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Climate Change Assignment On Global Warming In Gurgaon


Your task is to write a report on climate change assignment that examines the ways in which climate change is predicted to impact upon your home city. What you consider to be your home city should be the one closest to your heart – it is not necessary to be where you were born or have lived the longest. The basic changes that you must cover are changes in precipitation, sea level, humidity, wind and temperature. Your report must cover social impacts, and you have to integrate regional considerations including water supplies, food supplies and refugee movements. You should include the readily apparent adaptations or actions briefly that are taken likely to mitigate the impacts– but this is not the primary focus of the task. Climate change projections are typically discussed against a series of different reference years (e.g. 2030, 2050, 2100) because some regions will experience different impacts at different times (rather than just increasing severity of each) – so make sure your report considers this variability over at least two of the projected times. If your home city has already developed a climate change risk assessment or adaptation plan, your report should find a different angle to consider the issue from. It is not acceptable to take a single report as your only reference source. If you feel the amount of work already completed for your chosen city leaves you no room for originality, then you may wish to choose a different city that you’re familiar with. Your report should total 1500 words +\? 10% (excluding bibliography), but keep in mind the effectiveness of images, diagrams, and maps in communicating complex information. It must be succinctly written, i.e. it must communicate a large amount of information using the limited number of words you’re permitted. You MUST include at least 15 REFERENCES (RECENT) in the assignment with properly cited in the text. You must follow Harvard style format in text citations and bibliography


In this climate change assignment, I will evaluate the impact of climatic change that is caused by global warming in my city, Gurgaon. The influence of climatic change over the year 2030 to 2050 on the precipitation, temperature, humidity, sea level, and wind will also be mentioned in the report. How all these factors will deteriorate human beings, water, and food supply will be examined. The effect on the refugee system will also be the focus of the report. Moreover, the methods that will mitigate the impact of climatic change and how those measures will contribute to the betterment of the environment will be discussed too.

Impact of climate change in my city
In my city, Gurgaon, it is being evaluated by scientists that how precipitation will react in warm weather is based upon some fundamental biological phenomena. In the coming year 2030, heat will cause more precipitation and surface humidity, which may worsen the intensity and frequency of the drought (Kay et al., 2021). Gurgaon's total yearly rainfall averages have remained constant over the last few decades, but the frequency of precipitation has intensified as severe weather events have become more widespread and common. In comparison to the past's coherent, evenly spaced seasonal rains, the city now experiences more episodes of exceptionally heavy rainfall. Consequently, the sea level is going to rise and these powerful storms endanger Gurgaon's crop production development and the wellbeing of millions of farmers who depend on a predictable rainfall season. Intervals of drought are also intermixed with flooding. By the year 2050, there will be an increase in annual temperature, a reduction in daily heat waves, and also a significant rise in humidity (Corwin, 2021). Higher precipitation, including heavy rains, is expected to arrive in the form of a shorter windy season but more days of intense storm events, each with increasing quantities of rain, resulting in major flooding. Drizzle rainfall, which rejuvenates plant growth, is expected to decline. There will be a rise in temperature during summer and increasing vapor emissions from power generation and other factors may reduce rainfall, resulting in drought areas with more smog from the burning of drier biomass and will adversely impact the agricultural growth of Gurgaon (de Lima et al., 2021). The increase in humidity and temperature will worsen the air pollution and water pollution, which will negatively impact the health of human beings, wildlife, and plants of the city. Studies have also shown that, due to climate change, there will be a considerable effect on the renewable source of energy that is wind. The frequency of wind will decrease as there will be a rise in the temperature of the city.

Social impact and regional impact because of climatic change
Gurgaon is amongst the most affected cities in India because of climate change. The agricultural sector and water management in the city will become one of the most important ways that climate change will affect people's lives. Due to the massive urbanization and transportation systems, the environmental situation is worsening (Islam & Kieu, 2021). The impact of climate change on people's quality of life and well-being in Gurgaon is often neglected, further eroding the region's human resource base. Heat strokes are becoming more prevalent in parts of the city as summer temperatures reach 50 degrees Celsius. As it has been predicted that by the year 2030, due to heavy rainfall, the chances of flood occurrence are increasing in the city, which will ultimately destroy the agricultural sector of the city. Hence, it will negatively impact the food supply of the city because the yielding of crops will be difficult (Puharinen, 2021). Also, the farmer’s only source of income will be affected too. The rise in the temperature of the city will increase the heatwave of the city and so the chances of drought will increase too. This will result in the deteriorating of the water supply of the city, the water life of Gurgaon will get negatively impacted and the water pollution will cause a threat to human life. People around the city will hardly get drinking water since there will be a reduction in the amount of freshwater. People will tend to seek refuge in other cities of the country which will ultimately burden the economy of other cities because of the rise in population and the Gurgaon city will lack the means to support the quality of human life (Mach & Kraan, 2021). All of these impacts will cause an imbalance in nature which will further degrade the global warming condition of the city by the year 2050.

