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Project management assignment Framework for Building a Wood-Framing Multi-Store Residential Building


Task: How can a detailed Project management assignment framework, including scope definition and Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), ensure the successful completion of a wood-framing multi-store residential building Project management assignment?


Initiating the Project management assignment

The beginning of a Project management assignment is very important because it sets the foundation that help determine starting , finishing as well as the budget. In this step, the Project management assignment is planned and its goals are set. We determine the important Project management assignment stakeholders and identify Project management assignment's limits and underlying assumptions. In the beginning, it's important to create a Project management assignment plan and have a meeting before starting the Project management assignment (Thesing et al., 2021).

1.1. The Project management assignment Charter

The Project management assignment charter is where the Project management assignment is officially approved and covers different parts of the Project management assignment, stakeholders involved, inclusions, assumptions and the limitations.

1.1.1. Project management assignment Objectives and Deliverables

The Project management assignment aims to build a multi-storey house for four families using wood as a material in a year and a half with a budget of $400,000. The things we have to do include building a house that follows the government construction rules and laws. The house will have individual four floors allowing 4 families to live in the building.

1.1.2. Stakeholder Identification and Analysis

The important stakeholder involved in the Project management assignment are ABC Construction Company, include the building designers, construction team, the Project management assignment manage, and the local authorities and inspectors. Every person involved in the Project management assignment is important for it to be successful. To manage the Project management assignment well, it's crucial to understand what each person perspective and contibutions.

1.1.3. Project management assignment Constraints and Assumptions

The Project management assignment is limited to a $400,000 budget and must be finished in 18 months. Major limitations include availability of resources, environmental concerns, and the local authority guidelines. At the initiation of Project management assignments we assume that the job market will remain stable and that construction plans will be met (Kolte & Ahire, 2020).

1.1.4. Project management assignment Team Members


Student No



Gowtham Chellu



Joel Caldeira




Mahmoud Husam



Ilayda Alpar



Raniandeep Kaur



Syed Junaid



1.1.5. Internal and external stake holders




Stakeholder Category



Internal Stakeholders

ABC Construction Company

The primary contractor responsible for construction.

Project management assignment Managers

Responsible for overseeing the entire Project management assignment.

Building Designers

Involved in designing the structure of the building.

Construction Workers

Responsible for physically building the structure.

Project management assignment Team Members

Individuals directly involved in Project management assignment tasks.

Project management assignment Client

The entity or individual for whom the Project management assignment is being carried out.

External Stakeholders

Local Authorities and Inspectors

Responsible for enforcing regulations and codes.

Public or Neighbours

Individuals or communities surrounding the Project management assignment site.

1.2. Project management assignment Kickoff Meeting

The Project management assignment starts with a meeting where important people come together to talk about the Project management assignment, their roles and their expectations (Burrows, 2020).

1.2.1. Agenda

The following are on the meeting's agenda:

• Hello and welcome: The Project management assignment manager will begin by greeting and welcoming all attendees and also introduce the Project management assignment team members.

• Project management assignment Manager Overview: The Project management assignment manager explains the main goals, limits, and results of the Project management assignment.

• Task and Responsibilities: The Project management assignment manager tells each of the Project management assignment stakeholders their roles and responsible.

• Analysing What the Project management assignment Can and Can't Do: The Project management assignment manager will also discusses the Project management assignment limitations as well as answers questions or concerns raised by the team and other stakeholders.

• Tasks and what to do next: The Project management assignment manager issues specific instructions to the team and stakeholders involved and explain the next step of the Project management assignment.

• Question and Answer Session: This session will allow the team and stakeholders to ask questions and get clear answers about any part of the Project management assignment that may require clarification.

1.2.2. Attendees

ABC Construction Company Project management assignment team will include the building designer, the construction workers, the Project management assignment in charge, and important local authority officials and inspectors who may attend the meeting.

1.2.3. Objectives

The meeting's goals are to:

Make sure everyone agrees on what the Project management assignment should achieve, how it should be done, and what is expected.

• Clearly explain who is in charge and provide the communication and contact information.

• Problem solving to help identify Project management assignment issues or dangers early so as to develop mitigation plans to solve them.

• Motivate and support the Project management assignment team to do the work well.

The Project management assignment charter and the first meeting are part of the Project management assignment beginning process. By setting goals for the Project management assignment, identifying people involved, clarifying what can and can't be done, and making sure everyone understands and agrees, helps to plan and carry out the Project management assignment effectively.

Scope Management

Scope management is important ensure clear Project management assignment's goals and work to be done and it will help maintain control over operations (Abdilahi, 2020). This would be achieved by creating work plans, identifying Project management assignment requirements and goals, as well as keeping track of Project management assignment progress.

2.1. Project management assignment Scope Definition

2.1.1. Project management assignment Title

Project management assignment's title: "Building a Wood-Framing Multi-Store Residential Building."

2.1.2. Mission and Objectives

The Project management assignment aim is to build a multi-storey building using wood in which four families live. The Project management assignment will be completed within 18 months at an estimated cost of $400,000.

2.1.3. Assumptions and Constraints

During the Project management assignment planning, we must making assumptions about the market, resources, and the stakeholder. The limitations relating to the $400,000 budget and the 18-month timeframe, laws, and the resources must also be considered to ensure the Project management assignments smooth flow and successful completion.

2.2. The Project management assignment Scope Statement

2.2.1. Project management assignment Deliverables

Deliverables for the Project management assignment include:

• Constructing using wooden beams and supports.

