Self Reflection Business Communication Essay
Task: The purpose of this assessment is to provide students with the opportunity to engage in reflective practice, using a range of diagnostic tools and feedback, to identify two key areas of personal capability that can be addressed (improved) to increase their communication effectiveness. This assessment is aimed to assess your ability to demonstrate advanced knowledge in written communication and your skill to autonomously reflect about good practices in workplace communication. Through the process of self-reflection, you will be able to improve your communication competencies through your knowledge of and ability to perform contextually appropriate communicative behaviours.
This assignment has three specific components.
1. Diagnosis and Reflection
- Using 5 diagnostic tools related to communication, you are to analyse your own communication style across various areas such as verbal communication, active listening, non- verbal, and assertiveness perception. You will be given the individual diagnostics during the tutorials. Your tutor/lecturer will check and sign-off that you have completed each individual diagnostic during the tutorials. This means that if you fail to attend some or any of tutorial you will not be able to receive and complete the diagnostics.
- You are to present the findings of the tools. The scores for each diagnostic must be included in your essay. In doing so you will show your understanding of the results as they apply to your personal situation.
- Based upon your analysis of the findings you are to identify two key communication issues that you have identified as requiring development.
- Reflect on two recent professional interactions that you have had within the past 12 months. Analyse these interactions from the perspective of the two key communication issues that are identified as requiring development. To what extent are these evident and support the need for personal communication development?
2. Literature review
You are to identify and explain the two issues from your diagnosis and reflection. You are to define the concepts, outline key models and or behaviours that need to be developed to demonstrate effective practice. This literature review needs to outline both the conceptual (theoretical) and behavioural (interpersonal) skills that you need to acquire to demonstrate competence in your chosen area of communication.
3. Action Plan
As a conclusion, you are to develop an action plan of key events and activities that you can undertake over the next 6 months to acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviours identified as requiring development in component one. This can include the following
- Undertaking specific short courses, to develop skills based on actual courses that are available.
- Undertaking advanced post-graduate communication courses at CQU or other institutions.
- A reading plan to acquire conceptual knowledge, which may include specific communication texts and self-help books which must be specified.
- Maintaining of personal journals reflecting on communication interactions.
- This section must include actionable items with timelines (such as a Gantt chart) and an indication of how you will measure their successful completion.
The following content of the topic goes with a concern of analysis done in favour of self-reflection in relation to the skills of communication that are based on the generated information from the five tools of diagnosis. The diagnosis is taken for representation as well as focussing that which done on the issues of communication which are subjected to be drawn out from the results of the tools related to diagnosis. The concerned issues of communication are namely the anxiety while speaking in public and the low level of tolerance regarding any sort of matter consulting disagreement and violent arguments.
On further assessment, the content of this essay is with the putting of spotlight on the review of literature that is mainly focussed on the key concept along with the consultation of theories that are relevant with the aspects of issues regarding the communication. By procurement of such procedures concerning reflection, I have profited the knowledge regarding various activities in reference to which there can be implementation from myself side in order to rectify the issues regarding communications. The concerted activities are taken in the form of reflections through the consent of open plans preceding the review of the literature.
On the context of competence style in self-perceived communication (SPCC), my score is 69.17 in overall that depicts an overall higher SPCC. Regarding the acquaintances with public, meetings, groups, dyad, and strangers the SPCC score is considered moderate while it is high in case of close acquaintances such as friends. It reveals that I am more comfortable with my friends than being with some other personality or authority. I enjoy more the company of my friends than being with some other acquaintances. Not only within the limit of friends, I am having communication efficiency in other cases also such as being in a large meeting or presenting an expression towards a stranger group while I find myself in really a delicate condition when being placed in a large meeting of strangers.
On the context of the self-report done on a scale of nonverbal immediacy, my overall score is 88 that define me being in a moderate range. As mentioned by Passera et al. (2017), relating to the self-report, implies that I am more of a person with behaviours that involves the moderate use of gestures while confronting with any sort of communication situations. That means my uses of gestures is relatively positive and implement the positive feelings in a moderate way towards the response that comes from opponent. Further, it also implements that my gesture usage limits me to be explanative at a better level in order to please the opponent at a higher level. It also takes down the fact that due to my presence of moderate gestures attributes people might sometimes feel not so expressive to a greater level.
