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Management Assignment For Royal District Nursing Service Lead Implementation Strategy


Assessment Instructions: Assessment Instructions Assessment Task is based on an article written by Grossman (2015) titled, 'How to Create a Learning Culture'. In this Assessment Task , students are required to create a project report on learning strategy within an organisation. Students need to assume themselves as a CEO of an organization.

In this assessment task students are required to demonstrate their competency to:

  • Provide leadership to learning strategy formation
  • Design and develop organizational learning strategy
  • Implement organizational learning strategy
  • Review organizational learning and development
  • Improve organizational learning strategy formation


Executive Summary: This Management Assignment is drafted on behalf of CEO of Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) which is based on importance and application of learning culture within this organisation. In the first section of this report, what are the issues faced by CEO of this organisation are discussed along with identifying the reasons why leaders are failing to invest money in proper place where they are intended to be. In second section evaluation of capital amount that will be required for conducting training and developmental program within the organisation is discussed. In next section corporate learning changes is discussed followed by discussion on unlocking learning culture and creating learning culture in next two sections. In final section of this report, I have recommended and concluded my findings in a brief manner. It is concluded in the Management Assignment that effectively exhibiting different aspects of learning models which mainly emphasizes on collaborating working of employees rather than incorporating competition among them is incorporated in RDNS. The uses of adaptive learning process helps in fostering a supportive culture among the employees and help them to increase their efficiency of providing good care to their customers.

Introduction: This management assignment focuses on the Formulation of learning strategy is not adequate to ensure organizational success, as it also requires effective implementation strategy, channelled through suitable leadership style. Ample views on scope of learning and learning mechanism used in an organisation are there. Organisational learning process is based on application of effective knowledge for learning purpose and obtaining a positive outcome. As a CEO of an organisation one must ensure that an ideal learning environment in organisation is created and employees should be conveyed reason of learning programme. In addition to this, CEO should also make sure that learning process proves to be useful for their organisation.

I, as a CEO of ‘Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS)’, am drafting this management assignment to analyse business challenges that I have faced in my organisation. In the second section I evaluated capital amount that will be required for conducting training and developmental program within my organisation. In next section corporate learning changes is discussed followed by discussion on unlocking learning culture and creating learning culture in next two sections. In final section of this management assignment, I have recommended and concluded my findings in a brief manner.

Leaders not investing money accordingly: In my organisation RDNS, most prominent business challenge that I have faced for achieving learning objective is that leaders of my organisation are not investing their money accordingly. Leaders of my organisation RDNS has failed to invest their money where they are aimed to. As a result of this, it has become difficult to maintain high quality of care that was being provided to clients (Davis and Boulet, 2016). Deterioration of quality has bout it down to knife-edge management of financial aspect of RDNS. As per managers of human resource, communication of dominant style that is being practises in RDNS needs to be shifted into a much more cooperative and open style. The practice of dominant style of communication made human resource management process critical as a result of which learning programs that were incorporated within RDNS failed to render desired outcome (Vulanovic et al. 2017).

Leaders of organisation RDNS has a fixed mindset that is they tend to focus more on what is being practised in organisation and gains to focus on new learning. On the process of making any proportional decision leaders were tending to put emphasis on performance of staffs and employees and failed to give importance of learning potential of these employees. As a result of this the Management Assignment has that were being incorporated in organisational culture failed to came up with expected output (Gil and Mataveli, 2017). In order to overcome this issue, leaders of RDNS need to change their thinking mindset and should give more importance to learning process of other staffs. This will ensure that there will be considerable improvement among employees as they will be able to gain knowledge from different learning process.

Amount spend on development and training: A good learning program will facilitate rendering significant good results for RDNS. An effective training and development program will be able to improve customer service reduce absenteeism, reduced supervision needs and helps in boosting sales as well. A good learning culture will also ensure that proper training will be given to all staffs of organisation ensuring they will commit fewer mistakes (Hallam, Hiskens and Ong, 2014). Thus, a proper budgeting should be done in order to make development and training program profitable for RDNS.

3% of salary of each employee has been has been budgeted to be invested back for training purpose. In order to make an effective budget the training program is briefed initially. The fees course, training materials such as videos and workbooks are also included in the budget as well (Lancaster and Di Milia, 2015). In addition to this, the Management Assignment shall highlight training and development budget also includes instructor’s fees, meal expanses and travelling cost.

However, there is a doubt that whether the money invested for developmental and training program will be worthy for the organisation or not. If the employees of RDNS fail to adapt learning culture of the organisation them they will not be able to gain new knowledge form training program. On the other hand, an effective training program will ensure that it will have a positive effect of the staffs. These will also help to increase in factors such as sales and customer retention thus ensuring an overall profitability. Thus, financial resources invested will be worthy for RDNS as with proper training the organisation will gain good profit (Littlejohn, Lukic and Margaryan, 2014).

Change in corporate learning: Similar to other working functions of business, concept of learning is also changing with innovation of latest methods and technologies. Learning process in recent times has not only become digital, but it is also highly immersive and social. In all organisations, also some of those traditional methods of training are practises, for instance classroom teaching methods, but these methods fails to deliver proper learning outcomes (Purushothaman, 2015). These traditional learning methods are expensive, slow in setting up and also are found to consume a lot of working and productive hour of the employees and staffs of RDNS.

