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Sociology Assignment: History Of Genocide In Rwandan


Task: The sociology assignment should address the following points:
Is the Rwandan genocide "unthinkable"?
If there was a modern elected government in Rwanda what made this genocide possible?
Even if there were genuine problems why is violence the answer in the post-colony?
Trace the history of the Rwandan genocide, its roots and causes using the readings by Mamdani, Fanon, Eller, and Brubaker.


The present study provided in the sociology assignment focuses upon tracing the history of the genocide in Rwandan along with its roots and causes. The study digs particularly about the violence, distress and atrocities faced by the civilians there and the way it took forward within the post colonialism country despite having the elected government. Hence, the study discusses why the genocide are stated as unthinkable and made it possible there.

Is the Rwandan Genocide Unthinkable including Rwandan Genocide roots and causes?

As described in the book of “When Victims Become Killers”, scholarly and public portrayals of the massacre suffer from three periods of silence (Mamdani, Mahmood, 2020). The first is about the background of genocide: numerous authors wrote as if there is no legacy of genocide as though the Rwandan genocide seemed to have no antecedent, especially in this era rife with deadly conflict. As a result, this Rwandan genocide stands out as an anthropological anomaly. For African people, it becomes a Rwandan anomaly; for non-Africans, Africa is the anomaly. The urge for both becomes to reject Rwanda as unusual. The second reticence is about the genocide's authority: scholarly articles, in example, have emphasised the planning from top in a one-sided way. The people there hesitate in acknowledging out of which much lease explains regarding the participation within the genocide even if it was the initiative taken by the government. Whenever political science portrays genocide as solely a state effort, ignoring its postcolonial theory and "popular" dimensions, the bloodshed is reduced to a series of senseless eruptions, ritualistic and weird, like some ancient primeval spasm brought to light. As evidenced by (), the third obscurity is about the genocide's location as because the genocide occurred inside the borders of Rwanda, here is a general assumption that it was also the result of procedures that occurred within those same borders. A emphasis upon Rwandan state borders necessarily leads to reticence on local dynamics that fuelled the conflict that led to the genocide.

Hence, from the above discussion, it is stated by the people in the country and the other parts of the world that Genocide is understood as unthinkable, and rather than running away from it, people understood that the popularity of the Genocide is making it a uniquely troublesome aspect which in the social aspects intrigues the Hutu/Tutsi violence within the Rwandan genocide that solely invites the comparison reasoning to distress in the society. If there was a modern elected government in Rwanda then what made this genocide possible? Even after being a elected government, Rwanda had still faced genocide which could be traced through the difference between Nazism in Germany and Rwanda violence. As evidenced by Eller and Jack David, within the history of genocide, the Rwandan genocide offers a difficult political challenge. Unlike this same Nazi Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide were conducted ruthlessly from afar, in isolated incarceration centres beyond national lines, by operatives who frequently did little more than drop Zyklon B crystals inside gas chambers from the above. The genocide in Rwanda were performed through using the slashing of hatchets instead of the dropping of crystals, with all of the other terrible precision of a roadside murder instead of the bureaucratic efficiency of a mass elimination. The technological disparity is suggestive of a larger societal divide. The holocaust's weaponry permitted several to slaughter many, however the machete could only be held by a solitary set of hands. To murder even one individual, a hatchet hack took numerous hacks. Assassination with a hatchet was difficult labour, that's why there were sometimes many murderers for each victim. As witnessed by Torres, Sandra (p.300), while the Germans made every effort to segregate victims from offenders, the Rwandan genocide has been a quite personal affair. It was performed through hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people and observed by vast numbers. In a personal conversation in 1997, a Rwanda Patriotic Front–led government minister juxtaposed the two atrocities:

In Germany, Jewish people were removed from their homes, sent to far-flung areas, and murdered nearly anonymously. The Rwandan government did not murder. It prepared, agitated, and tempted the populace. The neighbours assassinated their neighbours." "In Germany, if the populace cooperated in the murdering, this was not explicitly but implicitly. If the neighbour’s kid was slain, it was because they were enlisted in the military."

Why is violence the only answer within the post colony even after having other genuine problems?
As mentioned in books like “The wretched of the Earth”, the national independence, national rebirth, revival of people's political nationhood, common market: whatever the headers or new formulations employed, decolonization is often a violent occurrence (Fanon Frantz). Decolonization is essentially the replacement of one "race" of humans by some other "species'' of humans, no matter what level we analyse it at—individual connections, unique names for sports teams, human mixing at rooster parties, in the military, on the governing committees of federal or investment institutions. There is no transition phase, thus there is a whole, full, and complete substitution. It is true that people may also emphasise the growth of a new country, the establishment of a sovereign government, its diplomatic ties, and its financial and political tendencies. But people have specifically decided to talk about the type of tabula rasa that characterises all decolonization from the start. Its special importance stems from the fact that it has always been the minimal need of the colonised. To be honest, the evidence of accomplishment resides in the transformation of an entire societal system from the ground up (Brubaker, Rogers, p. 30). The exceptional significance of this shift is that it has been bequeathed, requested, and commanded. The demand for fundamental transformation exists in its raw, impulsive, and powerful form in the minds and lives of colonised women and men. However, the likelihood of this shift is also felt as a scary future in the minds of another "race" of males and females: colonisers.

The present study highlights the issues faced by the Democratic of Rwanda during the colonization period and the ways the people there faced distress and violence. The study focuses on the roots and causes of genocide and the way it took place in Rwanda during post colony. Moreover, the focus on how the genocide made it possible in Rwanda even after having an elected government is also mentioned along with why violence is the only answerfordecolonization even after having some other problem is thoroughly discussed.

Brubaker, Rogers. "Ethnicity, race, and nationalism." Annual Review of Sociology 35 (2009): 21-42.
Eller, Jack David. "Ethnicity, Culture, and'The Past'." Michigan Quarterly Review 36.4 (1997) Fanon, Frantz. The wretched of the earth. Grove/Atlantic, Inc., 2007.
Mamdani, Mahmood. When victims become killers. Sociology assignmentPrinceton University Press, 2020
Robinson, Lukin. "When Victims Become Killers: Colonialism, Nativism, and the Genocide in Rwanda/A People Betrayed: The Role of the West in Rwanda's Genocide." Monthly Review 55.7 (2003): 52
Torres, Sandra. "Ethnicity, culture and migration." Routledge handbook of cultural gerontology. Routledge, 2015. 299-306.


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