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Enhancing Talent Management Strategies in the Fashion Industry: Glamoré’s Approach


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Success in the fiercely competitive fashion industry depends on being able to draw in and hold onto the top talent. This study investigates how Glamoré, a fashion clothing company, may outperform the competition by luring great personnel and forging a strong organisational culture through efficient Talent Management Strategies tactics (Kaleem, 2019). Glamoré may become a sought-after employer and foster a positive work environment by emphasising important factors including employer branding, employee engagement, talent development, and diversity and inclusion.

Attracting the Best Talent:

The following tactics are things Glamoré should think about in order to outperform the competition and draw in the greatest talent:

a) Strong Employer Branding:

Glamoré has to build a solid employer brand that communicates its culture, values, and dedication to sustainability, innovation, and creativity (Whysall, Owtram, & Brittain, 2019). It is also important to engage influencers, industry events, and social media channels to advertise the brands identity so as to draw talented individuals who share similar visions and ideas.

b) Competitive Compensation and Benefits:

Glamoré can also provide incentive packages, including competitive salary, performance-based rewards, and benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and employee discounts, to attract top personnel. Applicants can also be attracted by offering them an opportunity for skill improvement and career progression.

c) Collaborative and Inclusive Work Environment:

Creating a collaborative and welcoming work atmosphere will also contribute towards attracting the most talented individuals. Glamoré need to promote a culture that values cooperation, candid communication, and respect for one another. Emphasising diversity and inclusion programmes may assist recruit a variety of skilled people. Examples include varied recruiting practises and employee resource groups.

d) Emphasis on Work-Life Balance:

Recognising the value of work-life balance is essential for luring excellent candidates. Through flexible work schedules, wellness initiatives, and employee support programmes, Glamoré should encourage a positive work-life balance (Le, Newman, Menzies, Zheng, & Fermelis, 2020). This might serve as evidence of their dedication to the welfare of their workers.

What to Avoid in Talent Management Strategies Strategy:

The following risks should be avoided by Glamoré while using Talent Management Strategies:

a) Neglecting Employee Feedback

Ignoring employee input may cause alienation and make it more difficult to recruit and keep top talent. Glamoré should actively solicit employee input and respond to any issues raised in a timely manner (Rasheed, Okumus, Weng, Hameed, & Nawaz, 2020). This encourages a feeling of ownership and belonging, which improves the workplace atmosphere.

b) Lack of Clear Career Development Paths

Talented people may get demotivated if clear career growth pathways are not provided. Regular performance reviews, individualised career development plans, and chances for skill development and progress should all be provided by Glamoré. This guarantees that staff members feel appreciated and have a clear idea of their futures inside the company.

c) Ineffective Communication Channels

Unclear lines of communication might result in misinterpretations and lower employee engagement. To promote open and timely communication within the company, Glamoré should set up efficient communication channels such frequent team meetings, town halls, and online forums.

d) Failure to Adapt to Changing Workforce Dynamics

Glamoré should adjust to the shifting dynamics of the workforce because the fashion business is changing quickly. To stay ahead of market trends and draw top people, this means adopting remote work choices, utilising digital platforms for collaboration, and offering possibilities for ongoing development.

Building and Maintaining a Cohesive Organizational Culture:

The following Talent Management Strategies techniques have to be used by Glamoré in order to create and maintain a unified organisational culture:

a) Clear Organizational Values and Purpose

Glamoré has to clearly articulate its organisational principles and purpose to all personnel. This promotes congruence, gives people a feeling of purpose, and aids in creating a solid cultural basis (Men, O’Neil, & Ewing, 2020). The organisational culture may be strengthened by consistently reinforcing these principles through storytelling, recognition programmes, and internal communication activities.

b) Strong Leadership and Role Modeling

A key factor in determining organisational culture is leadership. To make sure that executives live up to the company's principles and provide an excellent example, Glamoré should invest in leadership development programmes. Leaders may motivate staff members and establish a strong culture by encouraging openness, responsibility, and cooperation.

c) Continuous Learning and Skill Development

Continuous learning and personnel skill development should be Glamoré's top priorities. Employees may improve their skills and keep current on industry trends by having access to training programmes, workshops, and industry conferences. This encourages a culture of development, invention, and flexibility.

d) Employee Recognition and Rewards

Maintaining a strong culture requires recognising and rewarding workers for their accomplishments. Glamoré ought to put in place a thorough programme of awards and recognition that honours both individual and group accomplishments (Kurniawaty, Ramly, & Ramlawati, 2019). As a result, employees are encouraged to succeed and the organization's values are reinforced.

e) Strong Employee Engagement Initiatives

Employee engagement increases the likelihood that they will support a strong culture. Investments should be made by Glamoré in employee engagement programmes such mentoring schemes, cross-functional projects, and team-building exercises. These programmes encourage relationships, cooperation, and a feeling of community among staff members.

f) Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

Building a coherent organisational culture depends on fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion. Glamoré should promote an inclusive workplace, guarantee varied participation at all levels of the organisation, and offer equitable possibilities for professional advancement (Rosenkranz, et al., 2021). The inclusive culture may be further strengthened via diversity training programmes and employee resource groups.


By employing successful Talent Management Strategies tactics, Glamoré can outperform the competition and draw in the top talent in the cutthroat fashion business. Glamoré may position itself as an employer of choice by concentrating on employer branding, competitive pay, a collaborative work environment, and work-life balance. Additionally, establishing a unified organisational culture calls for a dedication to diversity and inclusion, strong leadership, constant learning, and employee appreciation. By implementing these tactics, Glamoré can develop a dynamic workplace that pulls in and keeps top people, resulting in long-term success in the fashion sector.


Kaleem, M. (2019). The influence of Talent Management Strategies on performance of employee in public sector institutions of the UAE. Public Administration Research, 8(2), 8-23.

Kurniawaty, K., Ramly, M., & Ramlawati, R. (2019). The effect of work environment, stress, and job satisfaction on employee turnover intention. Management science letters, 6, 877-886.

Le, H., Newman, A., Menzies, J., Zheng, C., & Fermelis, J. (2020). Work–life balance in Asia: A systematic review. Human Resource Management Review, 30(4),

Men, L. R., O’Neil, J., & Ewing, M. (2020). Examining the effects of internal social media usage on employee engagement. Public Relations Review, 2,

Rasheed, M. I., Okumus, F., Weng, Q., Hameed, Z., & Nawaz, M. S. (2020). Career adaptability and employee turnover intentions: The role of perceived career opportunities and orientation to happiness in the hospitality industry. Journal of hospitality and tourism management, 44, 98-107.

Rosenkranz, K. M., Arora, T. K., Termuhlen, P. M., Stain, S. C., Misra, S., Dent, D., et al. (2021). Diversity, equity and inclusion in medicine: why it matters and how do we achieve it? Journal of surgical education, 78(4), 1058-1065.

Whysall, Z., Owtram, M., & Brittain, S. (2019). The new Talent Management Strategies challenges of Industry 4.0. Journal of management development,


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