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Stakeholder Assignment: Article On Impact Of Stakeholder Engagement


Task: Prepare astakeholder assignment analyzing the article “Investigating the impact of stakeholder engagement in the context of large projects: Australia” and also reflect on your personal opinion about the main article.


1) Initial research topic of stakeholder assignment:Investigating the impact of stakeholder engagement in the context of large projects: Australia
2) Summary of the Main Article a. Annotation:
Full Citation:Yang, R.J., Jayasuriya, S., Gunarathna, C., Arashpour, M., Xue, X. and Zhang, G., 2018. The evolution of stakeholder management practices in Australian mega construction projects. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management. Introduction: As per the authors of the article explored in the stakeholder assignment, stakeholders have huge contributions in all kinds of projects, and specifically in mega construction projects. Usually, projects are categorized based on their complexity, associated cost, level of risk visibility, and effectiveness of the project idea. These elements together create a significant challenge for the stakeholders associated with the projects. Usually in Australia mega projects take a significant amount of time to complete, and in such projects, both private and public stakeholders stay engaged. The stakeholders of a project need to identify the social and economic impact of the project. Along with the positive impact, stakeholders need to identify the social and environmental risks associated with the project as well. Based on the risks identified in the stakeholder assignment, the stakeholders need to customize their project management strategies which have a huge level of criticality.

From the pieces of evidence found in this article, it can be stated in the stakeholder assignment that in Australia several mega projects become unsuccessful due to the poor contribution from the stakeholders. According to the Australian Constructors Association effective engagement and contribution from the stakeholders is very important to extract the economic value from the infrastructure based mega projects. From previous pieces of research, the article has identified that from the last two decades the country (Australia) has significantly poor performance is stakeholders' contribution to the mega projects. Aims and Research Method:From the last two decades in Australian mega projects the effective contribution of the stakeholders has not been identified. Multiple pieces of research have analyzed the importance of stakeholders’ contribution to earning the economic value of the mega projects, but throughout the last twenty years, these findings have not been considered by the mega projects. The main purpose of this article/research is to analyze the development of stakeholder analysis and their engagement practices considered by the Australian megaprojects in the last twenty years.

The article has considered a qualitative analysis method. To be very specific the authors of this article have considered four case studies of four Australian megaprojects. A mixed-method has been considered where both secondary and primary data have been collected. The primary data has collected by interviewing the project directors, and the secondary data is collected by reviewing the project documents.

The article used in this stakeholder assignment has significant scope because as mentioned before the Australian megaproject industry has not considered the past theoretical findings regarding the stakeholders’ contribution extracted from the previous pieces of research.The findings of this article may have some serious contributions to this particular scenario.

The usefulness of the Article: The article is very useful considering the main topic, which is "Investigating the impact of stakeholder engagement in the context of large projects: Australia”. This particular article examined in the segments of stakeholder assignment directly targets the megaprojects of Australia. The purpose of this article is directly related to the overall objective of researching this main topic. This article analyses the stakeholders' involvement practices in the Australian megaprojects from the last two decades which directly extracts the essence of the main research topic. Limitations: the only limitation of this article is that the research has been conducted on the Australian Megaproject industry. The problem of stakeholders' contribution is not limited only in Australia. The problem of stakeholders' contribution is there in other projects from other industries as well.

Conclusions:In this article of stakeholder assignment, the authors have considered four different case studies to analyze the evolution of Stakeholders' contribution to Australian mega projects. The article has found that in Australian megaprojects the stakeholders' practices have evolved to a certain level where the project teams have recognized the dynamics stakeholders’ needs.

Reflection: My opinion about this particular article used in the stakeholder assignment is very clear. I am very much satisfied with the review of this article. I am mesmerized for the approach this article has considered to extract information related to the evolution of stakeholders' practices in Australian megaprojects. b. The research process I followed to find this article in order to prepare this stakeholder assignment was very simple. I took the help of Google Scholar. There I used certain keywords like stakeholders' practices, Australian Projects, Importance of stakeholders, etc. During the searching process, I selected the range between the years 2015 and 2020 so that I can get the most updated article.

c. Three indicators effectively derive the credibility of this article.
i. The topic of this article is the first and the most important evidence of its credibility. The topic is directly and integrally linked to the main topic.

ii. The second element is the eligibility of the authors. All of the authors are associated with authentic and reputed institutions like RMIT University (Melbourne, Australia) and Harbin Institute of Technology.

iii. The third and most impactful element that proves its credibility is the research methodology process. The article has considered four different case studies that effectively describes the evolution of the stakeholders' practices in Australian megaprojects.

