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Healthcare Assignment: Promoting Health of Children & Young People in Australia


Task: Write a healthcare assignment critically reviewing on a paediatric health care framework, policy or strategic plan focused on communicable diseases, nutrition and/or safety of children and young people that is currently in action within your own country of origin or within Australia.


The main concern of this healthcare assignment is Promoting the health of children and young people in Australiawhich is important for ensuring social security and improving the health care framework in Children. The National Framework for protecting children of Australia has been initiated from 2008-09 and up to the year 2020; the effective policies are taken by the federal government. Currently, the main focus has been made on the development of the children of Torres Strait Island and the sexual abuse of children. The current study has made a critical reflection of the child and young people health care framework, strategic development and safety of children. The essay structure is broadly classified into three categories including child and young people health care framework, the safety of children and young people and strategic planning for overcoming issues. The initiative of the federal government of Australia has been discussed in detail in the essay for identifying the importance of promoting the health of children and young people in Australia.

Critical Reflection on Child and Young People Health Care Framework

Domain 1: Scope and purpose
1. Objectives

As mentioned by Hewitt et al. (2018), the problem that has been identified regarding the health care of children and young people in Australia is inappropriate caring and child abuse. The problem has developed gradually since 2007-08 in Australia. The issue has developed as a result of ineffective family support and the government has focused on this matter for reducing the issue of child abuse in Australia. The health framework has focused on the emotional and mental abuse of children and to overcome the problem, public health model development policy has been implemented by the federal government. The aim of the child and young people health development program is to reduce child abuse and neglect the children. The government in Australia has considered vulnerable families as the family attitude is the key reason for the emotional and mental imbalance of children. The Child and Young PeopleHealth care Framework in Australia have been classified into four steps including a statutory system, Target services for the children, Early Intervention services and Universal initiatives for the children (Protecting Children Everyone’s Business, 2020). The statutory system focuses on the effective policies of the government of Australia to eliminate the problem of child and young people abuse from society. The second step is dealt with the development of services for the children in Australia. The third step is the new intervention after consulting with the families of children. The fourth step is dealt with the universal initiatives for the children in Australia to maintain a standard in the service. 2. Population

As depicted by Zubrick et al., (2016), to enhance the Child and Young people health care development process, principle actions are adopted by the government, which includes clauses like Children and young people have the right to grow up in the environment free of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, families have to focus on the decision-making process, improving the wellbeing and safety of children is a matter of national priority and social values of Australia, supports and works has also been considered.3. Questions

Based on the above discussion of points, it is found that child abuse policy is adopted by the government of Australia for enhancing the social values in Australia. According to the Health Framework, it can be stated that it is the responsibility of all people in Australia to overcome child and young people abuse properly. Van Eyk et al. (2017), have stated that the government has the target to provide universal support to the people in Australia for eliminating the problem effectively. In this context, it can also be stated that the government in Australia has considered substantiated child protection cases for enhancing the child and young people health care performance. The child abuse problem has increased the mental health-related disease among the children and young people in Australia. This is why the National Health Care Framework is considered by the government of Australia for overcoming the issue effectively. In the National Framework, the government has mainly focused on the development of family support for the children (Protecting Children Everyone’s Business, 2020).

Domain 2: Stakeholder Involvement
4. Group membership

The federal government in Australia has mainly focused on the risk factors including domestic violence, parental alcohol and drug abuse process and parental mental health problems. In addition to that social neglect factors that have been identified in the National Health Care Framework are poverty and social isolation of people, homelessness of people, Poor child and mental health and childhood disability, within Australia. To overcome various risk factors and social neglect, the health regulatory framework initiative has been considered by the federal government in Australia. Furthermore, to implement the framework strategic development policy is adopted.

