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Critical Thinking Assignment Reviewing 10 Articles



Write a critical thinking assignment reviewing ten articles related to critical thinking.


“Article 1: Critical thinking skills for business school graduates as demanded by employers: a strategic perspective and recommendations”

Critical analysis

The background of this article selected in the critical thinking assignment stems from critical thinking (CT) and its origin. Two research objectives of this research are to interpret the impact of the intervention on the intrinsic learning developments of the students and to understand the impact of interventions on the extrinsic rewards of the students resulting from continuous learning activities. The core research question is, “Is analytical skill the same as CT skill?” It is important to answer this question as it leads to the development of ambiguity. A survey method was applied to the instructors to understand their perception regarding CT (Desai, Berger & Higgs, 2016). The findings of the research indicate that the perception toward the concept, teaching, and measurement of CT varies across the business schools. The findings are significant as these indicate the need for formulation and understanding of the CT construct along with its proper teaching and measurement in business schools. 

Critical evaluation

I agree with the fact that the existent perceptions regarding the concept as well as the techniques for measurement of CT skills among the business schools are varied. The strength of this research is the inclusion of literature review along with the primary data collection whereas the avoidance of interview method is a weakness. The three recommendations provided by the researcher contribute greatly to the overall value.

“Article 2: Student performance on the California critical thinking skills test”

Critical analysis

The background of this research is related to the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST). The objective of the research is explained as the purpose that is to assess the determinants of the performance of the students in CCTST examinations. However, the core research question for the research is not stated in the research. A primary research method was applied wherein 96 students were included as the sample size to the empirical model. The major findings of the research are that the students who had completed 18 hours or more in the online environment acquired a score of 5% lower in the CCTST examination (Terry and Ervin, 2012). The research finding is significant as it highlights that the marks scored by the transfer students are notably low than the marks received by the students in business school, in the CCTST exam. 

Critical evaluation

I agree with the research findings that the student grade point average and knack as well as capability to perform academically, that is measured during the entrance test for the respective colleges serves as the basis for determining the potential and aptitude for the students to perform. The strength of the paper is the greater sample size. However, the weak statistical significance of the findings is the major weakness of this paper. The performance determinants identified in this research contributes to the overall value of this paper. 

“Article 3: The effect of critical thinking disposition on entrepreneurship levels: A study on future teachers

Critical analysis

The background of this article relates to critical thinking in entrepreneurship. The objective of this article was to identify the interconnection between the disposition of CT and the levels of entrepreneurship for the future teachers. Although the research question is not stated clearly the research signifies to address the way in which CT disposition can influence entrepreneurship levels (K?rba?lar and Özsoy-Güne?, 2015). The researcher had used a quantitative research method to conduct the research. The findings indicate a positive interconnection between the CT disposition and entrepreneurship level of teachers and therefore are significant as different variables relating to the level of entrepreneurship can be examined in future. 

Critical evaluation

I agree to the fact that the nature and temperament of critically thinking about events and situations notably impacts the level of entrepreneurial outlook harboured by the teachers. The lack of a literature review is a weakness while the statistical significance is a strength and overall value of this research. 

“Article 4: The impact of an integrated assessment on the critical thinking skills of first-year university students

Critical analysis

The background of the research is on critical thinking and integrated assessment and the research objective was to investigate the likely impact excised by integrated assessment on the CT competencies of the students. The research question addressed is "Can integrated assessment conducted with first-year university students improve CT skills of students?" The researcher used alongitudinal quantitative research strategy in order to conduct the research. The findings revealed that the system ofintegrated assessment improved the critical thinking skills of students and therefore are significant for making changes in traditional assessment types (Cloete, 2018).

Critical evaluation

Although I agree with the research findings and recommendations that integrated assessments, which provides a concise view of the problems present in actual learning scenario, should be carried out right through the first year to the final years of the course. I think that the study failed to inform ways to improve assessment practices. The statistical significance is strength of this research and adds to the overall value.

“Article 5: The language deficit: a comparison of the critical thinking skills of Asian students in first and second language contexts

Critical analysis

This study deals with the context of language deficit and CT skills. The objective of the research is to analyse the influence of language on the type of activities that the students from foreign universities are required to perform and execute in real life university courses (Rear, 2017). Research question addresses the way in which debates were conducted by students and evaluated by the rates. To conduct the research a primary research method was chosen wherein 8 debates were carried out among two groups of students who spoke in English and native language respectively students of a large private university in Tokyo. The research has found that language is considerably handicapped in relation to performance. 

Critical evaluation

Although I agree with the fact that the language deficit can excise notable influence on critical thinking skills, the approach of the research by involving independent raters is not much appreciable.

“Article 6: Strategies for teaching students to think critically: A meta-analysis

Critical analysis

This research is based on the strategies to teach CT skills to the students. The objective was to identify the impact of the teachers' instructions to develop and enhance CT skills along with CT dispositions. The major research question was to address the way in which city skills and dispositions can be taught (Abrami et al., 2015). For conducting the research, a secondary research method was applied by reviewing other related studies. The findings indicated authentic instruction, dialogue and mentorship as effective strategies for teaching CT skills to the students.

