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Software Development Assignment: Agile Methodology Process


Part 1 – Agile processes: Write a report on the SCRUM agile development methodology from the point of view of a programmer trying to argue the case for management of Southern Cross University to adopt the SCRUM methodology for internal system development and contracted (procured) system development. You can assume the organisation has no experience in agile development processes at all so you will need to provide detailed arguments (this is not true but for the purposes of the assignment you should assume it is true).

Your report should be structured as follows:

  1. An overview of Agile processes
  2. An explanation of the SCRUM framework
  3. Arguments for and against the adoption of SCRUM. You will need to reference authoritative sources to convince your management
  4. Clearly identify what sorts of projects would benefit and what sorts of projects will not benefit . This can be part of your point 3 arguments.
  5. An explanation of two aspects of Agile methodologies (XP, SCRUM or other processes) that could be adopted across the organisation, even if some systems were not appropriate for SCRUM. Explain why this is a good idea. (Note that Part 2 of this assignment is an example of one of these and you can include it here if you wish)

The report should not be more than 1500 words. You will not be penalised for going over the limit but it may indicate you have too much detail or your writing is not precise. Feel free to use the above items as major headings in your report/essay, a bit more concise of course. You should add a brief Executive Summary and a brief Conclusion


Executive summary
Agile methodology is the process of building the software in a short period of time. for example if there is any issues in the software during the building of the software or the customer who wants to modify and needs some changes in the software during the building time of the software at that the models like software development life cycle and other manual testing models are difficult to change and modify the changes in the software. In this software development assignment there are various benefits and non-benefits of agile methodology and the scrum process are used to developing the internal systems and other contracted system development for Southern Cross University Scrum methodology is used for building the software in effective and efficient manner.

1) Introduction: In this software development assignment the process of agile methodology will be analyzed to find the various advantages and disadvantages of the agile process. Scrum process will be also going to be analyze in this report for building the internal and external system building. This software development assignment will also explains the various team members in the scrum process and the framework of the scrum and the aspects of scrum in two methodologies like extreme programming and scrum for identifying their aspects. The different benefits of the agile scrum process will going to explain in this software development assignment.

2) Part 1 – Agile processes
Overview of Agile processes: Agile methodology is the process of building the software in a short period of time and it is very easy to modify any changes during the building of the software (Altameem, 2015). This feature only available in the agile methodology because of it has scrum process. This is the process which is used to help the developing of the software. Normally other software building techniques uses the traditional method. Which has some ideas like defining the process, coding the software, integrate the software and testing the software. But the agile methodology uses scrum process which keep on update and retrieve. At any cast we can review and adjust our software according to the customer's specification and customer’s sudden requirements (Carrera, Iglesias & Garijo, 2013).

agile methodology software development assignment

Figure 2 1 overview of agile methodology

The SME (small-medium size enterprises) mainly use the agile methodology. Agile is the term which used in different approaches for developing the software. there are different frameworks are there in the agile methodology like the dynamic method, scrum process, driven development method and crystal method etc. but among the frameworks scrum is the best for maintaining the quality of the software. These are the overview of agile methodologies (Kim, 2016).

SCRUM framework

Scrum framework software development assignment.

Figure 2 2 Scrum framework

Developing the internal systems and other contracted system development for Southern Cross University Scrum methodology is used. As a programmer I strongly recommend the scrum framework for developing the software. Because from the view of programmer there are lot of features and specifications are there in the SCRUM framework. We can change the requirements even before delivery of the software.

In this scenario, Southern Cross University is the customer which needs to develop the internal and contacted system development. So the input is needed to give according to the need. Then it is processed by the end users and other stakeholders and the team. These inputs were mainly given to the product owner to find the problem statement and defining the features of the software. This process is also called the product backlog. Later the team will take the product backlog and arranges the requirement for committing the sprint. Then the meeting for sprint will happen. In that meeting, the various backlogs were identified and then the various product backlog was refined during the period of Sprint event (Sachdeva, 2016). The scrum meeting will happen each and every day under the supervision of the scrum master. Hence the reusability and updating the process in the project and efficiency rate is very high. Once the scrum meeting is done then it is updated again in the sprint and then it will processed by the review team. This process is called as sprint cycle. Later it is moved to the final team called retrospective team. Then the software will be finalized and then approved for the delivery. Later the delivery of the software were done.

