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Research project on how do Gothic themes reflect problems of the Victorian society in Jekyll and Hyde


Task: Write a brief description of your project/argument, indicating what you hope to establish or demonstrate. Share a list of the primary texts you will be using and a brief account of their interrelationship. Write about your chosen approach to the texts and critical position in the methodology. Annotate a list of bibliography. Provide a summary and the programme of the study.



The novel "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is set in Victorian England and contains several Gothic themes that reflect the societal issues of the time period. One major Gothic theme in the novel is the duality of human nature. The character of Dr. Jekyll represents the conventional, rational Victorian gentleman, while Mr. Hyde represents the primal, animalistic side of human nature (Amari et al 2022). This theme can be seen as a reflection of the societal pressure on Victorian men to repress their base desires and maintain a façade of respectability. The research project is based on how the gothic themes in Jekyll and Hyde highlighted the problems in Victorian society. The research project contains the primary texts which relate to the problems of Victorian society in Jekyll and Hyde as per the gothic themes. The project also describes the methodologies that are being used to analyze the findings. Finally, the bibliography contains the sources through which the information is gathered and how those relate to the topic.

Primary Texts

“The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is a Novel that reflects several problems and issues of Victorian society. The novel tells the story of Dr. Jekyll, a wealthy and respected member of society, who discovers a way to transform into the evil and monstrous Mr. Hyde.

One possible way in which the novel influenced the Whitechapel murders is through the theme of the "monstrous" or the "other." The character of Mr. Hyde is depicted as a physically and morally grotesque character, representing the fears and prejudices of Victorian society. The Whitechapel murders were often attributed to a mysterious and unknown assailant, leading to speculation and fear about the true identity of the killer (Vernet 2022). In this way, the theme of the monstrous "other" present in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" may have influenced the public's perception of the Whitechapel murders as being perpetrated by a similarly monstrous and unknown figure.

In "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," the theme of doubling is represented through the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, who are two sides of the same person. The character of Dr. Jekyll represents the conventional, rational Victorian gentleman, while Mr. Hyde represents the primal, animalistic side of human nature.

The theme of doubling is also reflected in the plot of the novel, as Dr. Jekyll uses a chemical potion to transform into Mr. Hyde and vice versa. This transformation serves as a metaphor for the duality of human nature and the struggle to reconcile the opposing sides of one's personality. The theme of doubling is further emphasized through the use of imagery and symbolism in the novel (Rodríguez-Arnáiz2022). For example, the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde are often described in terms of light and darkness, respectively, with Mr. Hyde being associated with shadows and secrecy. This imagery serves to reinforce the idea of the two characters as opposing sides of the same person.

One major theme in the novel is the duality of human nature, which reflects the societal pressure on Victorian men to repress their base desires and maintain a façade of respectability. This theme is exemplified in the character of Dr. Jekyll, who is a wealthy and respected member of society, but who is also secretly consumed by his own dark desires (Jiménez-Guerrero et al 2022). The character of Mr. Hyde represents the primal, animalistic side of human nature, which is seen as a threat to the civilized, orderly society of Victorian England.

The theme of secrecy and deception is also prominent in the novel, as Dr. Jekyll's efforts to conceal his true identity and actions ultimately lead to his downfall. This theme can be seen as a commentary on the rigid class structure and strict societal expectations of Victorian England, which often resulted in people feeling compelled to hide their true selves in order to maintain their social status.


The strange case of “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is an interesting novel and it needs a thorough analysis for the research. To understand how it represented the problems that were there in Victorian society through gothic themes. For the research, the 1s approach that has been used is “Close Reading”. This entails carefully studying and understanding the content of the novel's words, phrases, and sections. One might look for themes, symbols, and patterns and think about how this influences the overall interpretation of the work (Dankers et al 2019). One might also look at the novel's structure and arrangement, paying attention to how the storyline, characters, and setting grow throughout the story. This novel has a lot of historical and cultural context and it is really important to analyze them up close. Examining the social, political, and artistic influences that may have shaped the novel can provide an important context for understanding the themes and content of the work. “The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" has been written in a particular time period that is based on Victorian Society and there are a lot of political, economic, and cultural references which cannot be left out easily (Carr 2019). This approach also helps in understanding the author’s personal experience and background, and how they might have influenced the themes and content of the novel.

Another method to understand the context of the novel is “literary Tradition”. Literary tradition can help to understand "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" in several ways. First, understanding the genre of the novel can provide context for its themes and content. "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is often considered a work of gothic fiction, a genre that emerged in the late 18th century and is characterized by elements such as mystery, horror, and the supernatural (Snyder2019). Understanding the conventions and themes of gothic fiction can help to better understand how "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" fits into this genre and how it engages with gothic themes such as the duality of human nature, the corruption of the city, and the dangers of science.

