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Financial Analysis Analysis of Green Team: Rounds 1 to 5


Task: How did the Green Team perform in rounds 1 to 5, and what were the key factors influencing their Financial Analysis decisions and strategies?



There are 5 team members making up the strategic finance group known as the "Green Team." Each plays a unique role in the team's decision-making process from rounds one through five. These rounds include a time for Financial Analysis planning and execution with the goal of reaching particular goals and targets (Beddoes, 2020).

1.1 Group Description


The principal objective of the Green Team is to effectively oversee the Financial Analysis elements of the business, guaranteeing efficient resource distribution and long-term growth. Decisions on finance, asset distribution, risk control, stakeholder engagement, and long-term development planning fall under this category.


• Harinderjit Kaur - As the team's leader and data strategist/analyst, Harinderjit Kaur is in charge of managing plans and insights that are based on data.

• Nazia Mohammadi - Risk management is Nazia Mohammadi's area of expertise, with an emphasis on recognizing and reducing Financial Analysis risks.

• Pooja Deshpande - As the industry Research Analyst, Pooja Deshpande makes a contribution by analyzing industry trends and customer behavior.

• Vishwanth Etekala - Strategic planning and long-term development are under the purview of Vishwanth Etekala, who develops strategies and plans for future expansion.

• Yamini Madireddy - As the manager of stakeholder relations, Yamini Madireddy makes sure that there is efficient collaboration and communication among team members.

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Harinderjit Kaur assumes the initiative to analyze Financial Analysis data and develop strategies based on findings.

• Nazia Mohammadi evaluates and controls the Financial Analysis risks related to the team's actions.

• Pooja Deshpande gives critical consumer behavior information and market insights for well-informed decision-making.

• Vishwanth Etekala plans and develops strategies for the organization's long-term expansion and advancement.

• Yamini Madireddy oversees the successful management of stakeholder interactions and organizes team activities.

1.2 Inputs and Decision-Making

The Green Team's decision-making process was guided by many important Financial Analysis inputs during rounds one through five:

• Market Conditions: keeping an eye on economic statistics, interest rates, and market changes to adjust Financial Analysis strategy.

• Shareholder Preferences: Recognizing and meeting the expectations and needs of shareholders.

• Regulatory Changes: modifying tactics to abide by changing Financial Analysis rules and guidelines.

• Internal Financial Analysis Goals: coordinating choices with the organization's Financial Analysis goals, including expansion ambitions, liquidity needs, and risk acceptance thresholds.

Throughout cycles 1 through 5, the Green Team's strategic Financial Analysis planning and decision-making were informed by these inputs together, with the goal of achieving profitable and sustainable outcomes for the company (Bocken & Geradts, 2020).

2. Round 1 to 5 Analysis

Assumption 1: Share Issue Price Trends

• Team Member: Harinderjit Kaur

• Role: Data Strategist/Analyst & Team lead

• Contribution: Foreseeing the continuation of the trend in share issue prices involves analyzing market patterns, share prices, and projecting the growth trajectory based on the observed facts.

Data Associated:

Assumption 1


Assumption 1 - Share Issue Price ($)

Assumption: Trend Continuation



The trend will continue



The trend will continue



The trend will continue



The trend will continue


Projected 16.1

Trend Likley to Continue

The data that has been examined indicates a steady increase in the share issue prices for the Green Team over the course of several weeks. The prices peaked at $12.14 in Week 4 after beginning the first week at $2.45. This increasing trend points to a possible approach the team may have taken, such as estimating corporate expansion or anticipating good market circumstances. It is anticipated that future rounds would see this pattern of rising share issue prices.


This assumption probably led to the Green Team raising more money in each of the following weeks. When shares are issued, higher share issuance prices often result in higher cash raised. Therefore, the ongoing increase in share prices may have had a favorable effect on the team's capacity to raise further funds in each round, improving their Financial Analysis position and opening up new opportunities for investment in different projects or resources.

Assumption 2: Funding Sources Stability

• Team Member: Yamini Madireddy

• Role: Stakeholder Relations Manager/Team Coordinator

• Contribution: maintaining the availability of different financing sources, supervising their stability, and assisting with the development of a well-rounded Financial Analysis plan.

Data Associated:


Funding Sources

Assumption: Stable Availability and Utilization

Result: Balanced Financial Analysis Structure


Interbank financing, demand deposits, and fixed-term deposits

Expect stable utilization and availability.

Possibility of a balanced budget


Bonds, subordinate bonds, and central bank funding

Sustaining consistent availability and use

Improved Financial Analysis structure with balance


Common equity tier 1 additional layer

Anticipated durability of reliable Financial Analysis resources

enduringly stable Financial Analysis system


bonds, demand deposits, and fixed-term deposits

consistent availability and use going forward

ongoing maintenance of a balanced budget

The supposition of the Stability of financing Sources implies that various financing sources should be consistently available and used over the course of the cycles. The presumption is that there will be consistency in the availability and use of these Financial Analysis resources, even while precise numerical data about their availability or use on a weekly basis is not given.