5. Target population preferences and views SafetyofchildrenandYoungPeople
According to the initiatives of the government in Australia, communities are child friendly and families of children have a significant role in the case of overcoming the issue. Business and Broader communities have an important role in the case of developing the safety of children and young people of the society. Furthermore, the government has strongly focused on the right of children to participate in the decision making process in any personal matter. The reason is it helps to enhance the normal mental growth of children. The policy has been strictly adopted in the case of young people as they have the basic right to take normal decisions. Furthermore, adequate support from the children and family is also considered to enhance the normal mental growth of children and young people. Based on the result of different national and international research studies, it has been identified that families have a significant role in the case of enhancing the safety of children and promoting normal health of children and young people (Protecting Children Everyone’s Business, 2020).

The government of Australia has strongly considered the risk and neglecting factors of child abuse for ensuring the safety of children and young people in society. In the case of children, families have a strong role to overcome the risk of child abuse and on the other hand, in the case of young people, the families have to provide the right education for enhancing health growth and safety. In this context, it can be said that the government has adopted the policy of safety and wellbeing of the young people based on effective support. The importance of high-quality child protection service has been considered by the government for developing safety and well beings of children in the long run and short run. As mentioned by Phillips et al. (2016), the evidence-based developmental approach, mental growth of children and positive motivation to the young people are key policies in the case of enhancing the safety of children and young people.

6. Target users
In addition to the safety of normal young people and children in Australia, the government has adopted the initiative of special care to the indigenous people in Australia. The reason is they are suffering from health issues and different diseases including diabetes for many years. The initiative of the government is to ensure the quality of life for all children of the nation. The malnutrition of children belonging to the community aboriginal people have been effectively evaluated by the government and this is why indigenous people are included in the policy. As mentioned by Terare and Rawsthorne, (2020), to promote the health quality of children of indigenous people in Australia, understanding the cultural strength is the important matter. The safety of parents of Torres Strait Island is the most important matter to the federal government as the safety of parents would ensure the quality of life of children and young people in Torres Strait.

To ensure the safety of the people, the sexual abuse protection of children and young women policy in Australia has been adopted by the government. The sexual abuse problem is not only found in the case of Australia, but the problem is also global and in the future, it would be developed more. In the protection of children and young people, the policy of sexual abuse elimination has an important role. The initiative of national framework implementation in Australia has been started from the year 2008 and still now it is going on. In addition to that, it can also be stated that the national framework development policy has been adopted by the federal government for enhancing the performance of child health development. According to the view of Babington,(2016), National Framework for protecting children is the continuous process and that has been developed based on the current issues or problems. The federal government strictly focuses on the existing action plan and the enhancement of safety of children and young people. The implementation planning is the key tool of the National Health Framework in Australia and that has been considered by the government of Australia according to the requirements.

Based on the overall discussion in the above, it is clear that the sexual exploitation of children is one of the major issues in the case of child abuse in Australia and it has enhanced awareness of the government to develop the quality of life of children and young people in Australia. The flexibility in the performance of the National Health Framework is the key feature of the health development policy of the government of Australia. Not only the government, have the non- governmental organisations in Australia also focused on the assistance to the government for developing the health promotion and wellbeing of children. Corporate sectors have adopted significant roles in enhancing the performance of children and young people in Australia.

Strategic Current Initiatives for overcoming safety and nutrition issues

Domain 3: Rigour of developmet
7. Search methods

Theevidence sources for the framework developed mainly includes Primary data from government surveys regarding the well-being of children and young adults within the Australian society as well as legal directives, which states the rights of the children that needs to be protected, pertaining to safety and health issues. For the cureentresrarch, in order to locate appropriate resources for critical reflection, databases auch as CINAHL and Google Scholar were used.

8. Evidence
Target population for the framework includes children and young adults, irrespective of their cultural or societal diversifications, residing within Australia, in regions like New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, Weatern Australia and Queensland, to name a few

Outcome 1: children live in safe and supportive families and communities
Outcome 2: children and families access adequate support to promote safetuajdintwrvene early

Outcome 3: Risk factors for child abuse and neglect are addressed
Outcome 4: children who have been abused and neglected receive the support and care they need for their safety and well-being
Outcome 5: indigenous children are supported amd safe in their families and communities
Outcome 6: child sexual abuse and exploitations is prevented and survivors receive adequate support