As stated by Bahadori & Hashemizadeh (2018), on context of apprehension of personal report regarding intercultural communication, my overall score is 38 that falls under the moderate range of communication apprehensions. This suggests that I am in case of procuring interactions with people belonging to different cultures, is having a little bit of anxiety and fear. It also reviews that I am not that much interactive with individuals from different cultures. Noting down the interactive culture attributes, I am also not comfortable to share my opinion with them in a friendly manner as done towards my acquaintances. As concerned by Flynn et al. (2013) , the presence of fear is also a cause for my non-interactive nature as mentioned above. It also suggests that I get nervous to a great extent while interacting with different intercultural people.
As opined by Ghani (2017), on context of scale regarding the talkaholic aspect, my score is 34. The score between 30 and 39 are referred as talkaholics in borderline that takes inclusion of me. In respect to the score, I am considered to be amongst those individuals who are not able to take control on their talking in most of the times and sometimes I find myself in situations that restrict me from being silent, even if the demand is not to talk. Further, the analysis revealed that I am unable to keep quiet when I sense the need to talk, and in reference to such aspects, there were responses from other individual's bout my compulsive talking. Referencing to such conditions, I also cannot keep quiet when it is in my senses that the advantage of that situation would be to undertake to talk.
On the context of disagreement tolerance, my score is 45 that indicate me being prone to almost high tolerance regarding disagreement. Thus, I can stimulate a conversation over the disagreement that can take me to more communication procurement. It is also to be noted that I am much more oriented to put disagreement concepts over an ongoing conversation and because of such aspect independent working attributes are my favourable choices.
Regarding the competence scale of self-perceived communication; my total score is 69.17 that depict me to be in the moderate range. As I got 100 in the communication establishment with strangers as well as with the acquaintances, it proves that I am a good communicator within a present group. However, on the other hand, I am having a score of 5 while being in a meeting with strangers or talk to a stranger in a singular number.
Concerning the self-report on non-verbal immediacy, my score is 88 and through my attributes being a male, I fall in the medium range. As mentioned by Passera et al. (2017), this means that I use gestures at a moderate level while any sort of communication with any opponent. As my score is 5 regarding frowns, that is I use facial expressions way too much. I am having a low score of 1 regarding the pursuing of dull voices along with looking away while in between any communication and avoid any touching activity with the communicator. With respect to the Apprehension towards the communications that are based on intercultural aspects, I am having a score of 38, which indicates that I am within the moderate range. My lowest scores are in concern of relaxations while doing any communication activity with stranger followed by the communication with individuals of different cultures. As stated by Bahadori & Hashemizadeh (2018), this suggests that I am duly not relaxed and uncomfortable to a moderate extent in intercultural communications. My highest scores 4 are with the establishment of brave and fair communication with strangers along with having jumbled thoughts while procuring such.
Further concern in reference to my sense of being a talkaholic, gives an output with a score of 34 that categorizes me into a borderline talkaholic. As opined by Ghani (2017), this suggests that I am able to put control over my talking in maximum time. If confronted with situations that demand me to stay quiet, then I find it well difficult. My highest scores are with the facts of me being a compulsive talker and ignore the situations, which appreciate my less talking. Lastly, concerning the disagreement tolerance, analytical score of mine is 45 that are suggestive of me being categorised under the moderate range. Mu maximum scores are 4 regarding the topic of being in discussions that involves disagreement and also I enjoy the company of people who are with a different viewpoint.
The first issue regards me for being equipped with frowning activities while procuring any sort of communicational activity with an individual or a group. From the overall analysis, it has been found that I am lacking proper gestures activities while being confronted with some communicational aspects. I am more oriented to use the frowning gestures that sometimes put negative impact on the ongoing communication curriculum with a particular individual or a group. As mentioned by Passera et al. (2017), it has been also found in the analysis that the procurement of frowning activity by me in between any communicational prospect, it puts up a display of emotions that are considered to be negative regarding feelings of displeasure and anger. The ignitions of reactions from opponent individual is also sometimes opposite to empathy due to the procurement of frowning aspects while putting up a communication setup. It's been also evident from the analysis that my frowning puts up ill-mannered gestures while being in a communication with people with various intercultural.
The next highlighted communication issue that has been put up through the procurement of analysis is my inability or discomfort presentation when I confront myself talking with a stranger for a longer duration. I feel the topic to be in the form of jumbled aspects that I cannot further procure when confronting with a stranger. I feel the presence of dis-confidence while talking with a stranger on a particular topic. As stated by Bahadori & Hashemizadeh (2018), during such acquaintances, I tend to feel high level of anxiety as well as face an unfavorable situation on how to take the topic or further discussion. On such account, I am also unable to reply to the context of chat to my opponent, which is a major drawback of mine. In addition, the concerned inability of mine is subjective to put an unfavourable effect on my opponent regarding our communication that leads them to discontinue the ongoing communication activity.