• Building four different homes, each with its own floor.

• Following the rules for building things in a specific area.

2.2.2. Inclusions and Exclusions


• Planning and designing have different stages.

• Buying workers and materials.

• Constructing homes for people to live in.


• Buying land

• Decorating inside houses.

• Maintain the construction site.

2.2.3. Scope Verification Process

Quality control engineers will check the completed work to make sure it meets the Project management assignment's goals. To make sure each part of the Project management assignment is done and approved, each stage will require approval in written format mentioning the engineers name and credentials (Abdilahi et al., 2020).

2.3. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

2.3.1. WBS Development Process

The Project management assignment is separated into different levels of tasks and work packages as part of the WBS creation process (Cerezo-Narváez et al., 2020). This technique starts by determine the Project management assignments main parts then breaks then down in to smaller and easier tasks to do.

In our WBS:

• Project management assignment, Design Phase, Pre-Construction Phase, Construction Phase, and Post-Construction Phase are the first parts of the Project management assignment.

• Each part is broken down into specific jobs and activities that are necessary to reach the goals of that part.

• For example, building the base, putting up the walls, working on the outside, working on the inside, and adding final details are all part of the construction phase.

2.3.2. WBS Coding System

Each part of the WBS is assigned a special code to identify it. In the coding system, each level represents a different amount of information and is usually identified with a number.

In our WBS:

• Each level of the Work Breakdown Structure has its own unique code. For example, code 1. 1 is for managing Project management assignments, and code 1. 11 is for starting Project management assignments.

• This numbering system makes it easy to organize and find the Project management assignment activities.

2.3.3. WBS Review and Approval

Key stakeholders will review and approve of raise claims relating to the WBS ensuring it includes everything, and matches the Project management assignment's goals. the WBS will be distributed among stakeholders to get their feedback based on which additional changes can be made during the review process.

In our WBS:

• People involved in the Project management assignment, like the manager and team, and external stakeholder, like clients or regulators will be issued with the final version of the WBS.

• Ideas will be reviewed and adjustments made as necessary to ensure that the WBS accurately addresses the Project management assignments needs.

2.4. Work Breakdown Structure Dictionary (WBSD)

2.4.1. WBS Dictionary Contents

All parts of the WBS, including Project management assignment stages, who is responsible for them, what resources are needed, and how much they will cost, will be mentioned in the WBS Dictionary. It helps the Project management assignment team with the information which may be consulted or checked at a later stage (Satrio & Latief, 2018).

In our WBS:

• The table of contents will have details about the tasks and activities for each part of the WBS. It would also include important information such as the deliverables, key events, and any dependant tasks.

• It would also say what is needed or not allowed, and who is responsible for doing each task.

2.4.2. WBSD Updates and Maintenance

During the Project management assignment, any changes to what needs to be done, when it needs to be done, or what we need to do it, will be written down and kept up to date. This ensures that the information in the Project management assignment is up-to-date and accurate.

In our WBS:

• The WBS might change as the Project management assignment goes on and changes will be added or deletes.

• To make sure that Project management assignment team members can see the newest information, the WBSD will be changes and the latest copy distributed to all stakeholders.

2.4.3. WBSD Approval Process

To make sure the WBSD is correct and complete, it may need to be checked and approved by the Project management assignment stakeholder. Any changes to the WBSD will require approval to ensure the Project management assignment stays on track.

In our WBS:

• Important people involved in the Project management assignment such as the Project management assignment manager, team members, and external stakeholders, will check the WBSD before finalizing.

• We ask for approval to make sure everyone is happy with how the work is divided and ensure that each member understand the information given on the WBSD.


Abdilahi, S.M..F.F.F.a.F.A.A., 2020. Exploring the extent to which Project management assignment scope management processes influence the implementation of telecommunication Project management assignments. PM World Journal, IX, 9(5), pp.1-17 retrieved from management assignment_scope_management_processes_influence_the_implementation_of_telecommunication_Project management assignments/links/5ed46b49299bf1c67d320fbf/Explo.

Abdilahi, S.M., Fashina, A.A. & Fakunle, F.F., 2020. An overview of the applications of Project management assignment scope management in Somaliland telecommunication industry: Approaches, impacts, constraints and practices. PM World Journal, IX, pp.1-17 retrieved from management assignment_scope_management_in_Somaliland_telecommunication_industry_Approaches_impacts_constraints_and_practices/links/5edc666e.

Burrows, J., 2020. Improving Team Collaboration as a Project management assignment Manager. The Kabod, 6(2), pp.1-15 retrieved from

Cerezo-Narváez, A., Pastor-Fernández, A., Otero-Mateo, M. & Ballesteros-Pérez, P., 2020. Integration of cost and work breakdown structures in the management of construction Project management assignments. MDPI Journal, 10(4), pp.1386 retrieved from

Kolte, V.Y. & Ahire, H., 2020. Various Constraints for Delays in Construction Work and Suggesting Remedial Measures for the Same. International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science and Management, 3(1), pp.354-359 retrieved from

Satrio, G. & Latief, Y., 2018. Development of Risk-Based Standardized WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) for Safety Planning of Cable-Stayed Bridge Project management assignment. Proceedings of the international conference on industrial engineering and operations management, 12(2), pp.110-117 retrieved from

Thesing, T., Feldmann, C. & Burchardt, M., 2021. Agile versus waterfall Project management assignment: decision model for selecting the appropriate approach to a Project management assignment. Procedia Computer Science, 181, pp.746-756 retrieved from


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