Research Methodology Assignment: Impact of full-text databases on Google as a search engine
Task: In this section you clearly outline what methodology you used in your research i.e. what you intend to do and how you intend to do it. It must be clearly written so that it would be easy for another researcher to duplicate your research if they wished. Most researchers will use one or more of a number of well documented and acceptable methods understood by the research community. We will discuss a number or research methodologies in different sessions, but there will be many others you can choose from
The structure of a methodology chapter will be discussed in class and examples given. The Methodology would normally constitute Chapter 3 in a research report, see suggested guidelines in (report.doc, chapter 3). The submission for the Methodology has been divided into a number of submissions so the Unit lecturer can gauge the students progression in this topic.
This section of the study has been generated to address the specific research methodology and the related approach that would be essential to complete the identification of full-text database on Google as a search engine. Hence, the section would be related to the method and the identification of the fundamental structure of the research.
Research Method
It is critical to note that the research method would be unique as per the requirements and the characteristics of the study. Thus, this would be fundamentally dependent on the researcher and their process of decision making that would be associated with the implementation of the required method. However, for the mentioned case, it has been observed that the qualitative research method would be best-suited [1]. This would be based on the various types of data and the consideration of the basic functionalities that would be critical for the completion of the study.
Additionally, it has been observed that the qualitative method would be based on the collection of market data or specific data. This would be related to the focus on obtaining the data through various processes such as field research, interviews or surveys. It is essential to note that the mentioned process would conversational and mostly open-ended [2]. The implementation of the qualitative research method would be further associated with the fundamental ideas associated with the impact of full-text databases on Google as a search engine. It would be associated with a collection of non-numeric data that would be able to deliver and themes from the data. This could be related to the general understanding and the associated the progress of the research [3]. The specific makeup of the research method has been discussed through the following frame diagram depicted in figure 1.
Figure 1: Methodology Frame Diagram
(Source: Created by the author using MS Visio)
It could be observed from figure 1, that the formal means of data collection for the research have been mentioned through semi-structured interviews. However, the data would be specific with the aid of open-ended questioners. This would relate to the development of a specific framework for the research that would be used to gain proper understating and conclusive results associated with the study.
Research Philosophy
It is essential to note that choosing an appropriate research philosophy would be related with the consideration of the research methods. This would be further related to the research onion depicted in figure 2. However, for the considered study, the best-suited research philosophy would be the Pragmatist research philosophy. The mentioned of the selected research philosophy would be associated with the problem of the research. This is related to the fundamental objectives and associates itself with the challenges that need to be overcome for competing the study. It is critical to note that the selected philosophy would be associated with the effective identification, inquiry and seeking a better understanding of the subject matter to solve the associated problem [4].
Figure 2: Research onion
(Source: ProjectGuru, 2016)
Research Approach
The research approach selected for the research has been identified as the inductive approach. This would be associated with the collection of data or observations at the primary stage of the study [5]. This would be followed by a thematic understanding and formulation of the tentative hypothesis that would be associated with the research. Apart from the mentioned, this would be further associated with the formation of a resultant theory that would be able to address the research problems and gain the specific impacts based on the text-based search on Google search engines.
Research Design
It is critical to note that there might be various research designs that would be associated with a study. However, it would be based on the effectiveness of the researcher’s understanding of the research that would propose a specific design of the research [6]. Hence, based on nature and characteristics, the selected research design would be the experimental design. The mentioned design would be associated with constructing a research h that would be internal and have casual validity. This would be based on the selected method and the approach that would be associated with the completion and the success of the research.
Research Framework
The Theoretical framework has been selected for the completion of the research. It is critical to note that this framework would be associated with the support and the formulation of a theory that would be explained through patterns and thematic consideration of the collected data. This is further related to the intangible aspect of the data [7].
Data collection and Sampling
It is critical to note that the data collection would be composed of two types of data. Thus, both would be composed of significant processes:
• Primary data: The mentioned would be collected through semi-structured interviews. The interviews would be held over two different sessions where one would be composed of open-ended questions and initiation, and the following session would be composed of an open-ended questioner for the participants.
• Secondary Data: The mentioned would be collected through peer-reviewed articles and academic sources that would be able to cater to the requirements of the study.
The method of sampling would be related to the initial population target of 20-30 individuals. The mentioned individuals would be shortlisted through the LinkedIn profile to get associated with Google SEO professionals. However, with the implementation of a random sampling method, two focus group of 5 individuals would be created to propagate the research and collect specific data.
Data Analysis Method
The process of data analysis selected for the research has been observed to be a thematic analysis. This would be the descriptive progress of the analytical method over the collected data. Additionally, the mentioned process of data analysis would be able to accumulate and reflect upon the non-numeric data in an effective manner [8].
Ethical Consideration
All participants would be provided with ethical consent forms. This is related with the authenticityof the full-text database on Google and the data provided by the participants. However, the integrity of the data would be protected by the research with limited access to the collected data. Additionally, the secondary data would be collected from relevantsources to maintain the reliability of the study and the data considered for the study.
References List
[1] A. K. Dalal and K. R. Priya, “Introduction to qualitative research,” in Qualitative Research on Illness, Wellbeing and Self-Growth: Contemporary Indian Perspectives, 2016.
[2] B. S. Brennen, “Doing Qualitative Research,” in Qualitative Research Methods for Media Studies, 2018.
[3] B. G. Glaser and A. L. Strauss, Discovery of grounded theory: Strategies for qualitative research. 2017.
[4] G. ValunaiteOleskeviciene and J. Sliogeriene, “Research methodology,” in Numanities - Arts and Humanities in Progress, 2020.
[5] M. L. Patten and M. L. Patten, “Qualitative Research Design,” in Understanding Research Methods, 2018.
[6] P. Aspers and U. Corte, “What is Qualitative in Qualitative Research,” Qual. Sociol., 2019, doi: 10.1007/s11133-019-9413-7.
[7] L. Maher and G. Dertadian, “Qualitative research,” Addiction, 2018, doi: 10.1111/add.13931.
[8] S. Gudkova, “Interviewing in qualitative research,” in Qualitative Methodologies in Organization Studies, 2017.