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Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment: A Local Problem with Global Consequences


Task: What are the local and global consequences of Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment affecting urban waterways, and what strategies can mitigate these effects?



Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment pollutes the urban waterways by the inclusion of plastic bottles and bags. Drainage system transfers the water to rivers and lakes. It results in environmental degradation due to the release of toxic chemicals that contaminates the water. This pollution affects the health of aquatic organisms and it results in their death. This affects the vegetation and it results in the loss of vegetation. It creates debris on roads during the rainy season. It restricts the flow of water that increases the risk of acute diseases such as Malaria, dengue and Typhoid. Awareness programs can be run to address the issues of Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment.

Research Question

1. What are the local and global consequences of Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment that affect the waterways of urban areas ?

Literature review

According to Tasseron et al., (2022), urban areas are the major source of water pollution that degrades the environment. Recreation and tourism are the main cause of Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment due to the rise in transportation that affects the hotspot zones. Urban rivers are composed of macroplastics that restrict the mass flow of water. Rudimentary techniques can be used to mobilize the waste products with the help of a hyperspectral system. Restaurant managers can take initiatives to reduce the amount of litter that degrades the water system of communities (Tasseron et al., 2022). Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment can be reduced by the use of proper drainage systems. Wastewater management technologies can be implemented to reduce the level of Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment. Collaboration with developed countries will reduce the impact of water pollution by the implementation of new strategies. Community engagement programs can be launched to enhance the awareness regarding Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment. Stewardship approach will guide towards the sustainable approach that will improve the quality of waterways. Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment affects the waterways of neighboring countries.

According to Sugiura et al., (2021), plastics degraded the urban waterways with the obstruction of the drainage system that resulted in the disruption of the aquatic animals. The use of chemicals such as plasticizers, dyes by the industries affects the environment and it results in the contamination of waterways. Microplastics and synthetic textiles contaminate water due to the presence of multiple vectors. It degrades habitat by affecting the ecosystem (SUGIURA et al., 2021). These waters are not safe for consumption as these consist of pesticides released by several microorganisms. Consumption of the contaminated water increases the risk of various diseases such as Typhoid and Jaundice that sometimes result in death. Proper implementation of water cleaning programs will help to reduce the level of pollution in urban waterways.


Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment affects the urban waterways that increases the risk of disease that sometimes results in death. Microplastics and synthetic contaminants degrade water that affects the life of habitats present inside the ecosystem. The rise in disease affects the health infrastructure that results in the increment of economic burden. Acute and vulnerable disease spread through water pollution that includes Typhoid and Jaundice. Plastic restricts the water flow in the river and drainage system that increases the risk of Malaria and dengue.


SUGIURA, M., TAKADA, H., TAKADA, N., MIZUKAWA, K., TSUYUKI, S., & FURUMAI, H. (2021). Microplastics in urban wastewater and estuarine water: Importance of street runoff. Environmental Monitoring and Contaminants Research, 1, 54-65.

Tasseron, P., Begemann, F., Joosse, N., van der Ploeg, M., van Driel, J., & van Emmerik, T. (2022). Urban water systems as entry points for river Urban Waterways Plastic Pollution assignment.


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