traits. I may succeed in a variety of professional disciplines while maintaining my core competencies by matching my job choices with my natural tendencies and focusing on areas that require improvement (Ramos-Villagrasa, Barrada, Fernández-del-Río, & Koopmans, 2019).

Part Three: Written Action Plan:

I've created a unique action plan based on my personality attributes and areas for improvement in order to maximise my career and job success as a Mechanical Engineer. Here is a thorough plan of action:

1. Embrace Change:

Exposure to Diversity:

I'll look for tasks or situations that force me beyond of my comfort zone. My ability to adapt and be open to change will increase as a result of exposure to various situations and difficulties within the Mechanical Engineering profession (Savickas, 2020).

Incremental Challenges:

Both at work and in my personal life, I'll expose myself to small obstacles over time. I can increase my confidence in my ability to adjust to various situations by taking on little changes and learning from each encounter.

Mindfulness Practice:

I'll practise mindfulness to become more conscious of my aversion to change. The first step in overcoming this resistance is to recognise and acknowledge it.

2. Assertiveness Training:

Communication Workshops:

I'll take part in Mechanical Engineering training sessions or workshops on assertiveness and communication. I'll learn in these classes how to boldly express my thoughts while keeping a level head.

Role-Playing Exercises:

I'll put assertive communication into practise by acting out scenarios with a mentor, friend, or coworker. This practical technique can improve my capacity to communicate effectively in a variety of contexts.

Feedback and Self-Reflection:

I'll be able to gauge my assertiveness development by asking for comments from reliable sources. In order to pinpoint my areas for improvement and make sure that my communication style matches my Steadiness (S) personality, self-reflection is crucial (Agbakwuru & Stella, 2012).

3. Networking:

Identify Shared Values:

I'll create a network of professionals within the Mechanical Engineering sector who have similar beliefs and interests to mine. I'll find experts that share the values and beliefs that are most important to me by identifying them.

Attend Industry Events:

To broaden my professional network, I'll go to conferences, seminars, and events linked to the sector. Meeting people from various backgrounds who may be able to give fresh ideas and prospective job prospects might happen at these gatherings.

Online Networking:

I'll connect with experts in my sector online using tools like LinkedIn and take part in pertinent conversations. I'll be able to remain current on industry developments and make connections with possible partners or mentors thanks to this.

4. Continuous Learning:

Set Learning Goals:

I will choose a few areas for career and personal growth that fit with my academic interests. My journey towards lifelong learning will be guided by setting specific learning objectives, such as mastering new skills or expanding on information already held.

Online Courses and Workshops:

I'll sign up for online courses, seminars, or certification programmes that are relevant to my hobbies and job aspirations. These programmes allow me to pursue lifelong learning with flexibility and convenience.

Join Professional Associations:

I intend to join organisations or professional associations in my industry. These organisations frequently offer access to materials, publications, and networking opportunities that promote continual learning and development (Römgens, Scoupe, & Beausaert, 2020).

My action plan is focused on maintaining my innate qualities while committing to both my Mechanical Engineering career and personal growth (Niati, Siregar, & Prayoga, The effect of training on work performance and career development: the role of motivation as intervening variable, 2021). I want to create a career that capitalises on my skills and tackles my areas for development by actively accepting change, developing my assertiveness, growing my network of like-minded individuals, and committing to continual learning. This action plan is intended to support my success in a variety of positions while preserving the essence of my steady and dependable nature.


This investigation of the person's DISC personality, abilities, and motivators offers insightful information for both personal and professional development. They may make wise professional decisions and create a customised action plan by identifying their strengths and potential improvement areas. To succeed as a Mechanical Engineer and maintain their stable and reliable character, one must embrace change, improve assertiveness, create a strong network, and commit to lifelong learning. They are better equipped to negotiate a variety of work contexts and realise their professional goals thanks to this strategy.


Agbakwuru, C., & Stella, U. (2012). Effect of assertiveness training on resilience among early-adolescents. European Scientific Journal, 8(10), 69-84 retrieved from

Goldsby, M., Goldsby, E., Neck, C., Neck, C., & Mathews, R. (2021). Self-leadership: A four decade review of the literature and trainings. Administrative sciences, 11(1), 25 retrieved from

Niati, D., Siregar, Z., & Prayoga, Y. (2021). The effect of training on work performance and career development: the role of motivation as intervening variable. Budapest International Research and Critics Institute (BIRCI-Journal): Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 2385-2393 retrieved from _The_Role_of_Motivation_as_Intervening_Variable/links/6099a568299bf1ad8d908ce1/The-Effect.

Öztemel, K., & Akyol, E. (2021). From adaptive readiness to adaptation results: Implementation of Student Career Construction Inventory and testing the career construction model of adaptation. Journal of Career Assessment, 29(1), 54-75 retrieved from

Ramos-Villagrasa, P., Barrada, J., Fernández-del-Río, E., & Koopmans, L. (2019). Assessing job performance using brief self-report scales: The case of the individual work performance questionnaire. Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 35(3), 195-205 retrieved from

Römgens, I., Scoupe, R., & Beausaert, S. (2020). Unraveling the concept of employability, bringing together research on employability in higher education and the workplace. Studies in Higher Education, 45(12), 2588-2603 retrieved from

Savickas, M. (2020). Career construction theory and counseling model. Career development and counseling: Putting theory and research to work, 3, 165-200 viewed at


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