Nursing Assignment Based On Different Case Scenarios
Nursing Assignment Questions:
- Describe Individualised plan (care plan) in your own words (50-100 words)?
- List at least 10 activities where we use Individualized plan while providing support to the person?
- Describe in your own words what is the definition of the term “Job role” or “Job description”? (50-100 words)
- Describe the basic principles of each of these practices/ approaches that can be used to underpin individualised support planning and delivery. (50-100 words/each)
- Person-centred practice or approach
- Strengths-based practice.
- Active support.
- Rights-based approaches
- Empowerment
- Self-advocacy
- Active listening
- Social justice, and the importance of knowing and respecting each person as an individual
- Community inclusion and best practice examples
- Consumer directed care for healthy ageing
- Outline the roles and responsibilities (including communication) of each of these people in terms of providing individualised support. (50-100 words/each)
- Carers and families
- Person being supported.
- Health professionals.
- Individual workers.
- Supervisors.
- Conduct independent research to identify five factors that affect people requiring support. (Hint: The Department of Social Services website has information about the experience of people with disabilities and their families in Australia.)
- Describe two practices that support skill maintenance and development of the person with a Disability. (150–200 words)
- List three indicators of unmet needs and identify a way of responding to each unmet need.
- CASE STUDY: Your client (Mrs. Mavis Gatto) has been living in aged / Disability care facility since 2012, She is elderly, frail, and Also her short term memory is not good due to dementia. Today is Sunday morning and you are working in the same area with your work mate, where Mrs. Mavis Gatto lives in Room 7 and she is going to church with her daughter (She prefers to go with her Son). Today her daughter arrived 30min earlier to pick her up. You are providing assistant to Client with transfer from Room to Vehicle after delivering ADL to Mavis.
- Identify two activities when you get to confirm the information from the individualised plan and confirm that information with the person, other support worker and family? (50-100 words)
- Based on the case study, identify activity when you require to seek support from another person and from who and how you get an assistant? (50-100 words)
- What information will you collect from the Individualised plan in regards to transferring activities from room to vehicle? (50-100 words)
- Identify the task when you are offering an opportunity to make their own decision in regards to the support activity by promoting maximum independence. (50-100 words)
- Based on the case study, please identify the area of individualised plan can be reviewed and to whom and how you will contact for this modification (if required)? (50-100 words)
- A person’s physical situation can have serious effects on their well-being. What signs might there be that this is occurring and why should it be reported? 150–200 words
- List eight indications that a client is experiencing pain. How is this likely to affect their well-being and to whom would you report this? 200 words
- CASE STUDY: You have been asked to administer medication to a client as a part of implementing their individualised plan. This is outside the scope of your job role but enrolled nurse on duty is asking you to take on this responsibility anyway. Should you carry out this task? If not then how and where you will report this action and what type of documentation you will complete. Explain your response (300–500 words).
- List 10 possible hazards/ risks support workers might identify in their workplace and how to report according to organizational procedures?
- CASE STUDY: Tom’s wife died one year ago. She was 83 and he is now 87. His only income is from the aged pension. He does not cook but is happy to make sandwiches for himself, although he says he has no appetite and does not really want to eat.
He also feels very apathetic about his house, which is not very clean, is dark, untidy and cluttered. The house is old and has wooden floors covered with mats. It is very cold in winter. Tom no longer drives a car and he is not very steady on his feet. This means that he spends most of his time at home, watching TV and reading.
He has a small garden and he likes to spend time out there, but he can no longer maintain the lawn and finds weeding the garden difficult.
How can you support and assist Tom to maintain a safe and healthy environment which leads to healthy life style? (Note: Before determining what sort of support Tom might require it will be necessary to conduct appropriate hazard identifications and make reports, following organisational procedures).
Describe at least 5 support strategies you could implement on his behalf and with his agreement. 300–320 words
- Give five examples of rights that your client has. If a client has a right to complaint, what is a suggested/recommended complaint procedure?
