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Is Higher Education Revolution A Necessity For World Development?


Task: Is the current global higher education revolution an unnecessary fad, or a necessity in the world of the twenty-first century?


The importance of higher education in education revolution is directly synced with the development of the society and world economy. Universities and colleges as essential providers of Higher Education increase opportunities for individuals to get involved in economic development based on their contribution to the same. Higher education is a vast area to consider followed by different sectors of education and complexity. However, concerns have been raised on whether the revolution on the current global higher education is a necessity with regards to the development of the world in the 21st century or is it just an unnecessary fad. The aim of this analysis is to explore this concern. What do you plan to do in this assignment?

In order to fulfil the need of the assignment, a plan is to be executed. In that concern the global higher education revolution will be primarily considered followed by the description of the global higher education revolution at the former point. Furthermore, it will also develop a personal critical interrogation of the same area of study in order to recognise a critical analysis with regard to the societal antecedents and causes of global higher education revolution followed by its features. At the end of the paper, a conclusion will be developed based on the findings from the study.

The Global Higher Education Revolution

An academic revolution or education revolution has been witnessed in recent times in relation to higher education that has marked transformations and precedence in the scope and diversity of the educational world. Comprehending its dynamic and ongoing procedure is not an easy task. Universities get most affected by international trends and global changes. In that case, with regard to the globalisation and new trends, the education revolution has become a matter of discussion. This does not only relate to the exposure of students to better educational opportunities but at the same time better employment opportunities as well.

According to UNESCO, there are certain key drivers identified in the 21st century education revolution (Altbach, Reisberg and Rumbley, 2019). These drivers can be identified to be the massification of tertiary procedures from around the world which focuses on the private good versus public good debate. These drivers also focus on the impacts of ICT as well as the rise of the economy (Savic, 2020). The fact concerns that with the improvement of the global economic system it is required for the individuals to have enhanced knowledge in the subjects of expertise in order to meet the requirement. Also, this revolution has long been criticized on the basis of its impact on the psychological and physical health of the students and capabilities and resources of different universities or education providers.

It will not be an exaggeration if it is said that the education revolution is basically a series of transformations influencing most of the related aspects to higher education which are more fundamental with respect to the earlier education system as they are directly related to world economic improvement.

Critical interrogation
Despite the immense need of the education revolution in the 21st century, there remain certain concerns that are yet to be discussed and resolved in order to ensure the ultimate execution of this revolution. In the positive concern, higher education and better educational opportunities certainly have better employment opportunities as well as exposure to extensive knowledge. However, the question remains is every institution around the world able to provide such exposure and resources to the students to secure the enhanced and better educational system. Education revolution includes information and communication technology for the betterment of the students so that they can have exposure to technological advancement (Myasnikova and Ratkovskaya, 2019). Even in this case the question remains whether all the countries and the universities can provide sufficient technological exposure to the students so that they can secure the benefits of this education revolution (Chaudhry, Ahmed and Zeeshan, 2021). The third-world countries as well as underdeveloped countries, based on their economic performance, will not be able to provide sufficient resources as much as the developed countries could. In that case, a concern for equality arises. The critical analysis in this case would bring the concern that is a student from an underdeveloped country is seeking for employment and at the same time a student for a developed country is doing the same in the same domain, whether it will be justified to offer the employment opportunity to the students from the developed country based on his knowledge of technology and other resources that was available as a means of education revolution which were not available in the underdeveloped country. Inequality among the higher education system of different nations as well as within the nations itself has significantly increased in recent times. In that case, introducing an education revolution based on its new offerings will increase the scope for inequality among the universities and institutions. Hence, whether the education revolution in the current century is really necessary or just an unnecessary fad, remains a matter of debate.

Societal antecedents
In the past, higher education did not include technological advancement or electronic platforms. However, with advancement in the technological industry and increasing importance of the same, it has been necessary to include these elements in higher education (Terentieva, 2019). As the means of societal antecedents, this evolution in the educational industry was strictly required. As a result, this not only influenced the psychological situation of the students but at the same time the societal scenario. Considering this understanding, the changes brought in the education revolution also invited the study of social psychology in order to identify the changes and its impact.

The primary reason behind initiating the academic revolution was identified to be economic development. It is identified that in the present time globalisation has become a popular concept as it is directly and effectively contributing to the economic development and the societal development of the nations around the globe. In that concern, adding positive attributes to the education industry by bringing technology and innovation in the education sector will help the students to become one of the primary resources to the development of the world economy. It will add to the globalisation and betterment of the world. Not only that, it will also focus on the development of the psychological development of students.

The features of the education revolution can be diversified in different groups. The primary features include improvement in technologies and communication as well as psychological well-being. With the increasing development of the wall and betterment being brought in the focus of educational institutes, compulsory inclusion of technology has become significant.

21st century in the era of fast development and this development is not only on the industrial sector, but at the same time it is in every sector including educational sectors. The education revolution is one of the newest concepts at the global level in the 21st century. Depending upon the need of technological education and betterment of students with regard to their psychological and social well-being, the academic revolution is certainly not an unnecessary fad. It is specifically necessary with regard to the betterment of the educational industry and development of the world economy. The features and critical analysis of education revolution coveys that this revolution is supposedly inviting a notable change in the near future. Hence, it can be concluded that the world needs to focus more on the adoption of this education revolution to see a better future for not only the students but of the world at large.?

Reference List
Altbach, P.G., Reisberg, L. and Rumbley, L.E., (2019). Trends in global higher education: Tracking an academic revolution. Brill.

Chaudhry, A.G., Ahmed, A. and Zeeshan, M., (2021). Virtual Studies—Academic Revolution of COVID-19: A Case Study of Department of Anthropology, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 6, pp.43-51. Chaudhry, A.G., Ahmed, A. and Zeeshan, M., 2021. Virtual Studies—Academic Revolution of COVID-19: A Case Study of Department of Anthropology, University of Arid Agriculture, Rawalpindi. Global Educational Studies Review, VI, 6, pp.43-51.

Myasnikova, S. and Ratkovskaya, I., (2019), October. Development prospects of the educational Milieu of universities in the conditions of academic revolution. In Proceedings of the 2019 International SPBPU Scientific Conference on Innovations in Digital Economy (pp. 1-6).

Savic, M., (2020). The Dawn of the Academic Revolution: An Individual Contribution to Shaping the Future of Universities. World Futures Review, 12(4), pp.385-395. Individual_Contribution_to_Shaping_the_Future_of_Universities-with-cover-page-v2.pdfExpires=1634114287&Signature=O6cBmk75ctZcM46EorDkWaLnlkHfPEF~D6TU~lk6DLWZFC1TjWekci VWwneYW~9phhoga5bhqanIfhk7FLFS2smVcqdZ9tULUO8hIXYSn~QR~r5nLlMqsqEvRwZFgslaIxO2nxI YbqcgNIeNQOazc6j3iTiKBLCIfZoYZppb1vji~5EAyGffoswWuX3~uo9Yt-MN5HuMupVPTsdC7zfegm ESbsXI799TLochdyNbrtf5pAEdSAoaMDiZhWZ64f-MsCoagbyu62lAuhNuno87f9ex0Su5sc1ivVs SgjdomBL8A6lWdujpIOVTNJHo6eti75WRSRiDWM-fvriYdzLZWA__&Key-Pair-Id= APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA

Terentieva, N., (2019). Trends of higher pedagogical education in the 21st century (review of the author's research results). Acta et commentationes (tiine ale Educaiei), 17(3), pp.26-31.


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