Critical evaluation

I believe that the findings are significant and add to the overall value as these highlights the key strategies and techniques that teachers can use in order to teach CT skills for its development within the students. On the other hand, the avoidance of a primary research technique is a weakness of this research.

“Article 7: Predictors of critical thinking skills of incoming business students

Critical analysis

The background of this research stains from the importance of critical thinking in incoming business students. The research objective and research questions have not been clearly stated in the research however it has been identified that the major aim of the research was to find out the importance of critical thinking for the business students. The ordinary least square method was used as a research method to and regression analysis along with different independent variables was used for calculating the correlation matrix (Whitte and Brahmasrene, 2011). The finding demonstrates that critical thinking skills would be of interest to educators while it is interpreted that critical thinking is difficult.

Critical evaluation

I agree with the fact that the research has provided information that is helpful in the identification of different important directions for research in future. The measurement of the infusion of critical thinking explained in the research paper is valuable.

“Article 8: Critical Thinking in the Digital Age: Strategies of Human Resource Management

Critical analysis

The background of the research is based on the interrelation between CT and human resource management (HRM) strategies. The objective of the research was to analyse the potential of CT in HRM. The researchers had used primary research through an online service that was conducted Google form (Ivanova, 2019). The research question that was addressed is "what is the potential of city strategy on HRM decision making?" The findings of the research indicate that the potential of CT strategy was significant on risk and change management. Therefore the research finding is significant as the CT strategy was proved to be an effective approach to professional decision making.

Critical evaluation

On the basis of the results, I agree that CT strategy can have a long term efficiency in decision making regarding HRM. As the CT strategy’s growth point is indicated by the researcher it adds to the overall value.

“Article 9: Thinking critically about critical thinking: Assessing critical thinking of business students using multiple measures

Critical analysis

The background of this study relates to the CT skills of business students. The research objective is to demonstrate how the implementation of a multi assessment process of CT can provide feedback to the students and assist them in sharpening their CT skills. The research question for this study has not been clearly stated. 94 students were included in the research process as sample size and were included in the case analysis exercise (Bandyopadhyay and Szostek, 2019). The research findings indicate that the students’ performance varies from one CT exercise to another. The research findings are significant as it provides a unique perspective regarding the way in which CT can be assessed in relation to the business students.

Critical evaluation

I agree that the study has offered unique approaches to the assessment of CT skills. However, I think that the small sample size and a smaller assessment database are major weaknesses of this research.

“Article 10: Studying the impact of critical thinking on the academic performance of executive MBA students

Critical analysis

The background of this article stems from critical thinking skills and the performance exhibited by the students belonging to the course of executive MBA. The objectiveof the research was “to analyse the effect of CT on the academic performance of executive MBA students”. The research questionthat was addressed in this research was "What is the impact of CP on academic performance of MBA students in the different academic areas such as operation, finance, marketing, strategy and leadership?"A primary research method involving 1706 participants was used to conduct this research. The research findings indicated that CT has profound positive influenceon the capability of the students to perform well, in respective academic avenues (D’Alessio, Avolio & Charles, 2019). 

Critical evaluation

I can agree to the research findings as the results are consistent with the result of the other research studies in this area. The major weakness of the research is that it has failed in providing a better balanced MBA curriculum for the MBA students.


Abrami, P. C., Bernard, R. M., Borokhovski, E., Waddington, D. I., Wade, C. A., & Persson, T. (2015). Strategies for teaching students to think critically: A meta-analysis. Review of Educational Research, 85(2), 275-314.

Bandyopadhyay, S., & Szostek, J. (2019). Thinking critically about critical thinking: Assessing critical thinking of business students using multiple measures. Journal of Education for Business, 94(4), 259-270.

Cloete, M. (2018). The impact of an integrated assessment on the critical thinking skills of first-year university students. Accounting Education, 27(5), 479-494.

D’Alessio, F. A., Avolio, B. E., & Charles, V. (2019). Studying the impact of critical thinking on the academic performance of executive MBA students. Critical thinking assignment Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, 275-283.

Desai, M. S., Berger, B. D., & Higgs, R. (2016). Critical thinking skills for business school graduates as demanded by employers: a strategic perspective and recommendations. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 20(1), 10-31.

Ivanova, O. E. (2019). Critical Thinking in the Digital Age: Strategies of Human Resource Management. Space and Culture, India, 7(3), 139-148.

K?rba?lar, M., & Özsoy-Güne?, Z. (2015). The effect of critical thinking disposition on entrepreneurship levels: A study on future teachers. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 199-207.

Rear, D. (2017). The language deficit: a comparison of the critical thinking skills of Asian students in first and second language contexts. Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education, 2(1), 13.

Terry, N., & Ervin, B. (2012). Student performance on the California critical thinking skills test. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 16, 25.

Whitten, D., & Brahmasrene, T. (2011). Predictors of critical thinking skills of incoming business students. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 15(1), 1.


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