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Comprehensive Kodak Organizational Analysis


Task: this Organizational Analysis of Kodak will help identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and risks faced by Kodak and what strategies can it adopt to navigate its current situation?


Organizational Analysis of Kodak - Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Risks (WOR Analysis):

With the tremendous difficulties provided by the digital era, Kodak, an iconic company historically associated with the photographic business, finds itself at a crossroads. Both the company's pioneering history and its attempts to change with the times have left their imprint on its development. Kodak's rather tardy response to the development of digital technology has been one of the company's most obvious flaws. This failure to adopt digital innovation quickly has cost the company dearly, resulting in a notable decline in revenue and a visible erosion of its once-dominant market dominance. Due to the proliferation of high-quality smartphone cameras and the escalating rivalry from agile digital camera makers, the company's formerly unchallengeable position in the market has been significantly damaged. Furthermore, Kodak's brand reputation has suffered as a result of bankruptcy cases, which has visibly eroded customer confidence (Casey et al., 2019).

Despite these difficulties, identified on this Organizational Analysis of Kodak, the brand still has chances that it might take advantage of to turn around its financial situation (KODAK, 2023). The treasure trove of intellectual property that Kodak owns is one of these possibilities. This patent collection contains a wide range of documents that are closely related to image and printing technology. Kodak may be able to open up a new source of income by wisely selling or strategically licencing these patents, giving the business new life. Additionally, Kodak has additional opportunity to take advantage of its extensive knowledge and experience in these industries thanks to the growing demand for premium printing and creative packaging solutions. Additionally, Kodak may be able to use the current market trend towards sustainability and the rising customer demand for eco-friendly practises to better match its product offers with those of the competition, thus establishing a distinctive market position.

But these possibilities are also accompanied by inherent hazards that Kodak must face head-on. Because of the company's continual involvement in patent litigation and the threat of infringement claims, a legal minefield must be carefully navigated. Furthermore, it is extremely difficult to stay relevant in the ever changing digital environment. For it to survive, Kodak must be able to make a major shift towards innovation, adopting new technology and adapting to rapidly shifting customer demands. The company needs to be constantly aware of economic instability, which may derail even the best-laid plans, and deal with the ongoing threat of supply chain disruptions, which has been made more vulnerable by the worldwide epidemic. The digital age's rapid technical improvements provide a constant risk, needing adaptability and forethought to avoid becoming outdated (Benzaghta et al., 2021).

The future of Kodak depends on striking a careful balance between fixing its flaws, seizing its chances, and proactively reducing its dangers. Kodak's revival in a market that is always changing may be enabled by a recalibration towards digital innovation, savvy patent exploitation, and intelligent market alignment.

Organizational Structure, Culture, CEO’s Compensation, and Board Independence:

What positibilities are identified on this Organizational Analysis of Kodak that help identify major modifications as a result of the bankruptcy and subsequent reorganisation. The company's internal foundation had to be reevaluated and realigned due to the upheaval of financial difficulties. A smaller, more flexible structure, intended to support quicker decision-making and response to market changes, may have resulted from the restructuring process. This transition may have involved combining certain departments, reducing some procedures, and placing more focus on innovation and digital skills.

However, Kodak's development should go beyond simple structural adjustments. Its organisational culture, which has a strong foundation in the conventional fields of cinema and photography, is at a turning point. The organisation has to make a culture shift in order to promote innovation and propel effective digital transformation. This necessitates a break from conventional wisdom and a reorientation towards creating an atmosphere that values innovation, risk-taking, and flexibility. This cultural revolution should emphasise encouraging cross-functional cooperation, honouring entrepreneurial endeavours, and recognising creativity (Tian et al., 2022).

The CEO of Kodak's salary becomes crucial in light of these cultural shifts. The CEO's compensation should be closely related to the business' success and in line with industry standards. Aligning the CEO's salary with concrete accomplishments might be a potent motivator given the significant obstacles identified on this Organizational Analysis of Kodak in its quest to recover relevance and profitability. The CEO's responsibility for promoting sustainable growth is strengthened by this strategy, which also aligns their interests with those of the business and its stakeholders.

The makeup of Kodak's board of directors is a crucial component of company governance. Effective monitoring and strategic direction are reliant on the board's independence. Building a balanced board should be Kodak's top priority if it wants to successfully navigate its comeback. This requires bringing on board industry experts who have in-depth knowledge of the digital ecosystem and sophisticated perspectives. By adding independent directors to the board who are disassociated from any material links, conflicts of interest are reduced and unbiased decision-making is promoted. In order to prevent the concentration of power and to enable effective checks and balances, it is also essential to separate the functions of CEO and board chairperson (Cioroianu et al., n.d.).

The transformation of Kodak goes beyond structural changes and explores the spheres of culture, compensation, and governance. A CEO remuneration plan that is commensurate with performance and a board of directors that combines industry experience with objective monitoring are required by a dynamic organisational structure that is permeated with an innovation culture. With the help of these many improvements, Kodak may direct itself towards a future marked by adaptability, relevance, and tremendous success.

Financial Situation and Key Ratios:

Due to diminishing revenues and profitability, this Organizational Analysis of Kodak also explores the financial condition has been difficult. An in-depth study is required for important ratios including the debt-to-equity ratio and liquidity ratios (current ratio, quick ratio). A high debt-to-equity ratio may suggest financial danger, while a sliding current ratio may signal possible liquidity problems.

The capacity of the firm to make money is revealed by profitability ratios (gross profit margin and net profit margin). Margin declines might be an indication of pricing pressure or ineffective operations.

Efficiency ratios (inventory turnover, asset turnover) also demonstrate the efficiency with which Kodak makes use of its resources. A decreased asset turnover might be an indication of underuse of resources (Rajeswari, 2019).

Finally, it's important to track patterns over time. Key ratios that are trending downhill may suggest underlying problems that call for cost cutting, innovation investment, or market realignment.

In conclusion, Kodak's problems demand a comprehensive strategy. To take advantage of possibilities and resolve weaknesses and hazards, an organisation must adapt its culture, business model, and operations. The decisions made on this Organizational Analysis of Kodak require a comprehensive evaluation of its financial health using key ratios.


Benzaghta, M.A. et al., 2021. SWOT analysis applications: An integrative literature review. Journal of Global Business Insights, 6(1), pp.55-73.

Casey, E., Ribaux, O. & Roux, C., 2019. The Kodak syndrome: risks and opportunities created by decentralization of forensic capabilities. Journal of forensic sciences, 64(1), pp.127-36.

Cioroianu, I. et al., n.d. The Influence of Social Media Emotions Evidence from the Kodak Manic Episode. p.Available at SSRN 4517626.

KODAK, 2023. KODAK HOME. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 16 August 2023].

Rajeswari, M.G., 2019. An Analysis of Pre & Post Merger Performance of ING Vysya Bank & Kodak Mahindra Bank. Think India Journal, 22(14), pp.9086-99.

Tian, J., Cao, W., Cheng, Q. & Huang, Y.H.S., 2022. Corporate competing culture and environmental investment. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, p.774173. Organizational Analysis of Kodak


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