  • Scrum master is the person who as couple of roles like keeper and trainer. He is the person who gives proper guidance for the whole team.
  • Product owner is another person in the scrum process who is expert in this process. And he is the person who has contact with the stakeholders for defining the resource needs. He also contacts with the vision team for maintaining the priorities. Development team will develop the software according to instruction given by the product owner.
  • Development team in scrum process is the team which is used to develop the software or system requirement according to the instruction given by the customer. But the customer won't contact the development team directly. They have to explain the requirement to the scrum master and he gives the instruction to the development team for building the system development.

Arguments for and against the adoption of SCRUM
There are different arguments are there against the scrum process. Many of them don't compatible with the scrum process because of the each and everything should be noted during the process. The scrum team members needs to work hard for each and every software development. They must have to work for the organization hardly. These are the genuine reason which is the main reason against the scrum process. The time taken for building the software is more in the SCRUM process. Because there are different process were processed by the different team members in the event. So many of them don't like this process. Instead of the scrum process they use the models and methodologies such as waterfall, software development life cycle etc. (Cohn, 2018)

Benefits and non-benefits
Benefits of scrum: Scrum agile development methodology is the technique which is used to develop the software effectively as well as efficiently. It uses of time and money and big projects are separated into easily controllable sprints. Increases are coded and tested through sprint view. Development projects works are fast moving. The side gets strong discernibility through scrum adopts feedback from customers and stakeholders. Short print can be a feedback. Each team associates are during the scrum meeting. A large team has defined roles and responsibility to define goals. It focused on project goals. Transparency is one of the most important in the agile process and it is advanced stakeholder and projects of the product.

Non-benefits of scrum: Individuals are not very committed and cooperative. It a very big challenge of adopting the scrum in the large team. This surround work can be popular only with knowledge team members. If team members can take a leave, then affecting by project team members. It was very difficult to plan, structure and organization a project. Project life cycle involved in frequent changes, frequent product delivery, and uncertainty. In a successful project depends on the dedication of all participants. It has no deadline delivery to process and managers demanding new functionality to be delivered. It is very well understood the tasked by the small team. There is a larger stress on team members and they have to apply a big amount of period on project development.

Two aspects of agile methodologies
XP: XP is one of the methods used for the software development process in agile technologies. XP stands for the Extreme Programming. Among the various aspects or methodologies present in the agile technologies, this method is considered as the important one. It has some significance than other methods. This method differs from the other methods in some areas. For example, if we consider the other methods it gives the importance for the predictability. But these methods give importance to the adaptability. This method has some common goals. And they are described here.

  • The first and foremost aim of the XP is to improve the productivity and reconcile humanity.
  • To develop the mechanism for creating the change in the society.
  • Develop the path to improve the process.
  • Develop the own style for development activities.
  • Last but not least to develop the set of disciplines for the software development process.

SCRUM: SCRUM is also widely used framework for the software development activities. In this methodology the developer can create the check list with the priorities. There are some certain rules which are already followed in the scrum process. The rules are the team of the particular development won't be less than five people and the max count of the team won't greater than eleven. This is rule which allows the team to interact each and every members in the team. The explanation of scrum process were already explained in the previous parts.

3) Conclusion
From this software development assignment various methods and key findings of agile methodology and its different features were identified and analyzed. The benefits and non-benefits of SCRUM process was identified using this research. Using the overview of SCRUM process lot of key things of the process were analyzed. The two aspects of agile methodology was also identified in this software development assignment. The different benefits and different non-benefits of the project were identified and explained. The two aspects of agile methodologies like XP (extreme programming) and scrum process were also explained in this report. Software development assignments are being prepared by our Information Technology Homework Help experts from top universities which let us to provide you a reliable university assignment help service.

4) References
Altameem, E. (2015). Impact of Agile Methodology on Software Development. Computer And Information Science, 8(2). doi: 10.5539/cis.v8n2p9

Carrera, Á., Iglesias, C., & Garijo, M. (2013). Beast methodology: An agile testing methodology for multi-agent systems based on behaviour driven development. Information Systems Frontiers, 16(2), 169-182. doi: 10.1007/s10796-013-9438-5

Cohn, M. (2018). Four Types of Resistors When Adopting Agile. Retrieved from

Kim, t. (2016). Software development project management using Agile methodology. The Journal Of The Institute Of Internet Broadcasting And Communication, 16(1), 155-162. doi: 10.7236/jiibc.2016.16.1.155

Sachdeva, S. (2016). Scrum Methodology. International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science. doi: 10.18535/ijecs/v5i6.11


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