In order to address the aforementioned drawbacks, change in traditional learning process is accepted and new trends in corporate learning arrived. It is evident that job skills processes by employees of RDNS will not be adequate in the coming years (Sikkema and Sauerwein, 2015). Thus, their technological skills need to be improved in addition to analytical skills. Furthermore, continuous learning cultures need to be incorporated within the organisation as well. The classroom mode of training programs are replaced with online courses which all employees will be able to access using their mobile, personal computer and can gain knowledge. These online courses are more interactive model of learning which can be accessed using mobile from anywhere at any time thus enabling staffs to gain knowledge (Smith, Barnes and Harris, 2014).

In order to make learning process modernised, RDNS also deployed a learning management system that use cloud based using social collaboration tool. This will enable employees to design their personalised training programs according to their time availability.

Unlocking learning culture : It is well said that creating an organisational culture of learning is not about providing training; it is all about unlocking that learning culture in everyday work. Learning culture can be implemented with proper collaboration with other employees (van Breda-Verduijn and Heijboer, 2016). All employees have certain strengths and need to involve in some areas as well. These employees should be allowed to work together so that they can identify the aspects where they can improve themselves and can monitor their journey of improvement.

Factors such as listening and curiosity also help in unlocking learning culture as well. When employees work together, they are able to listen to other employees’ perspective thus being able to understand how their perspective differs from other. In addition to this having curiosity on other topics does not only helps to open a wider world for employees but also render these employees with an opportunity to gather ideas and to gain new thoughts (Wen, 2014). Exploration also plays a key role in unlocking learning culture as well. The employees can choose their working ability to explore and unlock their natural sense of creativity and curiosity.

lead learning culture

Figure 1: Unlocking learning culture
(Source: Yoo and Huang, 2016)

Creating learning culture: Leaders of RDNS must take first initiative in order to create learning culture. The leaders should formalise developmental and training plans which will help in initiating learning culture. Management Assignment are not being formalised then it will have a risk of improper implementation. The gained knowledge and leanings should also be recognised as well; these employees who have learned various skills successfully should recognised their gain knowledge and need to encourage other employees for participating in these learning cultures (Yoo and Huang, 2016).

Getting feedback in other processes for creating effective learning culture as it enables to understand training outcomes and perspective of employees towards theses arranged training programs. Regular polls and sessions should be arranged in order to evaluate development and training benefits. This will also help to understand if the investment made for training purpose was successful or not.

lead learning processes

Figure 2: Unlocking learning processes
(Source: Wen, 2014)

Conclusion : As the CEO of RDNS I can state that the organisation is effectively exhibiting different aspects of learning models which mainly emphasizes on collaborate working of employees rather than incorporating competition among them. The employees of RDNS are empowered with collective vision and focus of valuing its employees. The organisation incorporates both generative as well as adaptive learning process. The uses of adaptive learning process helps in fostering a supportive culture among the employees and help them to increase their efficiency of providing good care to their customers.

On the other hand RDNS also practises generative learning model as well that helps employees of RDNS to open up themselves by including their capabilities. This enables the employees to render high quality service to metropolitan home, community care and clinics. This also gives RDNS the opportunity of expansion and growth. This management assignment also implements blame-free culture as well thus making the learning culture ongoing and substantial.

Davis, K., and Boulet, M. (2016). Transformations? skilled change agents influencing organisational sustainability culture. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 32(1), 109-123.

Delic, M., Slåtten, T., Milic, B., Marjanovic, U., and Vulanovic, S. (2017). Fostering learning organisation in transitional economy - the role of authentic leadership and employee affective commitment. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 9(3), 441-455.

Gil, A. J., and Mataveli, M. (2017). The relevance of information transfer in learning culture. Management Decision, 55(8), 1698-1716.

Hallam, G., Hiskens, A., and Ong, R. (2014). Conceptualising the learning organisation: Creating a maturity framework to develop a shared understanding of the library's role in literacy and learning. Australian Library Journal, 63(2), 78-93.

Lancaster, S., and Di Milia, L. (2015). Developing a supportive learning environment in a newly formed organisation. Journal of Workplace Learning, 27(6), 442-456.

Littlejohn, A., Lukic, D., and Margaryan, A. (2014). Comparing safety culture and learning culture. Risk Management, 16(4), 272-293.

Purushothaman, A. (2015). Organizational learning: A road map to evaluate learning outcomes in knowledge intensive firms. Development and Learning in Organizations, 29(3), 11-14.

Sikkema, S. E., and Sauerwein, J. A. (2015). Exploring culture-specific learning styles in accounting education. Journal of International Education in Business, 8(2), 78-91. (2018), The RDNS difference. Viewed on 05/06/2018 from

Smith, G. E., Barnes, K. J., and Harris, C. (2014). A learning approach to the ethical organization. The Learning Organization, 21(2), 113-125.

van Breda-Verduijn, H., and Heijboer, M. (2016). Learning culture, continuous learning, organizational learning anthropologist. Industrial and Commercial Training, 48(3), 123-128.

Wen, H. (2014). The nature, characteristics and ten strategies of learning organization. The International Journal of Educational Management, 28(3), 289-298.

Yoo, S. J., and Huang, W. D. (2016). Can e-learning system enhance learning culture in the workplace? A comparison among companies in South Korea. British Journal of Educational Technology, 47(4), 575-591.


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