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system testing assignment on testing of software systems


Task: how should software be tested for vulnerabilities and improvements using system testing assignment testing techniques?


Title: Gender Discrimination: A close investigation of its impact on employee performance in an organization: A case study of Samsung.

1. Research Problem
The Business Research assignmentresearch shows that Gender discrimination always has a negative impact on a workplace that makes an employee emotionally brittle (Hussain, 2019). In other words, an employee who is peace loving gets changed into an angry individual. As a result, eliminating gender discrimination has turned out to be imperative for an organization. Gender discrimination eliminates motivation, satisfaction as well as enthusiasm among employees (Lu et al, 2020). The significance of the research lies in the fact that it will investigate the aspects related to workplace gender discrimination.

2. Research Aim
The aim of this Business Research assignmentis to provide an in-depth analysis regarding the cause as well as impact of gender discrimination in Samsung.

3. Research Questions
• How gender inequality in Samsung is influenced by gender discrimination?
• What are the distinctive issues related to gender discrimination in working context?
• What are effectual solutions that can eradicate workplace gender inequalities?

4. Literature Review
Gender Discrimination

Gender discrimination as per Kimet al (2020), is the unequal treatment of the persons or group of persons based on their gender. There are people or organisations which treat the individuals differently for their gender identity. The females and males often face different behaviour from their family members, friends, at workplace and in the society. As opined by Gauciet al(2021), the females also have to face and suffer due to sexual harassment by male members of the society. The Business Research assignmentobserves that not only sexual harassment but also gender based oppression is prevailing even today in most of the societies across the globe. Though the world speaks of progress and development, the ills of the society like gender discrimination still prevail.

Business Research assignment -Gender Discrimination at Workplaces
According to Trianaet al(2019), the female employees often face different treatment than their male colleagues at their workplace. This is because the seeds of gender discrimination are sown deep into the society and also impact the organisational work culture. The various issues related to gender discrimination include unequal pay given to the female employees. As stated by Verniers&Vala(2018), there have been instances where a more qualified woman employee is paid less than her male colleagues just because of her gender identity. The Business Research assignmentresearch shows that female employees also have to face sexual harassment at workplace from their employers or male colleagues. This is an obstacle for a woman at work. More than a man, a woman is judged and differentiated for her race at workplace. There are instances where sexist and racist jokes are cracked about women at work. As per Krishna, Kim & Shim(2021), the promotion of women happen less often at workplace compared to men. Even after receiving promotion at work, the women are criticised by mocking at their reason behind the promotion. Their talent is not valued at work and are often dominated by men. The women often fear asking their employers to pay them as per their worth. The women settle for less to avoid conflicts or harassment at workplace.

Impact of Gender Discrimination on Employee Performance
As stated by Heilman &Caleo(2018), gender discrimination is a challenging issue which organisations are facing today. This problem has prevailed over the years. However, today women are more vocal about their rights. The social media is playing an active role in bringing up gender discrimination issues before the world. The organisations and their HR departments are trying to adopt measures for eliminating gender discrimination from their workplace so that female employees can work safely. According to the Business Research assignment research, the gender discrimination negatively impacts the performance of the employees. The job satisfaction level of the female employees deteriorate due to gender discrimination. The productivity of the women at work drop when faced with sexual harassment or gender discrimination. The female employees lose their motivation to work. As opined by Harnois& Bastos (2018), the commitment of the female employees is affected negatively when they are harassed dominated or oppressed at workplace because of their gender identity. The female employees who are qualified when discriminated because of their gender, lose their enthusiasm to work or put in their efforts. These women at work also face gender discrimination when their talent is not recognised and promotion is held back. This leads to deterioration in their performance outcome. Gender discrimination could aggravate the anxiety level or increase the stress of these female employees at work, which might even lead them to quit their jobs. Li, Lee & Xu (2022) stated that when talent is not recognised due to gender discrimination, the organisational operations are hampered. The decision making is affected, the enactment and execution of plans are hindered and overall organisational performance degrades.

Eradicating Gender Discrimination at Workplace
Kim et al. (2020) stated that in spite of several development that has been made over the decades, gender inequality has still remained a major issue in the workplace. This has ranged from unequal pay rate to harassment witnessed by women. Although, several companies have shown interest in promoting inclusion as well as diversity in the workplace, large companies such as Samsung still lacks gender equality. This has in turn in increased employee turnover rate as well as attrition. The best possible way to eradicate gender inequality as stated by Li, Lee & Xu (2022), in the workplace is to become vocal regarding it. The Business Research assignmentresearch shows major step should be taken in the form of providing proper training to the workforce regarding gender equality. The second step should be in the form of identifying contribution of women in the entry level. Unequal pay should be stopped to eradicate gender discrimination along with putting a stop to biased recruitment strategy.

5. References
Arora, P., & Malam, U. (2018). Impact of Gender Discrimination on Workplace Variables. i-Manager's Journal on Management, Business Research assignment13(3), 5. DOI: 10.26634/jmgt.13.3.14964
Gauci, P., Elmir, R., O'reilly, K., & Peters, K. (2021). Women's experiences of workplace gender discrimination in nursing: An integrative review. Collegian. DOI:
Harnois, C. E., & Bastos, J. L. (2018). Discrimination, harassment, and gendered health inequalities: do perceptions of workplace mistreatment contribute to the gender gap in self-reported health?. Journal of Health and Social Behavior,Business Research assignment 59(2), 283-299. DOI:
Heilman, M. E., &Caleo, S. (2018). Combatting gender discrimination: A lack of fit framework. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 21(5), 725-744. DOI:
Hussain, F. (2019). Gender discrimination in media as workplace: A study of media environment in Sindh. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 18(1), 23-42. DOI:
Kim, G., Kim, J., Lee, S. K., Sim, J., Kim, Y., Yun, B. Y., & Yoon, J. H. (2020). Multidimensional gender discrimination in workplace and depressive symptoms. Plos one,Business Research assignment 15(7), e0234415. DOI:
Krishna, A., Kim, S., & Shim, K. (2021). Unpacking the effects of alleged gender discrimination in the corporate workplace on consumers’ affective responses and relational perceptions. Communication Research, 48(3), 426-453. DOI:
Li, J. Y., Lee, Y., & Xu, D. (2022). The role of strategic internal communication in empowering female employees to cope with workplace gender discrimination. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, (ahead-of-print). DOI:
Lu, D. W., Lall, M. D., Mitzman, J., Heron, S., Pierce, A., Hartman, N. D., ... & Strout, T. D. (2020). # MeToo in EM: a multicenter survey of academic emergency medicine faculty on their experiences with gender discrimination and sexual harassment. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Business Research assignment21(2), 252. DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2019.11.44592 Triana, M. D. C., Jayasinghe, M., Pieper, J. R., Delgado, D. M., & Li, M. (2019). Perceived workplace gender discrimination and employee consequences: A meta-analysis and complementary studies considering country context. Journal of management, 45(6), 2419-2447. DOI:
Verniers, C., &Vala, J. (2018). Justifying gender discrimination in the workplace: The mediating role of motherhood myths. PloS one, 13(1), e0190657. DOI: Research assignment


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