Additionally, understanding the literary traditions that influenced "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" can provide insight into the themes and motifs present in the novel. For example, the novel's exploration of the duality of human nature can be seen as a continuation of the dualism present in earlier works such as Robert Louis Stevenson's "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". Understanding these earlier works can help to better understand how Stevenson's novel engages with this theme and how it adds to or departs from these earlier works.

Using a theoretical lens framework can help to understand "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by providing a specific set of concepts and ideas through which to interpret the text. For example, using a psychological lens, such as psychoanalysis, might involve examining the motivations and desires of the characters, particularly the relationships between Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and how they represent different aspects of the protagonist's personality (Kraus, Breierand Dasí-Rodríguez2020). Another approach might be to use a social or cultural lens, such as Marxist theory, to examine how the novel engages with issues of power and class. This might involve analyzing the relationships between the characters and how they are shaped by their social and economic status, as well as considering the role of institutions such as the legal system in the novel.

Overall, understanding the literary tradition in which "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" fits can provide valuable context for understanding the themes, motifs, and conventions present in the novel. Also, a theoretical lens can provide a critical framework for interpreting the themes and meaning of the novel, and can help to uncover deeper insights and understanding of the text.


Lebeau, V, 2022, November 13. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde | Summary, Characters, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. [Accessed: 9 Jan. 2023] - This article published by Lebeau, (2022) gives the overall idea of the characters that are in the novel. All the characters who are there in the story and their roles have been discussed. Overall, a detailed summary and analysis of the novel, including its themes, characters, and structure. It also includes a section on the historical and cultural context of the novel and its relationship to other works of literature.

Mambrol, N, 2022, October 7. Analysis of Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Literary Theory and Criticism.[Accessed: 9 Jan. 2023] - This article explores the theme of the corruption of society in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and how it is depicted through the characters and setting of the novel. The article discusses how the novel portrays the city as a corrupt and dangerous place, and how the characters' actions and relationships are shaped by their social and economic status.

GraduateWay, 2017. Setting in ‘The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ Analysis. [Online]. Available at: - This article analyzes the theme of the dangers of science in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and how it reflects Victorian concerns about the potential negative consequences of scientific progress. The article discusses how the novel portrays science as a potentially dangerous force, and how it raises questions about the ethical responsibilities of scientists.

Johnson, B, 2017 Dr. Jekyll and mr. Hyde protrays the culture of the Victorian Era.: Freebooksummary, Study Guides and Book Summaries. Available at: - This article examines the theme of the duality of human nature in "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and how it is reflected in the relationship between the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. The article discusses how the novel engages with issues of good and evil, and how the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde represent different aspects of the protagonist's personality.

Singh, M., & Chakrabarti, 2008. NCBI. A Study in Dualism: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. - This article also is based on the theme of Dualism. The study through case of Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde puts light on the indictment of society's duplicity and hypocritical standards. It is also a fascinating look into the author's thinking and dualism views. Finally, it might be considered as a fascinating study of human behavior that foreshadowed Freud's structured character ideas.

Reis, K. (2010, September 25). GRIN - Doppelgänger: A psychological analysis of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. - This article is a psychological analysis of the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in Robert Louis Stevenson's novella "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde". It is likely that the article discusses how the characters represent different aspects of the protagonist's personality and how the relationship between them reflects issues of good and evil, as well as other psychological themes.

Krarup, I., Hyde the Sinful: Religion and Abjection in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Leviathan: Interdisciplinary Journal in English, (8), pp.45-51. - This article demonstrates that personification of one’s self cannot lead to change in the human. The "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" the theme of duality is represented through the characters of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, who are two sides of the same person. The character of Dr. Jekyll represents the conventional, rational Victorian gentleman, while Mr. Hyde represents the primal, animalistic side of human nature.

Shaughnessy, K., 2021. Citizen Hyde: Cosmopolitan Contradictions in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Iowa Journal of Cultural Studies, 21(1). - In the article, the authors touch upon the problem of moral choice in the works of Dostoevsky and Stevenson. The successful Dr. Henry Jekyll himself gave birth to Mr. Hyde to enjoy the fullness of sinful temptations, but life did not succumb to the presumptuous correction.

Hadžiselimovi, L., 2021. Exploring the Meaning of Duality in RL Stevenson's Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (Doctoral dissertation, University of Rijeka. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Department of English Language and Literature). wnload - As per the article the novel “The Strange Story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”, a villain is born who matches the image of a barbarian monster. Mr. Hyde illustrates the terrifying potential of the beast within to emerge and reflects the fears of Victorian society in front of the possibility of human degeneration

Vítek, J., 2021. Writing Victorian London: The Representation of Nineteenth-Century Anxieties in The String of Pearls and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. – Through the case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde the article puts forward how the Victorians shutted their eyes while everything was going on. the article focuses on the Victorian socio-historical setting, with a focus on the notion of the personal and public self, as well as the consequences of then-prevailing social limitations and conventions. It will then go on to examine the main individuals, Jekyll and Hyde, and how their dualism may be seen as a mirror of both competing wants and gender identification.