3) 1stArticle Cited in the Main Article
Citation: Mok, K.Y., Shen, G.Q. and Yang, J. 2015, “Stakeholder management studies in mega construction projects: a review and future directions”, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 33No. 2, pp. 446-457.

a. This particular article utilized in the stakeholder assignment which is cited in the main article is enough credible to consider. First of all, the authors of this article are very much efficient. Another main evidence of its credibility is its publication platform which is the International Journal of project management. This journal platform has significant authenticity and validity among the researchers. Another main evidence of the article’s credibility is its purpose. The article is also focused on the importance of stakeholders’ management in mega construction projects. Another thing which proves the credibility of this article is the research method it pursued

b. I went through the reference list section of the main article explored in the stakeholder assignment and tried to locate certain keywords like stakeholder management, mega projects, stakeholder contribution, etc. By following this process, I was able to identify this article. I also found that as compared to other articles listed on that reference list this article is more updated.

4) 2nd Article Cited in the Main Article
Citation:Yang, R.J. and Shen, G.Q. 2015, “A framework for stakeholder management in construction projects”, Journal of Management in Engineering”, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 04014064-1-04014064-14.

a. There are several pieces of evidence which represent this article's credibility towards the main topic of stakeholder assignment. First of all, both the authors are from recognized institutions like RMIT and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. The another evidence is its publishing platform, which is also enough authentic and globally recognized as well, known as the Journal of Management and Engineering. The third evidence is the purpose of the paper, which effectively satisfies the main research topic.

b. After analyzing the listed references in the main article’s reference list section, I have located this article to prepare this stakeholder assignment.

5) The Summary table:


Article 1 (Yang, et al., 2018)

Article 2 (Mok, Shen, and Yang, 2015)

Article 3 (Yang, and Shen, 2015)

Full Citation

Yang, R.J., Jayasuriya, S., Gunarathna, C., Arashpour, M., Xue, X. and Zhang, G., 2018. The evolution of stakeholder management practices in Australian mega construction projects. Engineering, Construction, and Architectural Management.


Mok, K.Y., Shen, G.Q. and Yang, J. 2015, “Stakeholder management studies in mega construction projects: a review and future directions”, International Journal of Project Management, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 446-457.

Yang, R.J. and Shen, G.Q. 2015, “A framework for stakeholder management in construction projects”, Journal of Management in Engineering”, Vol. 31 No. 4, pp. 04014064-1-04014064-14.

Research Aim

As noted in the stakeholder assignment, research aim is to analyze the evolution of stakeholders’ practices in Australian mega construction projects

To analyze stakeholders’ management in mega construction projects

To deliver a generic framework to represent the stakeholder management practices in construction projects

Research Design

Mixed research Approach with qualitative research method

A qualitative approach with the help of the literature review method.

It has considered six interviews with six different activity groups.

Key Findings

Australian megaprojects the stakeholders' practices have evolved to a certain level where the project teams have recognized the dynamics of stakeholders' needs.

The importance of stakeholders’ management is huge in performing mega construction projects

The article examined in the stakeholder assignment delivers a proposed framework which suggests the possible ways to manage stakeholders in construction projects,


The article is limited to only the construction sector.

This article is also limited to the construction industry.

Limited to the construction industry


This article directly targets the main topic

Addresses the main topic effectively.

Connected to the main topic.

6) The Theme Matrix


Article 1 (Yang, et al., 2018)

Article 1 (Yang, et al., 2018)

Article 1 (Yang, et al., 2018)


Evolution of Stakeholder practices in Australian mega projects.

Stakeholder’s management in mega projects

Stakeholder management practices in the construction sector


Stakeholders’ contribution and project complexity

Interest conflicts among stakeholders

Framework for stakeholder management in construction


Lower Stakeholders’ contribution

Future of Stakeholder management in construction

Possibilities of stakeholder management in construction

7) Reflection
After completing my first four weeks I am feeling quite knowledgeable and satisfied. Throughout the process, I have learned so many things in the context of academic research. I would like to mention herein stakeholder assignment that to me, week 1 was the most interesting. In that week I learned about how to select a research topic. After completing that week, I have gathered knowledge regarding the proper application of project management tools and techniques, developing and enjoying ethical practices of researchers, performing a literature search to address a problem, etc. During this week, I have identified several obstacles to performing research as well.

In the second week, I have learned to perform a literature review. I have got to know that the literature review plays an important role in both a research proposal and a dissertation. The literature review delivers an overall idea about a specific topic based on the analysis of the past literature conducted on that same topic. I have understood the way of selecting articles for the literature review, for example, what artless need to be selected, from where I can have access to the articles, etc.

In week 3 I have learned several areas of academic writing. Here I have got to know what exactly academic writing is, how to paraphrase sentences, and how to avoid plagiarism as much as possible. Maintaining a lower plagiarism rate is very important at the time of performing academic research. Before the week I did not have that much knowledge regarding the term “plagiarism” but now I have. So, I can say that my overall experience during these four weeks was very fruitful and interesting for me.


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