- What is the difference between legislation and ethics? (50–60 words)
- Write a short definition for the term self-determination.
- Briefly explain the differences between policies, procedures and protocols (30–50 words).
- Give a brief outline of every legal and ethical requirement mentioned below and how these are applied in an organisation and individual practice.
Note: Your explanation should cover service preparation, service delivery, communication and cultural diversity; also consider service delivery in disability sector as well. (50-100 words/each)
- Human rights
- Duty of care
- Dignity of risk
- Discrimination
- Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure
- Work role boundaries – responsibilities and limitations
- Mandatory reporting
- Work health and safety
- Infection control
- Conduct independent research to determine the legal and ethical factors (international, national, state, territory and local) that need to be considered regarding discrimination, human rights and rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients. When researching, consider the relationship between human needs and human rights and the frameworks, approaches and instruments used in the workplace.
Explain the impact of these factors on individual workers and explain the likely consequences of:
- breaches of discrimination legislation
- infringement of human rights including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- not supporting client, worker and employer rights and responsibilities in the workplace
- Give a brief outline of every legal and ethical requirement mentioned below and explain how they impact to health care industry? (50-100 words/each)
- Children in the workplace
- Codes of conduct
- Codes of practice
- Complaints management
- Continuing professional education
- Informed consent
- Policy frameworks
- Records management
- Rights and responsibilities of workers, employers and clients
- Industrial relations legislation relevant to employment conditions of role
- Practice standards
- Practitioner/client boundaries
- Abuse
- Constraint
- Imprisonment
- Negligence
- Define relationship between human needs and human rights.
- Describe three measures organisation can use to protect client information stored electronically. (150–180 words)
- Define the terms below and give an example of each: (50-100 words/each)
- Social differences
- Cultural differences
- Spiritual differences.
How can you maintain respect of these differences while serving to clients with disability and other clients/residents?
- Why must staff avoid imposing their own values or attitudes on clients? 200 words
- The client’s stage of life, development and strengths must be assessed when engaging in support activities. In 200–250 words explain why.
- CASE STUDY: Ray is an older man with a physical disability, living in an aged care facility. He recently became emotionally involved with Beth, a younger female resident in the same facility. Beth was widowed one year ago and has four children and ten grandchildren. Ray has been alone most of his life.
Ray and Beth would like to have a sexual relationship, believing that it is part of an expression of their personal identity and their emotional involvement, but they are constrained by the fact that they live in a care facility and they think that some of the workers would not approve.
What is meant by expressions of personal identity and sexuality, why is it important and how might Ray and Beth be supported?
Also explain how your actions will support to their emotional and psychological wellbeing? 200 –300 words
CASE STUDY: Mary is an 85-year-old woman with hearing impairment who uses a wheelchair. Mary has become a client of the community services organisation you work for as a support worker. You are concerned for her physical and mental well-being.
One of her recreational interests is swimming, and one of her social interests is educational groups. She regularly participated in both before entering the facility. She retains all her mental capabilities and the swimming was an excellent way for a woman using a wheelchair to be able to exercise. She enjoyed watching soccer games on television, reading books and used to attend the local church each Sunday.
How can these interests that contribute to both mental and physical wellbeing be supported? 250 words
- What are the benefits of exercise? (50-100 words)
- Give examples of the different ways that you can assist a client to identify opportunities to utilise their strengths and why is it essential to communicate the importance of using the available support to clients?
CASE STUDY: Michelle, who is 27 years old is addicted to alcohol. During the initial appointment Michelle tells you she wants information about treatment options but is worried about her family finding out she has a problem.
- How will you determine the information that will be useful to Michelle? What questions might you ask her? 130–150 words
- What information would you give her?
- CASE STUDY: Jack is a 38-year-old married man with a young family. He was recently diagnosed with chronic arthritis which will affect both his hands and feet.
This signals the eventual demise of his career as a niche market toy-maker because making his toys requires intricate wood-working skills.
Jack is on medication to help control the pain, and he needs to make some important decisions regarding coping with what is going to be increasing debilitation.