In conclusion the Victorian society dealt with duality which states the double standards within the people and secondly the cruelty that they had. The novel explores the theme of the duality of human nature, and the struggle to reconcile the opposing sides of one's personality. The character of Dr. Jekyll represents the conventional, rational Victorian gentleman, while Mr. Hyde represents the primal, animalistic side of human nature. The theme of duality is reflected in the plot of the novel, as Dr. Jekyll transforms into Mr. Hyde and vice versa, and is further emphasized through the use of imagery and symbolism in the novel. In addition to the theme of duality, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" also explores themes of secrecy and deception, the fear and mistrust of the "other," and the societal pressure to conform to expectations. The novel is set in Victorian England and reflects the social norms and values of the time period. Overall, "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" is a complex and thought-provoking work that explores themes of duality, secrecy, and societal expectations, and reflects the social issues and values of Victorian England.

Programme of study

To analyze the gothic themes that reflect problems of the Victorian society in Jekyll and Hyde would take approximately 2 months to complete a thorough analysis of a novel:

Month 1:

Week 1:

• Read the novel in its entirety, taking notes on characters, plot, setting, themes, and any other notable features.

• Begin to consider the historical and cultural context in which the novel was written. What was happening in the world at the time the novel was published? How might this have influenced the content and style of the novel?

Week 2:

• Re-read the novel, this time focusing on the structure. How is the story told? Is it narrated by a single character, or are there multiple narrators? Is the story told chronologically, or is there a nonlinear structure?

• Consider the use of symbols and motifs in the novel. What recurring symbols or themes do you notice, and what do they represent?

Week 3:

  • Research the author and their background. What other works have they written? What were their influences and inspirations? How does their life and

Week 4:

Begin to consider the critical reception of the novel. Have there been any notable reviews or analyses written about the work? How has it been received by critics and readers?

Month 2:

Week 1:

• Write a character analysis of one or more of the main characters in the novel. Consider their motivations, goals, flaws, and relationships with other characters.

• Write a thematic analysis, exploring the major themes present in the novel and how they are developed and revealed through the plot and characters.

Week 2:

• Write a analysis of the setting and its role in the novel. How does the setting influence the characters and the events of the story?

Week 3:

• Write a analysis of the plot and structure of the novel. How does the author use structure to build tension, reveal character, and convey themes?

Week 4:

• Write a synthesis of all of the above analyses, considering how the various elements of the novel work together to create a cohesive and effective work of fiction.


Amari, A., Mousa, M., Chaouali, W., Ghali-Zinoubi, Z. and Aloui, N., 2022. Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde? Unpacking the Effects of Flexitime and Flexiplace: a Study on MENA Region. Public Organization Review, pp.1-20.

Carr, D., 2019. Methodology, representation, and games. Games and Culture, 14(7-8), pp.707-723.

Dankers, F.J., Traverso, A., Wee, L. and van Kuijk, S.M., 2019. Prediction modeling methodology. Fundamentals of clinical data science, pp.101-120.

Jiménez-Guerrero, I., Medina, C., Vinardell, J.M., Ollero, F.J. and López-Baena, F.J., 2022. The Rhizobial Type 3 Secretion System: The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in the Rhizobium–Legume Symbiosis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(19), p.11089.

Kraus, S., Breier, M. and Dasí-Rodríguez, S., 2020. The art of crafting a systematic literature review in entrepreneurship research. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 16(3), pp.1023-1042.

Rodríguez-Arnáiz, L., 2022. Entertaining the audience: a contemporary audio-visual portrayal of the detective tale through Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and CBS's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Entertaining the audience: a contemporary audio-visual portrayal of the detective tale through Stevenson's Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and CBS's CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, pp.203-218.'s_Dr_Jekyll_and_Mr_Hyde_and_CBS's_CSI_Crime_Scene_Investigation/links/637b928854eb5f547cf04ad5/Entertaining-the-Audience-A-Contemporary-Audio-visual-Portrayal-of-the-Detective-Tale-through-Stevensons-Dr-Jekyll-and-Mr-Hyde-and-CBSs-CSI-Crime-Scene-Investigation.pdf

Snyder, H., 2019. Literature review as a research methodology: An overview and guidelines. Journal of business research, 104, pp.333-339.

Vernet, M., 2022. The Distribution of the Sensible in Stevenson’s The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. ActaIassyensiaComparationis, 1(29), pp.57-64.


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