The Green Team probably kept a balanced Financial Analysis structure because they assumed these financing sources would be available and would be used consistently. A well-diversified Financial Analysis strategy is demonstrated by consistent access to a range of funding sources, including bonds, subordinate bonds, interbanking funds, demand and fixed-term deposits, central bank funding, and equity layers. By reducing over-reliance on any one financing source, this varied strategy may have helped to create a balanced Financial Analysis structure and improved the team's Financial Analysis stability and flexibility throughout the course of the many rounds (Mikalef et al., 2021).

Assumption 3: Long-Term Asset Allocation Strategies

• Team Member: Vishwanth Etekala

• Role: Strategic Planner/Long-term Development Manager

• Contribution: strategically organizing, stressing, and allocating capital to designated long-term assets with an emphasis on income production and development potential.

Data Associated:


Long-Term Assets Allocated

Assumption: Continued Allocation for Growth

Result: Potential Revenue Streams and Asset Growth


Interest-bearing securities, consumer loans, SME loans, and mortgage loans

Expected allocation for revenue generation and growth

Potential sources of income and projected asset growth


Assets both tangible and intangible

persistent emphasis on long-term asset allocation for expansion

Anticipated increase in both revenue and asset value


Interest-bearing securities and SME loans

perseverance in putting money into long-term growth assets

Potential sources of income and anticipated asset growth


loans for mortgages and material goods

persistent focus on long-term resources for expansion

Anticipated rise in revenue and appreciation of assets

The underlying premise of long-term asset allocation strategies is that the Green Team would consistently direct money into particular long-term assets such as mortgages and SME loans. The team's goals with this approach are to increase income and promote growth.

The Green Team continuously distributed cash to a variety of long-term assets throughout the course of the several weeks, including mortgage loans, SME loans, interest-bearing securities, tangible assets, and intangible assets. It was believed that placing a strong emphasis on allocating funds to assets like home loans and SME loans would promote revenue production and growth.


Due to this presumption, the Green Team may have been able to generate new revenue streams and expand its asset base by allocating cash to these particular long-term assets. It's possible that the attention paid to these assets resulted in the creation of income streams and a gradual rise in asset value. Potential income creation and the expansion of the team's asset base appear to have benefited from this strategy focus on long-term assets, particularly SME and mortgage loans.

Assumption 4: Liquidity Maintenance

• Team Member: Nazia Mohammadi

• Role: Risk Management

• Contribution: Consistently monitoring and controlling liquidity levels is necessary to guarantee that there is enough money on hand to meet demands without having to excessively rely on short-term borrowing or asset sales.

Data Associated:


Liquidity Level

Assumption: Consistent Liquidity Maintenance

Result: Ability to Cover Immediate Financial Analysis Needs



aiming for steady liquidity to fulfill obligations in the near term

Possibility of meeting short-term demands Financial Analysisly without heavily depending on borrowing or asset sales



aiming for steady liquidity to fulfill obligations in the near term

Possibility of meeting short-term demands Financial Analysisly without heavily depending on borrowing or asset sales



aiming for steady liquidity to fulfill obligations in the near term

Possibility of meeting short-term demands Financial Analysisly without heavily depending on borrowing or asset sales



tenacity in preserving steady liquidity

Possibility of being able to meet short-term demands Financial Analysisly without heavily depending on borrowing or selling assets

The above data demonstrates how the Green Team's liquidity was consistently maintained at a steady level of 0.11 during every week. This hypothesis supports that the team maintained a degree of liquidity so as to efficiently handle short-term obligations.


To preserve steady liquidity the Green Team had to ensure they meet short-term Financial Analysis demands without being dependant on short-term borrowing or asset sales. This requires stable liquidity levels showing a readiness to handle short-term Financial Analysis needs withourt depending on liquidity generated from assets sales to cater for expenses or depend on borrowing from external sources.

The team was able to meet short-term Financial Analysis demands without being overly dependent external funding or sale of assets. The teams persistence efforts to maintain steady liquidity throughout the course of the weeks, assured a solid Financial Analysis position.

Assumption 5: Funding Percentage of Funded Assets

• Team Member: Pooja Deshpande

• Role: Market Research Analyst/Consumer Behavior Analysis

• Contribution: examining the financed asset funding percentages with the goal of lowering dependency on outside funding sources and maybe improving Financial Analysis stability via the use of Financial Analysis behavior analysis and market research.

