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Sociology Assignment: Relationship Between The European Council & The European Union


Task: Write a detailed report on sociology assignmenton the topic: Is it fair to assume that the rise of the European Council has fundamentally undermined the institutional balance between the European Commission, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament


The European Council is considered as the collegiate body that illustrates the detailed political priorities and directions of the European Union. The basic purpose of the European council as mentioned within this sociology assignment is to bring the EU leaders altogether in order to set the specific political agenda of the European Union. At the same time, it can be argued that the European Council also emphasizes the highest level of political coordination between the different EU countries. However, in terms of difference, the European Council is termed as the supreme political structure for the EU and the European Commission is a major part of the political administration. The study majorly focuses on the institutional balance between European Union and European Council, along with that the study also emphasizes the institution existence and overall governance of the European Union and council.

Main Body
Relationship amid the European Union and European Council

This essay evaluates the relationship between the European council and the European Union. Conducting the separate policies and also increasing the involving factors in the political areas. The European council promotes national interests and for that reason, the European government is traditionally involved in scrutiny activities for parliamentary purposes. This process helps to highlight the European council and European parliamentary relationship. On the other hand, the European Commission shares the strategies and innovative aims with the parliament. According to the survey, the council is led by the president and effectively focuses on political matters. Adopting the “Lisbon treaty in 2009,” the officeholders are selected by the presidents. Ratification of this factor helps to represent the foreign affairs and the security policy (Wratil and Hobolt, 2019, p.511) Institutional evaluation helps to highlight the post-Lisbon treaty European council and highlights the interaction between the European council and the president. On the other hand, it can be argued that, the analytical process related to the post-Lisbon period and the institutional evolution links between the European Council and the European parliament, and this process helps to highlight the institutional landscape, and the Lisbon party helps to signal supranational legalistic authority (Huheet al., 2018, p.25). It can be argued that the European council assesses the quality of the interaction and also the parliament evaluates the national interest and as well as the budget and authoritative services.

European council in terms of making decisions related to economy in the nations
According to Rosamond and Dupont, (2021, p.348)the European council mediates the interest rates, and also the council meetings help to strengthen the successive treaty form and also European council plays a key role in decision-making purposes, and for that reason European council addressed the European parliament effectively and with the application of the day-to-day meetings and the different policies and also increasing the involving factors in the political areas. The European council promotes national interests and for that reason, the European government is involved in scrutiny works for parliamentary purposes. The European parliament effectively delegates the treaty revision and decision-making process, the European council provides the modified legislative proposals, and the European council attracts the media and reporters for the completion of the votes. The community legislative process needs approval from the council and the gathering of the European Council represents the foreign affairs. The meeting of the European council and the rule of the treaty act captures the traditional party groups and the media. The big members of the states involved in the Lisbon treaty act and the European Council and the European parliament evaluate the responsibilities of the European president. Introducing a policy and the institutional transformation signifies institutional nature and interaction between the law related to the community and super nationalism factors into the institution. The treaty article by Hagemann et al., (2017, p. 850) highlights the power of the public prosecutor’s office and also the decision-making rule of the legislative procedure highlights the power of the parliament. The conflict between the European parliament and for that reason the European council suspended the ordinary legalistic procedure. The European government is involved in parliamentary purposes effectively. The European parliament effectively delegates the treaty revision and decision-making process, the European council provides the modified legislative proposals, and the European council focuses on grabbing the attention of media and reporters for the completion of the votes.

The changes in European Council and the impact of change on undermining institutional balance
It is significant to mention the general political directions of the European Union and the priorities of the council at the same time. Hence, the settings in terms of policy agendas were not merely to adopt or negotiate laws. The strategic alliance of the common foreign area along with the policies of security has glorified justice, security, and freedom. Thus, the European Council has changed superiorly by being capable of guiding and affecting the policy agenda of the EU. In this way, the further functions of the EU can be strategic by 2024. The endorsement of the European Council in October 2019 has been significant for both-sided negotiators. Therefore, it can be argued that the relationships between the EU and the UK in terms of cooperation and trade can be secured. It also has been evidenced that the EU treaties have amalgamated their changes and innovations to the EU functions. Hence, it can be argued that Lisbon Treaty has augmented the efforts to develop the Union of 27 to be more effectual. According to this innovative approach by Berthet and Kantola, (2021, p.147), the policy-making strategy and also the development of the institutional and the legislative approach helps to effectively increase the power of the parliament. The interaction between the president and the European council related to the policies of the European government. The European president plays a major role in day-to-day meetings of the European council and also focuses on the conflict issues of the European Parliament and as well as the European council. Over the decade, the European Council has erstwhile been in the frontline in terms of coping with challenges that the EU has faced involving the finical rises, Russia’s incursion of Ukraine, terror attacks, migrations, the global surge of Covid-19, and the Brexit. Hence, it can be argued that Lisbon Treaty has brought together the state heads along with the member of the states to turn out to utilize the importance of the European Council. Thus, the decision-making of the General Secretariat of the EU Council has been affected by the changes in the agenda. For that reason, the European council effectively focuses on the activeness of the institutional leaders to strengthen the appeal of legitimacy. The link with the legitimacy chain and the key principles of the European council shows the representative manner and the importance of promoting the European country helps to fulfil the demand of the constitutional treaty. As opined by the Raunio and Wagner, (2020, p.547) European council highlights the interaction between the two institutions and the supernatural direction of the other nation-states.