9. Strengths and limitations of the evidence
The Child Protection Agency in Australia has adopted significant policies for overcoming the issue easily regarding the safety of children and young people (Protecting Children Everyone’s Business, 2020). Gathering information regarding child abuse and information regarding the substantiated report is considered to overcome safety and nutrition issues. Furthermore, understanding the culture of aboriginal people is also identified by the Child Protection Agency. The safety and wellbeing of children have been properly analysed for adapting the right strategy to overcome the health issue of children and young people. The disease and other health issues of aboriginal people in Australia have deteriorated the social values. This is why the Child Protection Agency has focused on the development of the health of children belonging to the indigenous group. The key strategies of the agency include propositions like the wellbeing and safety of children is a shared community responsibility and families, as well as children, are empowered, to participate in the decision making process. Developing the service standards for the children and young people, building capacity in families, services and communities as well as working with the people of Indigenous community for developing social values are few other propositions considered for framing the strategies. Formulation of recommendation, benefits as well as harms, link between recommendations and evidence, external review (10,11,12,13)Strategies against sexual abuse of children and young women

On behalf of the government of Australia, the long term policy has been adopted for protecting the country against sexual abuse of children and young women. The cyber safety policy has been adopted by the government and it has been already implemented. As depicted by He et al. (2020), the cyber safety policy of the government of Australia has strengthened the quality of life in that country and it has enhanced the safety of children and young people. Furthermore, the government has adopted the initiative of community-based support and contribution of the families to overcome the problem of sexual abuse of children and young women. The interagency planning of the federal government of Australia has helped to tackle child sexual assault in the aboriginal communities. The initiative has provided significant results for promoting the wellbeing of children and young people of the aboriginal community.

Strategies for accessing mainstream services for children and families
As mentioned by Le Grande et al. (2017), the indigenous parenting support system can help the government of Australia to enhance social development. The reason is it would help to strengthen the quality of life of children and young people of an indigenous group in Australia. The indigenous parenting support strategy is focused by the federal government in Australia and it has developed the quality of life of the aboriginal people. Furthermore, the government has developed the child and maternal health policies for overcoming the issue of health of children. The diabetes problem for the children and young people are considered properly by the government and nutrition of children is evaluated. Hence, to ensure the social development process based on enhancing the wellbeing of children, the government has adopted positive initiatives. The National Framework has provided an integrated response to the government to overcome the issue of well beings of children. The avoidance of duplication and coordination of planning have been followed by the government to enhance the wellbeing of children and young people. The National Framework of strategic development has been considered by the government and it has enhanced the wellbeing of children.

The strategy of Community-Based Education and awareness
As asserted by Babington, (2016), the strategy of community-based awareness and education can help a country to overcome the issue of child development. Based on campaigns, the awareness development policy is adopted by the government and it has enhanced the quality of service. The National Child Protection Program initiative is adopted by the federal government and it has enhanced the health promotion activity of the government. In this context, it can also be stated that the National Health Protection Agency and National Children’s Commissioner in Australia have implemented joint effort for ensuring the health promotion of children and young people in Australia.

Strategic Policy for the development of young people Care
In addition to the child care policy, the care of young people is also an important matter and that is identified in the case of Australia. The support of the Non-Governmental Organisations in the strategic development process has helped the government to implement the plan successfully. The cybersecurity policy that has been already mentioned in the above has helped the government to protect the young people effectively. The death review of Australia and New Zealand regarding children and young people has helped the federal government to overcome the issue effectively.14.

Updating procedure
Specific information regarding the updating procedure has not been included in the document for the national health policy framework being discussed. However, a three-year period has been mentioned for evaluation of the national framework, post which, any improvements would be incorporated into the same, for improving the proposed outcomes.

Domain 4: Clarity of presentation
15. Strategic and unambiguous recommendations

The policy outlines recommended actions clearly, while identifying the target population for the purpose. The uncertainty about the guidelines have neither been identified nor stated but it is presumably so because there is hardly any uncertainty regsrding the implementation of the recolmendations suggested.