Jack is very concerned about self-managing his own service delivery so that he does not lose his independence.
Explain in approx. 500 words how you could support this and what and to whom you report and discuss for Jack’s healthy lifestyle.
- What does a healthy lifestyle involve and Give examples of the ways that you can promote and encourage daily living habits that will contribute to your clients’ healthy lifestyle.
- Why is it important to report any identified variations in a person’s physical condition? (160–200 words)
- a. Provide five examples of what trust is.
- Why it is important to review Individualised plan before using any available equipment? (50- 150 words)
- How do you monitor your own work to meet the required standards? (50-100 words)
- How do you involve the client in discussions regarding their care? (50-100 words)
- Does an individualised plan need review? If yes, what are the indicators of a plan that needs further discussions? (50-100 words)
- Who can participate in discussion about individualised plan to support a person’s self-determination? (50-100 words)
- List four responsibilities of workers with regard to documentation and reporting requirements.
1 a.) Individualised Plan (Care Plan)
The individual patient that leaved the hospital, the practitioners involve the patient in developing Individualised Care plans. These plans identify the modifications in the lifestyle and medications that are required for managing risks factors, thereby addressing psychological needs while also including referrals. The plans are given to the patients as well as to the practitioner within 48 hours of hospital discharge.
1 b.) 10 Activities where individualised plan is used
- Change in personal capabilities
- Health changes or improvements
- Changes in living arrangements
- Change in personal lifestyles of individual
- Developing or maintaining social networks
- Meeting cultural needs of disable or support required individual
- Engaging in meaningful activities
- Person- Centred plans
- Consumer directed Care
- Accessing Multi-disciplinary Services
1 c.) Job description is type of narrative that depicts tasks in general, related responsibilities thus, the JD considers knowledge, skills and capabilities that is required for performing job. On the contrary, job is type of form that the candidate fills under supervision of the HR determining the actual work that will be done by the potential employee.
- Person- Centred approach considers each individual as unique entity rather than focusing on the entire population. The person- centred approach are drafted in away that addresses supports needs of the individual thus considering culture, age, interests, preferences and other requirements. Thus, two or more plans of person-centred approach will be similar as specific needs of individuals are considered.
- Strength Based Practice refers to planning the developmental plans according to the skills, capabilities of the individuals. Thus, some of the following points can eb considered
- Keeping strengths diary for observing and noting capabilities / strengths of the individuals.
- Using skill checklist for determining strengths of the individual
- Observing and Recording individual activities
- Active Support is a type of person-centred approach that aims in providing active support to the people for ensuring that patients or client suffering disabilities are engaged with the life activities and opportunities that are selected by the client itself. The active support is based four basic principles that are
- Every Moment has the potentiality
- Maximizing the Choice
- Few and Often
- Assistance that is graded
- The Rights Based Approach refers to the integration of human rights norms and regulations for designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the health-related policies and procedures. In this view, equality, freedom, discrimination on the basis of sex is central principle of this approach. It empowers the individuals in gaining insights about their rights and claims while also increasing the capabilities and accountabilities of individuals as well as organization that are highly responsible to respect, protect and fulfil rights. The practitioners should consider the rights of the person while planning care needs.
- The empowerment-based approach majorly focuses on achieving goals and modifying systems by using strengths, resilience and resources that are available. An Empowerment based approach helps in revealing the unwavering commitment of the workers towards achieving social justice. This approach majorly focuses on the competence rather focusing on the deficits that are prevalent in the social functioning or an individual. The empower model helps in supporting the resourcefulness and developing skills for eradicating social barriers while planning the individualised plans.
- The value of self- advocacy approach is built on the on the principles of social justice and human rights thus the core values are
- Consumers are never determined by their disability or mental sickness
- Client are supported for making their decisions
- Clients are valued as individuals and provided equal rights disregarding their disability or any other conditions
- Active listening approaches are important for forming care plans of the individuals. The active listening skills might be acquired or developed as per the requirement. Thus, the practitioners, support workers, case planners in support service apply active listening skills for understanding underlying issues and problems faced by the clients. Thereby, full attention is invested in listening to the speaker for noting all small and big things discussed. The listener should pay interests in verbal and non- verbal gestures like maintaining eye- contacts, nodding head, smiling and others.