The role of European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Parliament in legislation
The European Council takes the major initiative and also focuses on the majority of the members and outlines the decision-making process related to the legislative. The European council focuses on resuming the legalization process and legislative procedure effectively outlines the power of the parliament. It can be argued that, the conflict between the European parliament and for that reason the European council suspended the ordinary legalistic procedure (Raunio and Wagner 2021, p.20). Interaction with the European parliament effectively influences the degree of the parliament. The decision-making agenda highlights the general affairs of the European council.

The president of the European Council and European Parliament are considered as the leading interlocutors within the institutional relationship. At the same time, it can be argued that, both European Parliament and Council meet quite often within different informal and formal settings. On the other hand, the president of the European Council also meets the members of the European Parliament’s collective leadership strategy, specifically the presidents and chairs of political and leading committees respectively. Intergovernmentalism has been considered as the prevalent factor within European integration, as the governmental body mechanically protected its shared and prerogative sovereignty within supranational institutions to some certain extent in order to gain the common socio-economic objectives. According to Wurzelet al., (2019,p. 250), the European Council came into prominence in the year 1970 in order to charge up the European Community within its difficult times. Right from the beginning, the European Parliament and European council have an effective connection, and the European Council is considered as the major decision-maker within the intra-governmental conference (IGCs). On the other hand, the European Union became adept in terms of influencing the IGC outcomes through the means of coalition formation, indirect participation within the sympathetic national governmental body, communication with the national parliaments and most importantly networking in the major European political groups.

In terms of institutional balance, it can be argued that as the major question of perception along with the reality and EU treaties, political agreement, and case law could regulate the interaction within the institutions, however, day-to-day upgrades are equally vital. According to Chiouet al.,(2020, p. 236), the institutionalism of the European Council and the arrival of an individual president uneased those who have perceived the specific institutional balance of EU as majorly depending on the “Commission-Council-Parliament decision-based triangle”, along with the head of Government or state offering all direction and guidance. The latest, Treaty-linked heft within the European council and their president could destabilize the contract potentially. According to Mhatre et al., (2021, p. 189) the overall structure of the institutional triangle is formed on the basis of the executive and legislative power of the European Union. At the same time, within the European Triangle, the European Commission, European Parliament, and the council of specific European Union are highly responsible in terms of making the decisions and policies.

According to Aden, (2018, p. 989) the major principle of the institutional balance within the EU illustrates that each one of its institutions has to operate as per the powers decided by the treaties, more specifically the classification of the powers. However, it is the major responsibility of the regulatory court of the specific European Union in order to ensure that this specific principle is maintained. It can be argued that the unique Institutional evaluation process to highlight the post-Lisbon treaty European council highlights the interaction between the European council and the president. The European council interacts with the different institutions and also the national leaders

European Council and the well-structured government in assessing agendas
Transparency, Accountability, and Legitimacy are termed as the dominant factors of well-structured governance. It can be argued that the European Council changes have strengthened the principles of public access to information and transparency such as specifying that European Council ministers legislate in public. Hence, the meetings are now being streamed publicly to letting the people know regarding trades, policies, and agendas of the nation. Thus, the law-making systems in the EU have become effortless. In conjunction with the peripheral depiction responsibility of the President of the European Council, the Lisbon Treaty converted the arrangement of the Unionfor Foreign Affair’s superior delegates and security policies and recognized a varied novel EuropeanExternal Action Service (EEAS) to prop up the bureau.As opined by Târleaet al., (2019, p. 25) the certain extent to which the national electorates and national parliaments hold presidents and prime ministers responsible for the conduct of the specific EU affairs differentiates effectively from one country to another country. On the other hand, the political and severity salience associated with the euro crisis also make the entire situation highly complex, and as a European Union institution with specific execution authority, the European Council could be termed as the accountable person within the European level.

On the other hand, the president of the European Council illustrates the overall view of the president’s individual report to the European Parliament as the major component of transparency, not accountability. According to Wasserfallenet al., (2019, p. 25) the European Council majorly balances the particular obligations that are related to professional secrecy and the ever-increasing expectations of greater transparency within informal and formal ways. At the same time, the president’s report to the European Parliament is considered as the formal way of institutional balancing, and the different instruments related to the European Council are linked to press releases, tweets, press conferences through the president of the European council (Rosén and Raube, 2018, p. 74). On the contrary, the European Parliament could not hold the European Council as a major accountable body; however, it could offer a degree of oversight that is majorly consistent with the European Parliament is constitutional functioning of examining the executive. At the same time, it can be argued that, the European Council, however, the relationship between ERPS officials may not prefer the scrutiny conducted by the European Parliament and European Council remains the same.

From the above study, it can be concluded that the major principles of the institutional balance within the European Union are majorly based on each of its institution’s acts according to the powers that are regulated by the treaties. However, the study offered the institutional balance between the European Union and the European council and emphasized the governance structure of the European Union and council.

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