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Enhancing HR Management Skills: Off-the-Job Training Program for HR Managers


Task: How Can Off-the-Job Training Enhance HR Manager HR Management Skills and Competencies?


Day 1:

Session 1: Creating Awareness of the Company (Technology-Supported)

Objective: To foster a feeling of purpose and alignment, familiarise trainees with the vision, mission, and values of the Fraser Institute.


In order to develop a feeling of purpose and congruence, the first session tries to make the trainees aware of the Fraser Institute's vision, mission, and values. A presentation outlining the vision, purpose, and values of the Fraser Institute is on the schedule. Using specialised virtual tour software, a virtual office tour will be done to give a greater insight of the organisation, highlighting the various departments and their contributions. The Fraser Institute's history and accomplishments will also be the subject of an interactive exam that will be given utilising an online quiz platform, giving learners the chance to test their knowledge (Kahraman & Düger, 2019). The immersive and educational experience provided by this technology-supported workshop helps learners better comprehend the fundamental values of the organisation.

Session 2: Socialization Aspects at the Workplace (Behaviour Based)

Objective: By putting an emphasis on interpersonal HR Management Skills and team-building activities, you may promote constructive connections and a collaborative work atmosphere.


The second session focuses on workplace socialisation issues and aims to promote wholesome relationships and a cooperative work environment via the improvement of interpersonal HR Management Skills and team-building exercises. Using an online collaboration platform, an icebreaker exercise will be undertaken to open the session, inviting trainees to identify themselves and discuss their interests. trainees are required to engage in virtual team-building activities which encourages effective communication, builds problem-solving HR Management Skills, and team building through virtual escape room and online corporate activities (Batat, 2022). conversations will examine the value of cooperation and how it can promote workplace culture. The training programme also offers engagement and a fun learning experience which fosters collaboration among trainees by placing strong emphasis on behaviour-based learning.

Session 3: Job Tasks/HR Management Skills (Technology-Supported)

Objective: deliver an overview of the responsibilities expected from the HR Manager and provide them with the required information and resources.


In Session 3, focus is shifted to the particular job responsibilities expected for the HR Manager position. This provides students an overview of the knowledge and resources required for the position. The schedule begins with a presentation that explains the fundamental duties and expectations to be delivered by a HR Manager. The presentation uses slides to efficiently communicate the important details. Using HR management software, case studies and simulations will be undertaken to improve the practical application and provide students an opportunity to practise real-world scenarios involving compliance, performance management, and recruiting (Athira, 2022). There will also be interactive workshops that use webinars, e-learning modules, and interactive quizzes to cover subjects like legal compliance and new HR trends. This technologically assisted workshop guarantees that learners obtain insightful knowledge, practical experience, and a solid grounding in HR management practises.

Day 2:

Session 4: Job Tasks/HR Management Skills (continued)

Objective: deepen your comprehension of and practical application of the knowledge and abilities required for the HR Manager function.


The purpose of Session 4 is to enhance the trainees' comprehension and execution of the work duties and competencies unique to the HR Manager function. A practical session on the whole recruiting cycle is on the schedule, where trainees will learn how to create efficient recruitment tactics and make use of different online recruitment platforms (Mefi & Asoba, 2021). They will acquire real-world knowledge and insights into the nuances of the hiring process through this interactive workshop. Using a virtual role-playing programme, role-playing exercises will be done with an emphasis on important topics such employee relations, dispute resolution, and performance management. This exercise gives learners the chance to put their talents to manage difficult HR problems to the test in a realistic setting. Additionally, a virtual panel discussion with seasoned HR professionals who will share their perspectives, best practises, and pointers for achievement in the HR Manager job will be organised. This technologically enhanced workshop offers the trainees beneficial chances for information sharing, experience learning, and skill development.

Session 5: Applying Technology in HR Management (Technology-Supported)

Objective: Introduce technology-enabled solutions that improve HR operations and efficiency to your learners.


The goal of Session 5 is to introduce learners to technologically supported solutions that improve HR procedures and productivity. The goal is to acquaint them with the newest software and solutions that help optimise HR operations. Demonstrations of HR software programmes for applicant tracking, employee onboarding, performance evaluations, and benefits administration are the first items on the agenda. The chance to use these technologies personally will allow trainees to comprehend their features and advantages. Trainees can learn about data-driven HR practises through interactive seminars on data analytics and reporting tools created expressly for HR metrics and decision-making. The significance of ongoing professional development in HR will also be emphasised through virtual tours of online learning tools and platforms (Abdullah, Zeebaree, Jacksi, & Zeabri, 2020). This technologically assisted workshop makes sure that learners keep up to date on the most recent technological developments and develop the HR Management Skills necessary to take use of technology for better HR management.

Session 6: Wrap-up and Evaluation

Objective: Recap the most important lessons learned, answer any questions you may have, and get student feedback on the training course.


With the aim of summarising major learning’s, answering any last-minute queries, and getting feedback on the training programme itself, Session 6 acts as the program's last session. The agenda starts with a summary of the whole training course, highlighting the most important insights and lessons learned. Training participants can actively engage and provide their opinions during this summary by participating in an interactive conversation (Ozkeser, 2019). The summary is followed by an open forum where students can submit criticism and recommendations for improvement via an online survey. This input is crucial for creating next training programmes and guaranteeing ongoing progress. Closing remarks are given before digital training certificates are given out to the participants, confirming their successful completion of the course. It is crucial to remember that the following schedule just provides a broad overview and that each session may be enhanced with interesting activities and interactive components to provide the trainees a stimulating, imaginative, and useful learning experience.


Abdullah, P. Y., Zeebaree, S. R., Jacksi, K., & Zeabri, R. R. (2020). An hrm system for small and medium enterprises (sme) s based on cloud computing technology. International Journal of Research-GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(8), 56-64.

Athira, S. (2022). Trends in Human Resource Management in the New Technological Era. East Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 1(9), 1745-1756.

Batat, W. (2022). The employee experience (EMX) framework for well-being: An agenda for the future. Employee Relations: The International Journal.

Kahraman, H., & Düger, Y. S. (2019). The Role of Human Resource Management, Leadership, and Marketing in Employer Brand. Interdisciplinary Public Finance, Business and Economics Studies, 2, 319-328.

Mefi, N. P., & Asoba, S. N. (2021). Industry 4.0 and HR Management Skills deficiencies in the HRM function: Case study of the HRM department of a selected organisation in Cape Town. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 27(2), 1-9.

Ozkeser, B. (2019). Impact of training on employee motivation in human resources management. Procedia Computer Science, 158, 802-810.


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