- The support and social workers often respect the inherent dignity and worth of the individual. Each person in the care settings are respected and cared irrespective of the ethnic and cultural differences. It is very important for the care planners and individuals to know each other for building trust and mutual understanding in the therapeutic relationship. The basic human rights obligate all individuals in respecting each other irrespective of personal and professional relations. Thus, in therapeutic relation, that involves the support worker, practitioner, care planners, basic human rights should be followed while planning care plans for the people.
- Community inclusions involve
- Adapting facilities for individuals that are disable
- Providing safety and educative environment for people requiring extra support
- Anti- Bullying policies should be incorporated within the care settings and support services.
- Setting cross- community projects for promoting diversity.
- Hiring and training populations from different cultures, indigenous people and other vulnerable population.
Best practice examples involving elements of inclusion are:
- Opening choices and opportunities
- Creating mutual trusts and understanding
- Nurturing Relationships
- Consumer- Directed Care approach introduced in several community settings supporting people in using their support funding for healthy ageing. Ageing people are assessed with the support services that can be funded on per hour basis. For instance an individual might choose to use home and community service for travelling to community centres for participating in favouriteactivities.
- The role and responsibility of the carer is to support individual in routine tasks like banking, shopping and house related work. The intensity of the roles depends on the nature of the task and requirements of the client.Communication plays important role in receiving clear instruction about the tasks for performing it with efficiency while also meeting the needs of the clients.
The roles of family are significant in providing individualised support as the members know each other well and provide emotional security along with first hand socialization. Communication forms the backbone verbal and non- verbal traits might reveal misleading message and hamper emotional security of the individual.
- The person being supported also exhibit certain responsibilities for efficacy of the support services. The person being supported should co- ordinate with efforts and supports provided by the carer and family. Also, the carer should be given due respect as member of the community. Each need should be timely communicated so that support plans and services can be changed by care planners and family members.
- The HealthCare professionals play central role in improvement of accessing quality care and health facilities of the population. The health care professionals provide services that protects the people from diseases thereby health factors of the community and individual as well. It is the responsibility of the health care professional for conducting primary assessment to prescribe and communicate appropriate care plans for the individuals. The progress of the health should be communicated to the family members on timely basis.
- The role and responsibility of the individual workers is providing support to the people in need and opted for support service while also co- ordinating with the treatment plans proposed bypractitioners and care planners. It is very important for the individual worker for ensuring health and safety of himself as well as others. The worker should comply with instruction, organizational protocols and proceduresdefined by the employer. Job related inquiry, injury or hazardous conditions should be communicated to immediate managers for reducing risks.
- Supervisors are the coordinator amongst the senior management team and the employer. Thus, the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor is to manage workflow, train new employees, handle grievance’s and complaints of the staffs, scheduling individuals or groups tasks within the support service organization. The supervisor should clearly communicate about roles and contribution of each employee along with messages or instructions from person being supported/ management team.
4. Five factors that impact the people with disability to access support are
Lack of Services and Support: Disability service were provided to people, families and carers for participating in routine and community life. Approximately 56 % of people with disability confronted that the specialised services and programs act as barriers rather than facilitators. The disability service systems are not funded and resourced appropriately thus struggling to meet the needs of many disabled people.
Requirement of lifetime care and support scheme: Majority of the population confronted that funding systems for disability individuals should be increased to lifetimes. The respondent also spoke about pressing their requirements fore addressing inequalities in the systems that impacts the services at varied levels of people with disability.
Social Exclusion &Discrimination: People with disability are faced several barriers that hinder active participation in the community and society. Approximately 56% of the individuals contemplated that exclusion from social activities and negative attitudes for major issues along with being treated differently.