16. Management options
The management options for the target population identified, in order to ensure their safety and health, have been appropriately described under each proposed outcomes. However, the clinical situatoknapproproate to each option has mot beeen explicitly stated since the aim is to ensure facilitation of availability in receiving treatment and availing quality of life, without any discriminations based on the cultural or societal status of the children and the young adults.

17. Identifiable key recommendations
The recommended actions for achieving the proposed outcomes have been clearly stated in the framework and have been explored in-depth, to state their prospects, through the use of valid, high-quality reserach journals and articles.

Domain 5:. Applicability
Facilitators and barriers to application, Implementationadvice/tools, Resourceimplications, Monitoring/auditingcriteria (18, 19, 20, 21) The barriers to application of the framework have been identified but, the types of facilitqtors and barriers, the resoyrcestheoygh which rhe information regsrdingt he facolitqtors, barriers were sought amd the ways kn which these informatikn influenced the framing of the recommmedations suggested eithin the text have not been stated clesrly and explored adequately. The applicability and potential of the stated recommendationa have been tested through secondary research, involving significant numbers of published papers, to check their views and conclude on the same. The ways in which the recommendations will be or has been already implemented within the healthcare sector have also not been disclosed explicitly. The resource implications as well as the monitoring criteria for the framework had not been covered in the document for the framework.

Domain 6: Editorial independence
22. Funding body

The document clearly staes that the Australian Government finances the initiatives pertaining to the maintenance of health and safety among the children and young adults, irrespective of their cultural or societal status.

23. Competing interests
No information regarding the competing interest in this regards has been included under this framework being evaluated.

The overall discussion of the study reveals that child protection and protection of young people is an important policy of social development. The health and other social issues of children and young people have been raised since 2009 and these are considered by the government at different times. The federal government in Australia has focused on the development of children and young people of aboriginal communities in Australia for promoting integrated health performance of children and young people. The Child Protection Agency in Australia has adopted significant policies to ensure cybersecurity, community awareness and so on for enhancing health promotion of children and young people. The development of strategic policies of the federal government would help to enhance the performance in the future and social values of the country would be improved.

Babington, B. (2016). What road ahead: Directions and challenges for the national framework for protecting Australia's children 2009-2020. Developing Practice: The Child, Youth and Family Work Journal, (44), 4. He, V. Y., Guthridge, S., Su, J. Y., Howard, D., Stothers, K., & Leach, A. (2020). The link between hearing impairment and child maltreatment among Aboriginal children in the Northern Territory of Australia: is there an opportunity for a public health approach in child protection. BMC public health, 20, 1-11.

Hewitt, L., Benjamin-Neelon, S. E., Carson, V., Stanley, R. M., Janssen, I., &Okely, A. D. (2018). Child care centre adherence to infant physical activity and screen time recommendations in Australia, Canada and the United States: An observational study. Infant Behavior and Development, 50, 88-97.

Le Grande, M., Ski, C. F., Thompson, D. R., Scuffham, P., Kularatna, S., Jackson, A. C., & Brown, A. (2017). Social and emotional wellbeing assessment instruments for use with Indigenous Australians: A critical review. Social Science & Medicine, 187, 164-173. Phillips, C., Fisher, M., Baum, F., MacDougall, C., Newman, L., & McDermott, D. (2016). To what extent do Australian child and youth health policies address the social determinants of health and health equity: a document analysis study. Healthcare assignmentBMC Public Health, 16(1), 512. Protecting Children Everyone’s Business. (2020). Retrieved 28 September 2020, from

Terare, M., &Rawsthorne, M. (2020). Country is yarning to me: Worldview, health and well-being amongst Australian First Nations People. The British Journal of Social Work, 50(3), 944-960.

Van Eyk, H., Harris, E., Baum, F., Delany-Crowe, T., Lawless, A., & MacDougall, C. (2017). Health in all policies in south Australia—did it promote and enact an equity perspective. International journal of environmental research and public health, 14(11), 1288.

Zubrick, S. R., Hafekost, J., Johnson, S. E., Lawrence, D., Saw, S., Sawyer, M., ...& Buckingham, W. J. (2016). Suicidal behaviours: prevalence estimates from the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50(9), 899-910.


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