Ways to mitigate climatic changes impact
Climate change is one of the most difficult problems in the world today. It has several dimensions – technology, economics, culture, politics, and professional and political issues – and is a worldwide issue that will be felt on a regional scale for hundreds and thousands of years. Carbon dioxide, the high-temperature pollutant that has driven recent global climate change, will stay in the atmosphere for a long time, and the earth, particularly the bodies of water, will take a long time to adjust to warming (Ljungqvist, Seim & Huhtamaa, 2021). There are several methods for mitigating the effects of climate change. By limiting sources of harmful greenhouse gases, such as the combustion of fossil fuels for energy, heat, or transportation, or improving drains that gather and preserve these gases, such as the sea, plantations, and vegetation. This mitigation aims to minimize the impact of human deeds and interference with the worsening climatic changes. The goal of mitigation is to avoid significant human interference with the climate system and to stabilize carbon emissions concentrations in a manner that will be sufficient to allow the environment to adapt naturally to rising temperatures, make sure that agricultural production is not jeopardized, and allow economic growth to proceed in a humane approach (Creutzig et al., 2021).

Adjusting to the changing climate conditions and adapting to them to maintain sustainability is another way to minimize the impact of global warming. People should start using eco-friendly products in daily life to avoid the increase in harmful pollutants. The usage of plastic should be completely banned as it cannot be biodegradable and affects water life. People should use the three R’s approach that is reduce, reuse and recycle both in their personal life as well as in the workplace (Zandersen et al., 2021). Also, there can be an installation of a recycle bin which will promote waste management. Industries should use environmentally friendly methods for their production and spread awareness regarding pollution and increasing global warming among their workforce. People should identify ways to conserve water and electricity in their daily life. Also, they can avoid using their vehicle to travel as it will contribute more to air pollution. Instead, they can choose public transport or, if they are not traveling far, they can use a bicycle (Corwin, 2021). Both the public and the government should try to implement more trees and urban green places which will allow the temperature to cool down and there will be more fresh air that will promote a healthy lifestyle.

Climate change has made Gurgaon one of India's most vulnerable cities. One of the most significant ways that climate change will affect people's lives will be in the agriculture sector and city water management. The environmental situation is deteriorating as a result of widespread urbanization and transportation systems. As the city's temperature rises, the city's heatwaves can become more intense, increasing the likelihood of drought. This would result in the city's water supply deteriorating, Gurgaon's water life being adversely affected, and water pollution posing a danger to human life. The way to reduce the effect of global warming is to adjust to changing climate conditions and adapt to them to ensure sustainability. To prevent an increase in harmful contaminants, people should begin using eco-friendly goods in their daily lives.

Corwin, D. L. (2021). Climate change impacts on soil salinity in agricultural areas. European Journal of Soil Science, 72(2), 842-862.

Creutzig, F., Niamir, L., Bai, X., Cullen, J., Díaz-José, J., Figueroa, M., ... & Ürge-Vorsatz, D. (2021). Demand-side solutions to climate change mitigation consistent with high levels of wellbeing.

de Lima, C. Z., Buzan, J. R., Moore, F. C., Baldos, U. L. C., Huber, M., & Hertel, T. W. (2021). Heat stress on agricultural workers exacerbates crop impacts of climate change. Environmental Research Letters.

Islam, M. S., & Kieu, E. (2021). Sociological Perspectives on Climate Change and Society: A Review. Climate, 9(1), 7.

Kay, A. L., Rudd, A. C., Fry, M., Nash, G., & Allen, S. (2021). Climate change impacts on peak river flows: combining national-scale hydrological modelling and probabilistic projections. Climate Risk Management, 31, 100263.

Ljungqvist, F. C., Seim, A., & Huhtamaa, H. (2021). Climate and society in European history. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, 12(2), e691.

Mach, K. J., & Kraan, C. M. (2021). Science–policy dimensions of research on climate change and conflict. Journal of Peace Research, 0022343320966774.

Puharinen, S. T. (2021). Good Status in the Changing Climate?—Climate Proofing Law on Water Management in the EU. Sustainability, 13(2), 517.

Zandersen, M., Oddershede, J. S., Pedersen, A. B., Nielsen, H. Ø., & Termansen, M. (2021). Nature Based Solutions for Climate Adaptation-Paying Farmers for Flood Control. Ecological Economics, 179, 106705.


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