EmploymentExperience: Only few people with disability can access appropriate employment opportunities for maintain their sense of identity. In many cases the employers are not willing to recruit people with disability due to misconceptions about the costs related changes and adaptations in technology.
Negotiating built environment: Approximately 27% of the individuals claimed that their access to building and other facilities were limited that further increased their barrier in community participation.
To engage the person in the planning process, it is important for using culturally appropriate and communication techniques for establishing rapport for person being supported. Two Practices are:
- The skills development and maintenance plan should include services that are appropriate while the learning processes should support the needs of the individuals. Thus helping the person with disability for maximising potentials in the identified strengths thereby helping to achieve individual goals.
- Pictures and story boards can be used for improving skills of intellectual disability. The practices and activities conducted should be documented in ongoing skill development skill in plain English. The document will help in ascertaining the progress made while it is will help the practitioners (if current care planners refer it another practitioner) in referring Client’s history and development.
6.) Three indicators of unmet needs are
Poor Physical Health: Drafting Policies for income and employment of people with disability to maintain physical health
Lack in accessing proper Medication: Providing health care services at subsidized rates for people with disability.
Social Isolation: Drafting policies and programs for including people with disability at society and community level.
- Two activities
- Conforming the information with the care planner or practitioner or supervisor
- Clearly communicate the care needs of individualised plans with family, person and support worker.
- Support is required when Mavis is transferred to the vehicle.
- IU can get assistant from the daughter of the client for transferring the client to the vehicle.
- The individualised plans inform that the client has unsteady gait related right knee, hence One person is needed to helping the person standing up. The client can be transferred through four-wheel walker.
- Social and Human needs like meeting friends on every Sunday will promote independence as the social activities will be decided by the clint itself.
- Social needs should be review as the client should be engaged with more than activity. The modifications will be done by the care planner or the practitioner by observing the progress and health of the client.
8.) The physical health helps in strengthening the body immunity while also improving mental health. Mental illness can also be observed through physical health symptoms hence, it should be reported immediately.
9.) Pain indicators are
- Frown on face
- Constant shifting
- Moaning
- Groaning
- Whimpering
- Restlessness
- Agitation
- Appearing to be uneasy or tensed
- Kicking or drawing up legs
It indicates that person is experiencing pain thus, it should be immediately referred to doctor or practitioner for protecting the person from further pain while also promoting well- being.
10.) As per the case study, providing medication is not part of my job as it requires qualifications and medical understanding.
I should report and document this type of medical negligence of the nurse to the clinical authorities as per the per review protocols of the organization. I shall not conduct this task and report to senior authorities if initial complaints are not addressed.
11.) Risks and Hazards are
- Hazards related to operations, equipment, working areas
- Risks related to manual handling, transferring of patients& working practices.
- Risks related to storage and warehousing
- Risks related to equipment maintenance in the disability care.
- Hazards related General House keeping
- Electrical Hazards
- Checking the usability of fire plans and extinguisher’s
- Lack in emergency procedures
- Violence in care units
- Issues related to Ergonomic factors
12.) Tom is an elderly person requiring support, thus strategies are
- He should be helped in weeding the gardens,
- His house should also be maintained and cleaned
- Since he is shaky, he should be assisted in meeting friends and community programs.
- He should be helped in cooking and encouraged to try healthy and tasty foods.
- Tom’s house should be modified for making comfortable in winters.
13.) If the client in the disability wants lodge complaints, the procedures are:
- Specifying the Compliant date
- Describing the complaint in brief
- Response of the complainant
- Actions taken to resolve
- Who initially dealt with complaints?
- Advised outcome complainant
14.) Legal entity refers to rules and regulations that governs society and actions of members while ethics refers to human conduct standards.
15.) Self- Determination is a concept that refers personal ability while making choices and managing their life. Self - Determination encouragesperson to control their choices and lives.
16.) Policy generally indicates the positioners and values on provided on the subject.
Procedures is referred to as instruction sets that describes the approval and suggested steps of an events. Protocol represents care standard which depicts interventions that are based on guidelines.