One of the professional interactions that I faced a couple of months ago on context of my communicational issues was a professional business meeting. During the presentation of project that was given by our director, I suddenly was subjected to the act of frowning that created a negative impression on the present director. As opined by Al-Aufi & Fulton (2015), further the gesture issue was seen several times during the ongoing presentation that impacted on my attitude towards the commitment of project as well the present other fellow individuals along with my director. Further, when I subjected to speak on my opinion, I went on speaking too long that the fact that has to be put forth.
In reference to the above-mentioned content, I strongly feel the issue to be a contributing factor regarding the disruptive development of personal as well as public communication. Such an activity is concerned to put a negative impact, especially on my career field. As mentioned by Pesch Bouncken & Kraus (2016), the lack of proper controlling of gesture activities of mine are considered to be irrelevant towards the discussion and provide an expression of inattentive as well as a discomforting environment that has a direct effect on my career. On further context, I would be unable to make the opponent clear about my perspective to successive approach. Hence, the procurement of such development is required.
Another professional interaction that provoked me to take the decision of undergoing development of personal communication was a professional interview in an MNC firm, which was relative to issue of discomforting while being in a conversation with some stranger. While confronting the interviewer, I was trapped in anxiety as well as fear of interaction. In words of Weakland (2017), the answers of mine, relating to questions that were asked by interviewer, were sort of got jumbled and was unable to provide a clear analysis of the topic. Further, I was unable to establish a clear communication module with the interviewer through which I can take expectations of positive outcomes. In reference to the mentioned issue, the need of communication development is necessary in my context. If there are more incidents, such as the one mentioned, taking place then it would be difficult for me to establish the communication towards every individual that would be indicative of me to be in severe risks. Further cases would restrict me to provide a proper understanding of the fact that I could be trying to depict in the form of words.
In order to understand the effective business communication more clearly it is necessary to evaluate the related theories and models that can help to enhance the skills and use it for a better purpose. The particular two issues that have been identified in the SPCC scorecard are issues raised at the time of communicating with a stranger or an unknown person whether; I was fully comfortable and accurate at the time of talking in a group. The second one is based on the NIS-S scorecard that indicates non-verbal communication issue that expresses improper body language at the time of communicating with other persons. As a businessperson, it is necessary to interact with different unknown people in every day whereas; these issues are creating barriers to establishing a strong communication with stakeholders.
As suggested by Schaltegger & Burritt (2018), the concept of business communication based on two different types which are verbal, non-verbal, written and Electronic. Verbal communication is the oldest type of communication that indicates an extreme dependency on the physical presence of all participants including the attitude of talking with different person. Based on the first issue, the implementation of linear model can be an effective one that can help to develop communication channel. According to the linear model, it refers to constant response of a person with the help of assuming the different behaviour of complex systems.
Linear communication is a one-way communication that mainly focuses to assist consumer behaviour and activities related to providing interaction in the workforce. Based on the viewpoint of Purcell & Scheyvens (2015), issues related to the communication at the time of talking with one stranger can be solved by using this particular model. As a business instructor, linear can help to provide instructions based on the situation. Thus, the businessperson can understand the situation more accurately and assume the complexity of situation. On the other hand, Burns (2016) argues that interactive model is more accurate than a linear model to deal with other stakeholders in a business. It can help to mitigate the issues like communicating with a particular person instead of a group.
The interactive model deals with the transformation of messages and ideas from both sides. It suggests that both the sender and receiver are equally responsible to talk with each other and listen to them. It can be used as a tool for strong communication that can help the business instructor to listen to others words attentively and then answer it accordingly. As perceived from the issue of facing difficulties at the time of talking with one stranger; the interactive model can help to resolve the issues based on this framework.
The second issue arose from the barriers of showing proper body language at the time of business meeting. As suggested by Stephens & Barrett (2016), it can be improved by incorporating proper planning for self-improvement. Interpersonal communication model can be used in this process as an individual can understand communication outcome more clearly. In contrary Christensen, Morsing & Thyssen (2017), argued that interpersonal cannot help a person to improve body languages rather it is only effective to listen and understand the words of an instructor accurately. Thus, the scholars suggested incorporating the behavioural change theories for improvement of non-verbal behaviour.