Data Associated:


Funding Percentage of Funded Assets (%)

Assumption: Decrease Reliance on External Funding

Result: Potential Increase in Financial Analysis Stability


Decreasing % value

Try to depend less on outside funding

Possibility of a sign of improved Financial Analysis stability


Decreasing % value

persistent work to reduce dependency on outside finance

Possibility of a sign of improved Financial Analysis stability


Decreasing % value

Continue to lessen need on outside finance

Possibility of a sign of improved Financial Analysis stability


Decreasing % value

decreasing dependence on outside funds throughout time

Possibility of a sign of improved Financial Analysis stability


The inference made from the financing gradually declining as a percentage of financed assets points to the Green Team's strategic goal of lowering reliance on outside funding sources relative to the overall amount of assets supported. This strategy orientation shows a deliberate attempt to reduce dependency on outside funding sources.


The Green Team may be more Financial Analysisly stable and have less risk as a result of their diminishing reliance on outside funding, as suggested by the funding percentage for financed assets lowering. The team may be managing its Financial Analysis structure more internally if it is less dependent on other sources, which might lead to a more stable Financial Analysis position and less exposure to outside risks or volatility.

Nevertheless, it is impossible to quantify the precise magnitude of the decline or the precise effect on Financial Analysis stability in the absence of accurate numerical data outlining the percentages for each week. However, the trend toward decreased dependency on outside financing sources is consistent with a more general strategic goal of increased Financial Analysis autonomy and maybe improved stability for the Green Team (Quines & Albutra, 2023).

3. Conclusions

3.1 Overall Results Explanation:

Financial Analysis Performance Summary:

• Share Issue Price Trends: The group anticipated and took advantage of an upward trend in share issue prices, which resulted in more money being raised in the following weeks and improved Financial Analysis status.

• Funding Sources Stability: Regular use of several financing sources prevented over-reliance on any one source and guaranteed a balanced Financial Analysis structure.

• Long-Term Asset Allocation: multiple income streams and asset growth facilitated by careful strategic plans that focused on specific assets.

• Liquidity Maintenance: Regular monitoring of investment assets ensured the team maintained stable liquidity which guaranteed the team could meet immediate Financial Analysis targets without depending on external Financial Analysis assistance.

• Funding Percentage of Funded Assets: A reduced dependence on external funding indicates Financial Analysis stability which is crucial towards managing investments.

Impact of Decisions:

• Financial Analysis Position: the team reported an improved Financial Analysis position trough generating more finances and creation structured funding from multiple financing sources.

• Liquidity & Funding Structure: The teamwas also able to meet urgent Financial Analysis reqiirements without resorting to borrowing from external sources or from the sales of asset sales indicating stable liquidity.

• Asset Allocation: assets where selected prioritizing long-term assets which have the potential to generate growth and new revenue sources.

3.2 Key Learning Outcomes:

Lessons Learned:

• Successes: being able to analyse and anticipate market movements ensured consistent funding methods as well as smart asset allocation.

• Areas for Improvement: the improve analysis Extensive numerical analysis was conducted to investigate asset diversification and provide insights on potential low risk and high return investments.

Implications for Future Financial Analysis Strategies:

• Strategic Adaptability: Use patterns that have been seen to help you make wise judgments.

• Balanced Approach: To lower risk, keep your finance arrangement diversified.

• Long-Term Vision: Don't stop investing in assets that generate income and growth.

Strategic Implications:

• Objectives: Align Financial Analysis tactics with goals in order to guarantee development and stability.

• Sustainability: a focus on cautious asset allocation, liquidity, and diversified finance to ensure long-term viability.

The Green Team showed how to make proactive decisions by taking advantage of market movements, varying their sources of funding, and placing a strong emphasis on long-term assets. The main lessons are to be flexible, to strike a balance, and to prioritize sustainability in order to provide a strong basis for future Financial Analysis plans that are in line with larger goals.


Beddoes, K., 2020. Interdisciplinary teamwork artefacts and practices: a typology for promoting successful teamwork in engineering education. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education, 25(2), pp.133-141 retrieved from

Bocken, N.M. & Geradts, T.H., 2020. Barriers and drivers to sustainable business model innovation: Organization design and dynamic capabilities. Long range planning, 53(4), pp.1-23 retrieved from

Mikalef, P., van de Wetering, R. & Krogstie, J., 2021. Building dynamic capabilities by leveraging big data analytics: The role of organizational inertia. Information & Management, 58(6), pp.1-17 retrieved from sSccALl3rXgIhALPcSKHuqw4%2F%2Boju97.

Quines, L.A. & Albutra, D.A., 2023. The mediating effect of normative commitment on the relationship between instructional coaching skills and teamwork of teachers. European Journal of Education Studies, 10(3), pp.1-21 retrieved from


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