Human Rights: The Human Rights involves rights to life, liberty and freedom from slavery. Thus, the organization and individuals should entitle the human rights in disability and other care services without discrimination.
Duty of Care: The organization and individual has legal obligations for avoiding behaviours which might harm patients or other colleagues.
Dignity of Risk: It is the responsibility of the organization and individual worker for drafting policies and procedures that all individuals and clients should have right to make informed choices for supporting lives while avoiding risks.
Discrimination: The organizational and individual practice should be free from discrimination especially for the vulnerable population.
Privacy, confidentiality and disclosure: The legal obligation of support services is that the practitioners and workers should protect the client from disclosures that are inappropriate. The information of personal health and other sensitive data should deal following privacy and confidentiality aspects.
The organizational policies and procedures should be directed to follow professional practices and limitations while providing care to people with disability.
Mandatory reporting standards should be applicable for all individual workers in cases related to child abuse, harassments and other types of safety issues.
Infection Control measures should be undertaken on timely basis within policies and procedures of the organization for protecting the clients and individuals from diseases and infections.
- In the Australian region, it is unlawful for discriminating on the basis of age, sex and gender while the offender might be legally penalised for this action.
- Australia has been one of the founding members of the UN charter in the year 1945. Public and legal actions can be undertaken if human rights are breached by the organization of individual worker.
- The employers are responsible for providing safe working environment while the environment should be free from discrimination and bullying.
The clients have the rights of accessing services without discrimination along with the provisions of privacy, confidentiality and informed consent policies.
The employers have the rights of performing activities for profit motives without harming the environment or rights or others.
- Children in the workplace- The organization and support worker should work within the National Quality Framework that includes MTOP, EYLF, National Quality Standards and others.
- Codes of conducts refers to the core values and protocols of the organisation that defines day- to day activities. The codes of conducts should follow ethical standards of the business while also complied with legal aids.
- The codes of practices should support the economic, social, political integrity in ways the business is conducted. To informing and protecting current and potential consumers work, employment and other support services.
- The states and territory obligate all the organizations involved in the social care and NHS should have complaints procedure. Thus, all compliant should be handled in fair and consistent manner.
- All organizations involved in the social care should establish policies and programs for updating the knowledge of the staffs and employees.
- Informed Consent- All practitioners and staffs are obligated to undertake verbal, or written informed consent from the client before planning acre needs for sharing the information to other sources.
- Policy frameworks: The policy frameworks of the organizations should be aligned for providing quality care along with safe working environment for the staffs.
- Records Management: The Record Management Structure should incorporate professional ethics for ensuring trust by both the clients as well as the employees. Professional ethics are ethical guidelines that are created by the law for managing records of the organisation.
- The rights and responsibilities of workers are maintaining organizational policies and procedures for exhibiting care. The employers should provide safe working environment along with quality care to the clients and workers. The clients have responsibilities to co- operate with care workers while also behaving in respectful way with the staffs.
- Industrial relations legislation like fair wages and legislations should be followed by the organizations. Also, the industrial legislations should be formed in alignment with employment standards and nature of workforce.
- Practice standards of the organizations should be aligned with best interest of the clients while also meeting organizational objectives and legal aids. The practice standards should be free from any type of bias, bullying and other discrimination.
- The primary obligations of practitioners for respecting the integrity and promoting client welfare by providing variety of care settings that involves family units, individuals. The practitioners are obligated by the law to follow ethical standards like privacy, disclosure and confidentiality while dealing with patients.
The client- boundaries involvepracticing do harm policy, voluntary participation with care plans proposed by planners and practitioners.
- The policies and procedures of the organization should discourage acts of any kinds of abuse with clients and employees. The offenders should be punished and penalized for involving in an abusive situation.
- Constraints: The organization should regulate the use of physical and chemical constraints with the patients. As per the law, constraint should be use alternatives while managing patients in care settings.
- The imprisonment policy of the care units should be based on ethical consideration of the crime committed by the accused within the professional boundaries for protecting the societies against crime.