The scholars have suggested that contemplation is a major criterion of this theory that refers to self-evaluation and analysis. As the businessperson is facing difficulties, regarding due to improper body language it is necessary to self-analysis for the particular reasons that are preventing him to be stable at the time of talking. In case of finding issues such as lack of confidence, anxiety at the time of talking, fear of being outwitted can prevent the person from being performed properly. As suggested by De Leon (2014), the stage of contemplation is effective to find out the flaws and it can help an individual to be prepared for the objectives and goals of improvement. Based on the suggestions of the previous scholar, an individual can prepare some motivational statements and get help from some support groups to understand the particular times when the body language get disturbed in front of people. De Leon (2014) argued that behavioural change perspectives are much effective to change the behaviour of persons. Thus, based on the above findings it can be suggested that behavioural change theory can make greater help in solving the issues of improper body language.
As per the two selected issues, a business can face multiple difficulties and the business executives can be misguided and misinterpreted about the business objectives. Leung, Ang & Tan (2014) opined that the business house could face issues regarding to improper communication channel. In addition to this, an organisation cannot convince its stakeholders and cannot make them involved in a collaborative management process. In order to enhance the objectives of a business and run the business successfully, it is necessary to establish a strong communication channel. Thus, the selected issues cannot allow achieving these factors and creating several hindrances in the workforce.
As a leading business individual it is more important to use the self-characteristics, which are necessary to evaluate the performance. For example, more meetings and group discussion can be arranged among the workers and instruct them about the next business objectives. In addition to this, personal interaction can be arranged with individual employee. Discussion on their personal working issues can help to understand and express opinion based on the factors. Kim (2015) argued that socio-psychological theory of communication is the most effective factor in these perspectives that can be used for non-verbal improvement. Based on the opinion of the scholar, socio-psychology can help an individual to understand thoughts, feelings, and behaviour of other persons. In case a person can have the ability to understand behaviour, feelings, and thoughts of other people, it will be beneficial to make communication according to the expectation of others. The issues of frowning and improper body language can be resolved with the help of socio-psychological help.
After finding out the improper issues and criteria of development with its possible measures, several courses can help to overcome the limitations of communication behaviour. Initially, I have completed communication skills training course form Australian university for gaining confidence I have managed to do. Zhu & Anagondahalli (2018) suggested that confidence is the most important factor that can be used to solve several problems and issues regarding the communication. The outcome I expected to mitigate the anxiety and gain more confidence in whatever I say to others. After completion of the course, I found out that I have managed to gain a lot of patience that can be used at the time of listening to others opinion and suggest them based on the specific factor.
The advanced post-graduate communication course Master of communication specialization is another important one to upgrade the communication criteria better and improved. At this point, I also get help to improve the non-verbal communication gestures and body language in order to involve myself for a proper business outcome. This course is a greater help for me that can satisfy my basic needs for business communication. This course has helped me a lot to upgrade the skills and provide accuracy in verbal and non-verbal communication level. Based on the opinion of Safaei, Moghmizade & Shariati (2014), the postgraduate courses are immensely helpful to develop the business interaction and communication measurement skill for a person.
For a proper discussion and interaction, I get help from the books that are related to self-help and can encourage my motivation level. The book Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking when Stakes are High has helped me a lot to rethink on my capability and use my strong point to motivate others. In addition to, I have also reviewed How to Have Confidence and Power in Dealing with People that has provided me several suggestions regarding the tactics and ways to deal with unknown people. Based on the viewpoints of Shahbaz et al. (2016), reviewing several books can be a great help to make people motivated and worked according to the demand of a situation. Similarly, the knowledge more I gather from books and journals I will be more confident to deal with these issues.
In order to bring more efficiency this time I have prepared a chart to keep track on the performance measurement of myself. I have noted down everyday performance requirement and development result that has made me more confident to find out my loopholes. At the end of six months, I have managed to find out the states of myself. I have found out that I have improved enough from the previous state. The issues related to body language are more accurate at this time and I have gained appreciation from my team members for my body language.
Based on the timeline of self-development process I have divided the findings, measurement and development criteria.
Table: Gantt chart
(Source: Created by author)
From the above content, it is evident that communication development is a key factor in establishing a verbal as well as a non-verbal bond with the confronting individual or a group of individuals. The various aspects concerning talkative levels, self-perceived communication, tolerance disagreement and intercultural apprehensions play a major role in the communication module. One needs to focus on these aspects in order to have an effective as well as long-lasting communication bonding. The mentioned communication issues can be solved through the application of personal communication development courses that would be effective in filling up the gaps that one individual lacks a better communication establishment.
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