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IT assignment onthe topic, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs


Task: You are required to write an annotated bibliography on the topic, Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Explore the topic and prepareaprofessionalIT assignmentreport.


Annotation 1 of theIT assignment
It is often analysed in the IT assignmentthat in the study of social media adoption, the main focus is on the conversations, engagements, and leads rather than on the social behaviours of the customers. However, it is considered that the psychology of customers should be the major element while studying social media adoption. Hence the purpose of the study is to map the linkage between social media adoption with that of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs by describing the strong urges of individuals after their satisfaction with their lower-level urges[1]. The key highlight of the paper is that it is descriptive and quantitative by nature which gives it vigour by providing the necessary qualitative aspects of the IT assignmentand also by providing the data analysis of a sample size of 287 participants. The qualitative results of the study have revealed that there are five different levels in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory which are physiological, belonging and love, safety, need for recognition, and self-actualization. These levels are linked by the authors to understand the usage of social networking for marketing purposes by organisations[1]. The main social networking site which has been studied by the authors of the IT assignmentis Facebook because of the strong association that the site creates among a wide group of people from different societies. The data analysis was conducted by the authors for understanding the linkage between Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and social media usage. It was revealed by the results that the profession and gender of an individual are the affecting factors of love and belonging and not age. Therefore, it can be concluded in theIT assignmentthat the elements of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are the motivators for an individual and affects their social media usage. A significant strength of the study is that it provides a future direction for continuing the research by suggesting different scale developments for the evaluations of the reasons and intentions of social media usage among people. Since the IT assignmentis focused on analysing only one platform that is Facebook, therefore, there is a future scope for other studies to explore other social media networking sites as well.

Annotation 2 of the IT assignment
According to the IT assignment, humans are driven by the innate requirement of love, safety,survival, a sense of belonging, self-realization, and esteem. The purpose of this study is to explore the domains of human psychology beyond the hierarchies defined by Maslow in his pyramid model whereby the authors have discussed 13 fundamental needs along with 52 sub-needs of individuals. The key highlight of the paper is that the authors have constructed the study in a design-focused revision whereby they have briefly discussed Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and then proceeded in discussing how to overcome the limitations of the model and introduced 13 fundamental needs based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The results of the IT assignmentinclude highlighting the strengths and limitations of the Hierarchy of Needs and then developing a typology based on five criteria based on the fundamental psychological needs of humans[2]. It has been argued by the authors that a need is defined as fundamental when it is universal, is not dependent on another requirement, is linked to the mental and physical well-being of the individual, affects a wider range of behaviour of the individual, and motivates situational behaviour of the individual. The 13 typologies which were developed by the authors were based on these criteria of individual needs and are autonomy, beauty, comfort, community, competence, fitness, impact, morality, purpose, recognition, relatedness, security, and stimulation[2]. The three design opportunities which have been defined by the authors in theIT assignmentalso form a key highlight of the paper and include, strengthening the current needs, introducing new needs, and reducing need harm. The reason for considering these design opportunities as a key highlight of the study is because it gives future direction to the study conducted.

Annotation 3 of the IT assignment
An environment having a physical and virtual environment is defined as a mixed reality environment that also involves the feelings of the users. Therefore, the purpose of the IT assignmentpaper is to apply Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs in designing these mixed reality environments for understanding the feelings of the users in a better manner. Based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs model, an office system is developed by the authors in this study which will be used for verifying the long-term immersion of users[3]. The key highlight of the IT assignmentis that it is based on an experiment conducted for 8 hours to evaluate the user needs in comparison to the needs they have in a physical environment. It has been argued by the authors that Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory that defines human behaviour to be highly goal-oriented. According to the authors, the first four levels of the Needs Pyramid constitute of “deficiency needs” of the individuals which must be met in order to give them a feeling of satisfaction. The last layer at the peak of the pyramid denotes the growth needs of individuals which are considered to be added requirements for every human. In conclusion of theIT assignment, the result which is obtained from this study is that Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory can be used for supporting the long-term immersion of users which will provide guidance for using mixed reality systems in the long run.

[1]S. Ghatak and S. Singh, "Examining Maslow’s Hierarchy Need Theory in the Social Media Adoption" in IT assignment, FIIB Business Review, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 292-302, 2019. Available: 10.1177/2319714519882830.
[2]P. Desmet and S. Fokkinga, "Beyond Maslow’s Pyramid: Introducing a Typology of Thirteen Fundamental Needs for Human-Centered Design", Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, vol. 4, no. 3, p. 38, 2020. Available: 10.3390/mti4030038.
[3]J. Guo et al., "Mixed reality office system based on maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Towards the long-term immersion in virtual environments.", IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), no. 2019, pp. 224-235, 2022. [Accessed 31 July 2022].


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