- Medical or care negligenceis one of major law breached hence, any decision related to ignorance of duties should be based on evidences thus exercising legal and ethical conducts.
There is a major difference between the need and rights thus need depicts the conditions for humans to thrive while the right is the understanding of the virtue of the humans of which needs have to fulfilled. The human rights is observed to cover all the aspects of human activity that covers economic, social and political needs.
21.) Three measures are
- Client information should be password protected.
- The information should be accessible to authorized personnel only.
- The security of electronic medium should be updated on frequent basis.
- Social Differences: Differences like heights, complexion, males and females refer to as social discrimination. Clients should be served on the basis of their needs and requirements in disability without discriminating on disability factors or any other social differences.
- Cultural Differences: The cultural differences includebeliefs, behaviours, practices, languages that might be considered unique to ethnic or race. In care environment of disability and residential, cultural differences should be respected and conserved.
- Spiritual differences: The spiritual differences are religious set of beliefs and practices that are generally shared amongst the group which should be respected in disability care and residential services.
23.) The staffs should ignore imposing values on patients in disability care as the worker might directly influence the beliefs, feelings and attitudes of the clients. Also, personal views might not be appropriate in alignment with clients needs.
24.) The stages of life, development and strengths should be evaluated as it covers different aspects of the life of the patients like physical, spiritual, cognitive, social and mental factors.
25.) Personal identity refers to aspect on which the humans have low or no control like colour of the skin, beliefs, making choices and others. Sexuality refers to thoughts, and attraction towards other individuals. It is important part of a person’s life; hence it should be supported.
26.) Physical activities and hobbies play vital roles in supporting mental and physical well being of the person. It helps in releasing stress while also keeping engaged with some thins that the person enjoys.
27.) The benefits of physical activity include weight reduction, reducing health risk, strengthening of bones and muscles, improving life sustenance.
28.) Client should be provided activities of their choice for revealing their strengths. Available support services should be communicated to clients for their health emotional well being.
- It is important to understand care needs of Michelle for providing information on support needs. Questions to be asked
How did you start consuming alcohol?
Who else were involved in supporting you for this addiction?
- The information related rehabilitation support services for reducing alcohol addiction will be provided to Michelle.
30.) Jacks’ healthy lifestyle can be promoted through planning his care needs thus, care planners or practitioners should be reported. To promote independence small and light physical activities can be planned so that Jack is able to manage his independence.
31.) To promote healthy lifestyles of the clients, it is important for including activities that shape the mental health in a positive manner while also exhibiting healthy self- image. Thus, the individualised plan of the clients with disability should include healthy eating habits along with physical activities, social meetings and hobbies.
32.) the variation in the physical condition of human being might be symptom of underlying issues of physical and mental health. Thus, any variation should be immediately reported to the practitioner or doctor.
- Five Examples are
- Having Confidence
- Hoping or keeping faith in something
- Trusts is having faith that situations will improve in future.
- To provide credence or believe
- Expecting with assurance
34.) The individualised plan is prepared considering physical and mental health factors of the clients, while it is prepared by conducting deep analysis of the clients requirements, hence it is important for reviewing individualised plans before using any equipment.
35.) Staffs can monitor their work performance be seeking feedbacks from the supervisors and colleagues. It is important to notice self- flaws and weakness for undertaking strategies to improve it.
36.) Different aspects of health should be observed and queried with the client while suggesting some of the options. In addition, hobbies and interest should be asked involving discussions about the care with the patient.
37.) Yes, individualised plan needs reviewing frequently for changing it according to the client requirement and progress. If there is change in the physical conditions or mental conditions, then it should be considered as indicators for reviewing the plans.
38.) The discussion should be involved with the clients, family members and care planners for supporting the individualised plan.
39.) Four responsibilities are
- Physical changes of client should be documented and reported
- Workplace hazards should be documented
- Risks and hazards should be identified and reviewed on timely manner.
- All documents should be stored in safe place with updated information